Saturday, December 31, 2016

Let's "Move On" Say's Trump

'Let's "Move On" Folks, Nothing To 'See' Here'

'Oh come On people, we should "move on with our lives", what's a 'little' hacking got to do with Me being your new 'King'? Russia is our 'friend', and Vlad is my new BFF-FWB, and I will simply have No one speaking Ill of him. I say right to the camera, through one of my 'spokes persons', 'Stop it, just Stop it!' Vlad 'assures' me that he knows absolutly 'nothing' about this so called, and I remind you, 'alledged', hacking of o...ur Voting system, nor of this alledged hacking of the Vermont utility station. Let's just pretend that None of this actually ever 'happened' , which I'm told by my friend Vlad that it 'never' actually Did, and just let me pretend to be the Already 'greatest' reality show President Ever! Really! Right Vlad...Vlad...Vlad, are you There Vlad...rats, my computor just
'froze ' up......Vlad...??'


'Russia hacking code' found on Vermont utility computer

Electricity substation, undated imageImage copyrightGetty Images
An electrical company in the US state of Vermont says it has found malware code allegedly used by Russian hackers on one of its company laptops.
The Burlington Electric Department said it had taken "immediate action to isolate" the computer, which was not connected to the electrical grid.
The government alerted them to the "Grizzly Steppe" code on Thursday.
The same day, the US expelled 35 Russian diplomats over alleged Russian interference in November's election.
Moscow has denied any involvement in the hacking of the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
On Friday, US President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin for not expelling American diplomats in a tit-for-tat response.
Diplomatic spat goes undiplomatic
Can the hack be traced to Russia?
The Burlington company said it was "working with federal officials to trace this malware and prevent any other attempts to infiltrate utility systems".
It has also briefed state officials and vowed to fully support the investigation.
Peter ShumlinImage copyrightAP
Image caption Peter Shumlin, Democrat governor of Vermont, said Vladimir Putin had been trying to hack the state's power grid
The statement followed a Washington Post report, citing unnamed US officials, that Russian hackers had penetrated the electrical facility, underlining the vulnerability of America's national grid.
According to the news website, US authorities were unclear why Russian hackers might have targeted the grid.
"The incursion may have been designed to disrupt the utility's operations or as a test to see whether they could penetrate a portion of the grid," it added.

'Systemic, relentless, predatory'

Politicians in Vermont, including the Democrat Governor, Peter Shumlin, are calling for a full investigation into the incident.
"Vermonters and all Americans should be both alarmed and outraged that one of the world's leading thugs, [Russian President] Vladimir Putin, has been attempting to hack our electric grid, which we rely upon to support our quality-of-life, economy, health, and safety," he said in a statement.
Democratic congressman Peter Welch said the discovery showed "how rampant Russian hacking is".
"It's systemic, relentless, predatory," he added.
US officials believe Russia was behind the hacking of Ukraine's electrical grid in December 2015, which plunged parts of the country into darkness and left about 225,000 people without power.
Experts said it was the first known power outage caused by a cyber attack.

Watch: The Ukraine blackout 'hack attack' explained

Media captionWatch: The Ukraine power blackout 'hack attack' explained

'Vlad, The Smart'

'Vlad, The 'Smart'

'Oh my 'Comrade' you are one "smart" guy! I always 'knew' you were "always very smart"! Vlad is gonna be the 'best' thing that has Ever happened to America, not only America, but the Whole World! Trust me! And you know what, I'll do everything in my power to 'help' my BFF-FWB to do whatever he wants to do. What a great guy! Love'em! Great family guy! Have you Ever seen a more benevolent dictator!? And look how he has practically 'forgiven' America for s...tupidly ruining Christmas for all those little Russian 'spy' children by closing down their 'Vacation' camp. And look how sweet Vlad is in return by inviting our American Diplomats children to enjoy Christmas at the Kremlin with him. What a guy! What a very good man! My BFF should sleep well though because after the 20th I will simply Reverse Obama's ruling, and throw the 'Diplomatic' door wide open for Russia's 'innocent' employees that Obama kicked out. They can Then bring in as many as they wish. In fact, I think I'll let them have an 'office' in the White House. My good friend Vlad has assured me, in fact, Promised me, that he is the 'best friend' that America has ever had, and has only honorable intentions towards Americans, and just wants to help me 'Make America Great Again'. It nearly brings a tear to one of my eyes just thinking about his kindness not only to Me, but to the whole world in general. The world is certainly a 'better' place because of my BFF Vlad, not to mention Myself. He has done So much for nearly every country he has 'volunteered' to help be a better place. And he assures me that he is Not nearly finished with his 'Nation Building' efforts, and that's why he has volunteered to help Me, 'help' America. What a guy! Welcome aboard Vlad!
"Great Move" Vlad, 'all' Americans look forward to a cozy, friendly, innocent, and 'honest' relationship with You my FWB-FWB'. ;/


Trump praises 'very smart' Putin on sanctions response

Trump praises 'very smart' Putin on sanctions response
© Getty Images
President-elect Donald Trump on Friday lauded Russian President Vladimir Putin as "very smart" for not retaliating against the U.S. for new sanctions unveiled this week.
"Great move on delay (by V. Putin) — I always knew he was very smart!" Trump tweeted Friday. 

