Tuesday, December 6, 2016

'Deplomacy', What's That All About

'Yeah, "screw" you China, and all your silly chopsticks Too! What are ya gonna Do about it, Huh? What, ya gonna get pissed off at us? Huh?? Huh? What'cha Ya gonna Do, stop flooding our market with 'made in China' junk? Huh? "If China doesn’t like it, screw ‘em,” that's what Mr.President-elect Trump 'thinks'. Yeah! That's right! Yeah! It ain't business as 'usual' anymore, you, you, Junk makers you! We can get our worthless junk someplace Else! There's a new 'sheriff' in town now, and he ain't afraid of Nobody, no more! “We gotta stand by Taiwan,” “We see what’s happening in China with the way they’re saber-rattling out there in the East, and it’s about time we do what Reagan did: We stand up to these bullies and say we’re not gonna let you do this.” Yeah Mr.Trump does 'Not' like bullies! No Sir-ree! When he sees a bully he's the 'first' one to stand up and say, 'No more bullies! Outta here, you're fired, you bully you!' Dipolmacy!? Never heard of it! Nothing like that around here any more. America's gonna stand up and be 'counted' just like Mr. Trump did during his peaceful campaign. If you don't like us then we're just gonna say, “If China doesn’t like it, screw ‘em”! “I love the fact that Trump did that.” “Too many mamby-pamby people in the foreign policy shop are saying, ‘Oh my gosh we can’t do this, we might insult the Chinese.’” Well, Guess What boys and girls, we don't give a big hoot Who we piss off anymore. The world is our 'China Shop', and we're the Bull! We don't need a bunch of slackers pushing us around anymore like the mean ol' bullies they are! We can be Just as 'bully' as They are! Maybe even More so! We're gonna turn this whole world over on it's ear and do whatEver we please no matter how much if offends Anyone! There's no more 'Mr. Niceguy deplomacy'! The 'pecking order' starts at the Top, and we Are the Top! Mr.Trump plans to be very close 'friends' with his BFF dictator Putin, and that crazy drug murdering dictator in the Philippines, and anybody Else who can properly teach him How to 'dictate', and if China wants to be in on the ground floor of this crazy ride they better lighten up or miss the boat. They 'need' us, we don't need Them! We just don't need their stinkin' plastic rice anymore! Or my name's not 'Stephen Moore, an 'Economic Adviser' to Donald Trump', and you know what, I know just about everything there is to know about anything there is to know about economics and stuff like that. Why, I'll probably Ever forget that six month class I took down at the local junior college! Boy, talk about 'learning' a lot of stuff! Did I ever! Of course I skipped right through my 'How to be diplomatic' course. Mr.Trump and I went fishing that day! Well, looks like I got a Another 'tweet' from Mr.Tweeter himself, seems he's pissed off about some silly TV show where they dress up like him. I'm gonna go down there and bust up their cameras or somethig, doggone Bullies! We sure do 'hate' bullies!' :/


Trump Adviser: ‘Screw’ China If It Doesn’t Like Taiwan Call

It’s time America “stand up to these bullies and say we’re not gonna let you do this.”

12/05/2016 10:00 pm ET
JEFF KOWALSKY via Getty Images
Stephen Moore, an economic adviser to Donald Trump, made crystal clear during an interview Monday how he felt about the president-elect’s call with the president of Taiwan.
If China doesn’t like it, screw ‘em,” Moore, one of five Steves on Trump’s economic advisory team, told the hosts of the Big John and Ray radio show, according to CNN.
“We gotta stand by Taiwan,” he continued. “We see what’s happening in China with the way they’re saber-rattling out there in the East, and it’s about time we do what Reagan did: We stand up to these bullies and say we’re not gonna let you do this.”
Trump’s phone conversation with Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ying-wen, marked the first time in more than 30 years than an American president-elect has talked to a leader of the island, which the U.S. does not officially recognize as a sovereign nation.
Trump tweeted on Friday that he had spoken with Tsai, saying she called “to wish me congratulations on winning the Presidency.”
The controversial call illustrated the untraditional and, frankly, alarming approach Trump is taking toward diplomacy, causing many experts to say the president-elect may have altered decades of relations with China.
The White House stood by its longtime foreign policy stance after news of the call broke, saying in a statement on Friday that it remained “firmly committed to our ‘one China’ policy,’” which maintains that Taiwan is part of China.
Moore, however, said he welcomes Trump’s unconventional tactics.
“I love the fact that Trump did that,” he said. “Too many mamby-pamby people in the foreign policy shop are saying, ‘Oh my gosh we can’t do this, we might insult the Chinese.’”
Listen to the full interview with Moore on the Big John and Ray website.

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