Friday, December 16, 2016

Thank You, Non Voters

'Thank you Non Voters!, Especially the Black Ones'

'Thank you, thank you, thank you, my "don't have anything to lose" African-American Americans!! See, I tried to tell you that you have absolutly "Nothing" to lose by voting for me. How could you possibly 'lose' something you don't already have? How? I mean just Look at you, unlike Me you have no job like Mine, no homes like Mine, no money like Mine, (who Does?) no cars like Mine, and that includes no airplanes, boats, reality shows, no rich neighborhoods like Mine, no Life like Mine, no beautiful rich children like Mine, no Nothing, unlike Mine! You listend to me Just like I knew you would because I scared the jibbies out of you. Boo! And you believed Everything I spit out of my ever lying mouth didn't you. Well, that's politics for you. “We did great with the African American community,” “So good. Remember — remember the famous line, because I talk about crime, I talk about lack of education, I talk about no jobs. And I'd say, what the hell do you have to lose? Right? It's true. And they're smart and they picked up on it like you wouldn't believe. And you know what else? They didn't come out to vote for Hillary. They didn't come out. And that was a big — so thank you to the African American community.” Remember All that silly stuff about Hillary being "crooked" and how she was gonna set you back to the stone age. Boy, you Really got it! And all those great big 'promises' I made, And how about how I dupped you into voting for me, well, Some of you did I'm 'sure'. But what I Really love is how you Didn't Vote! Of course, I didn't 'tell' you Who to vote for now Did I? Did I? Didn't do it. But smart as you people Are, you took my subtle hints to heart and did the right thing. And look at me standing up here being proud of a sector of Americans who simply refused to vote...for Anyone. The black community “came through big league,” “If they had any doubt, they didn't vote. And that was almost as good.” yeah, not Voting at All is "almost" as good as not voting at All. Great. Wonderful. Love those Black folks. Love'em! And They 'love' me. Just wait and see what I'm gonna do for black folks. Just wait. And wait, and wait, and wait. Love'em, Especially the ones that don't Vote. I get elected because people who Can vote, didn't. Ain't America almost great again!
Hey now, did you see me with my new almost BFF Kanye West? Love his hair, almost the color of my Own. How'd he Do that? He's Such a copycat! Great guy. A 'little' crazy perhaps, but gotta love him. They probably should'a kept him in the hospital a little longer. Just sayin'. A lot shorter than I thought he'd be. Talks too much, I couldn't get a word in edgewise so I just 'promised' him a bunch of stuff and got'em outta there. Where do these people Come from!? Where do they Live? But hey, These No 'Voters', are just great folks! Love'em! So you see, I Do have Black 'friends', Some with yellow hair like Mine. Great guy, love his family. I bet They stayed home too. Way to go hyphenated Americans! These next Eight years are gonna be the best you ever did see! Welcome to the 'Whitest' White House Ever! Not to mention the 'Trump Dynasty Hour' coming straight to you from Washington D.C by way of New York City. Thank you Black Americans, I couldn't have done it without your 'help'. Remember, I 'love' you bunches,...really.' ;)


"After allegedly trying to suppress voting, Trump and his fans applaud lower black turnout"

At another of his “thank you” rallies on Thursday night, Donald Trump expressed his deep gratitude to the black voters who didn't turn out to vote last month.

At another of his “thank you” rallies on Thursday night, Donald Trump expressed his deep gratitude to the black voters who didn't turn out to vote last month.

“We did great with the African American community,” he said, during the rally in Hershey, Pa. “So good. Remember — remember the famous line, because I talk about crime, I talk about lack of education, I talk about no jobs. And I'd say, what the hell do you have to lose? Right? It's true. And they're smart and they picked up on it like you wouldn't believe. And you know what else? They didn't come out to vote for Hillary. They didn't come out. And that was a big — so thank you to the African American community.” The crowd applauded.
Trump offered similar praise last week in Michigan — another of the states that he wasn't expected to win, but did. The black community “came through big league,” he said then. “If they had any doubt, they didn't vote. And that was almost as good,” he added.

It's not the case that Trump did particularly well with black voters. Exit polling shows that he got the lowest level of support from black voters of any Republican in the last four decades — except for those Republicans running against the first black president of the United States. He got less support from black voters than George W. Bush did in 2004, for example.

Both nationally and in the states that made the difference for Trump — Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, which he won by a combined 80,000 votes — there's a clear correlation between the density of the black population in a county and the shift in turnout.

Trump had an explanation for the shift in turnout: “A bunch of people didn't show up,” he said in Michigan, “because they felt good about me.”
That's not usually how voting works. Trump and Hillary Clinton were the two most unpopular candidates in modern history, and millions of people turned out to vote without casting a ballot in the presidential race, in many cases, no doubt, because they liked neither option.

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