'Awwww dagnabit Joebillybob, we done gone an got all these brand spankin' new 'tats' fer nuttin! My Arm itches like somethin' crazy! An' I even went an' put ten bucks of go juice in my truck with that money they done give us! I wuz hopin' they'd interview me so's I could tell'em why I got 'lected ta be tha Kleagle Beagle of our 'social club'. Stevie said ta always call it that when them reporters ask us stuff. I sure could use a mayonnaise sandwich an' an RC Cola right n...ow but I ain't got another dime ta ma name. Man we wuz gonna have one hooten good time on that thar TV show, huh! Stevie said we wuz gonna git ta wear our best silk sheets, an' light some crosses, an' do some big parades, an' all kinda cool stuff. Talk about gittin tha 'word' out thar! Reckon we'll have ta pay back that money? Shoot! Now look at us! Ain't nuthin' worst than havin' a 'plan' an' no place ta do it at. Just sittin' 'round here watchin' tha grass grow ain't all that much fun ya know. Maybe we ought ta git some sort o' job or somethin'. Sure wish some o' them black folks would drive by so's we could razz'em real good. Remember tha 'good ol' days when 'everbody' know'ed there 'place', an' we made Sure of it? Boy, what I wouldn't give ta live in 1950 agin! Yeah, I 'Know', I wont even Borned then. Hey, by tha way, how come Stevie gits ta be tha Imperial 'Wizard' anyhow? I never seed him do no magic no how. 'Wizard' my Butt! Hey, up til a few weeks ago I thunk he wuz saying he wuz tha 'Imperial Lizard'! Hahahahahaaa! Git it Joebillybob? A doggone Lizard! Heck, I'm smart 'anuf ta do that job! Oh, by tha way Joebillybob, did ya know that 'Tat' on yer arm is upside down, I think, or sumthin's wrong thar. Hey, wait a cotton-pickin' minute! Your new 'tat' says, 'KayKayKay' dummy! Ain't that supposed to be 'KKK'!? See! Thet's what ya git when ya go an' 'tat' Yourself Bubba! You can't even spell right! Stevie's gonna knock your block off! Man, I'm bored ta tears! Let's see who kin Spit tha furtherist. Boy I tell ya, bein' a 'pure blooded' white American ain't like it used ta be! Wish we could go whip some butt or somethin', an' show them immigrants how proud we is o' bein' Americans.
The network said Saturday it was dropping “Escaping the KKK: A Documentary Series Exposing Hate in America” a day after discovering that “nominal” cash payments were given by third-party producers.
“While we stand behind the intent of the series and the seriousness of the content, these payments are a direct violation of A&E’s policies and practices for a documentary,” the network said in statement.
“Escaping the KKK” was to follow people trying to extract themselves from the racist and anti-Semitic hate group. The network had promised that no payments would be made.
“We had previously provided assurances to the public and to our core partners — including the Anti-Defamation League and Color of Change — that no payment was made to hate group members, and we believed that to be the case at the time,” the network said. “We have now decided not to move forward with airing this project.”
The project triggered wide criticism as soon as it was announced earlier this month. The network, which originally titled the series “Generation KKK,” changed the name and enlisted civil rights groups to collaborate on in-show educational content after getting heat for allowing the KKK’s hate speech to be aired.
In the opening scene of a trailer for the now-scrapped series, the Imperial Wizard of the North Mississippi White Knights is shown giving his young children red Klansman hoods and said he hopes his daughter becomes the first woman Imperial Wizard.
“Our goal with this series has always been to expose and combat racism and hatred in all its forms,” A&E said. “A&E takes the authenticity of its documentary programming and the subject of racism, hatred and violence very seriously.”
While U.S. newspapers, magazines and television news divisions do not generally pay subjects for their interviews, some documentary filmmakers do, though the practice is frowned upon.
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