Minutes after Trump's tweet, the Russian Embassy in the United States of America retweeted the message on its account.
President Obama on Friday announced that 35 Russian officials were being expelled from the U.S. as well as a wide swath of economic sanctions.
The move was in retaliation after the U.S. intelligence community determined that Russia was behind hacks of Democratic operatives and groups during the election.
A secret CIA assessment reportedly determined that the Kremlin interfered in the election specifically to get Trump elected.
Russia and Trump have denied Moscow interfered in the election, with Trump framing the accusations as an attempt to delegitimize his Election Day victory. 
Trump said in a statement Thursday evening that he will meet with the intelligence community for an update on the "facts of this situation.”
Putin on Friday announced he wouldn’t retaliate for Obama’s sanctions, instead waiting to work with Trump after his inauguration next month.
Both Trump and Putin have signaled they are looking forward to a warming between the two countries, but Trump's reaction has drawn criticism from Democrats and some Republicans who believe Russia needs to be punished for the hacks. 
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), a member of the House Select Intelligence Committee, accused Russia of trying to control Trump with the "shrewd" decision to refuse to retaliate. 
"The Russians hope to get everything they want from Donald Trump merely by flattering the man. So far, it's been successful," Schiff said Friday on MSNBC. 
"If they can get what they want just by saying nice things about the man, why risk upsetting the apple cart over a few expulsions?"

Friday, December 30, 2016

'Looook Intooo Myyy Eyessss...'

'Looook Intooo Myyy Eyessss...

'Oh you crazy Americans, always doing funny. I see you have kicked from your crazy country some of my good spys. I not to worry, they were homesick anyway. They were too fat on American hamburgers, so now come home for special 'diet'. They will be much welcomed in most comfortable Siberian gulag. We have plenty more 'spy' stations in your wide open country to cry over silly thing. We always make big joke that, 'Only in America allow 'enemy' to have 'spy' stations'. HaHaaaa...HaHaaaaa! And you surprised that we 'spy' on you?? You 'knew' we were a 'snake' when you let us In! Not to worry though. I am benevolent dictator. I will not kick from my country Your 'spys'. How crazy that would be! We 'know' all of them, why would we want New ones? Besides, soon my BFF-FWB 'comrade' will kick out of White House Obama, and he will re-open our 'harmless' spy houses. All forgiven. They were just 'reporters' reporting on American 'news' Anyway. Not to worry Americans, Russia always have your 'best interest' at heart, just like new President. Really! No kidding, This time. Honest! Look into my eyyyyesss...deeeeper...deeeperrr getting sleeeepy..falling into myyyy leetle spy traaap...deeeeeperrrr..I am your 'friend'...your BFF-FWB, or whichever comes firrrrst...when you awaken after January 20, you will remember nothinnnng...except I am your BFF, and new President My leettle puppet....deeeeper now....sleeeep wellll my 'friends'.

Russia will not expel anyone in response to U.S. sanctions, Putin says

By Polina Devitt and Polina Nikolskaya| MOSCOW
MOSCOW President Vladimir Putin said Moscow would not expel anyone in response to Washington's decision to throw out 35 suspected Russian spies and sanction intelligence agencies it believes were involved in computer hacking in the 2016 presidential election.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov earlier proposed expelling 35 U.S. diplomats after outgoing U.S. President Barack Obama ordered the expulsions and sanctions on Thursday.
But Putin said he would wait for the actions of President-elect Donald Trump, who will take office on Jan. 20, before deciding on any further steps in relations with the United States.
"We will not expel anyone," Putin said in a statement on Friday. "While keeping the right for retaliatory measures, we will not descend to the level of 'kitchen', irresponsible diplomacy."
He even invited the children of U.S. diplomats to a party in the Kremlin.
It was not clear whether Trump, who has repeatedly praised Putin and nominated people seen as friendly toward Moscow to senior administration posts, would seek to roll back the measures which mark a new post-Cold War low in U.S.-Russian ties.
Russian officials have portrayed the sanctions as a last act of a lame-duck president and suggested that Trump could reverse them when he takes over the White House.
"Further steps towards the restoration of Russian-American relations will be built on the basis of the policy which the administration of President D. Trump will carry out," said Putin.
In a separate message of New Year congratulations to Trump, he said Russia-U.S. relations were an important factor for maintaining global safety and stability.
The U.S. sanctions also closed two Russian compounds in New York and Maryland that the administration said were used by Russian personnel for "intelligence-related purposes".
However, a former Russian Foreign Ministry employee told Reuters that the facility in Maryland was a dacha used by diplomatic staff and their children.
Lavrov also proposed banning U.S. diplomats from using a dacha in Moscow's prestigious waterfront park area, Serebryany Bor.
But Putin said Russia would not prohibit U.S. diplomats and their families from their usual vacation spots. "Moreover, I invite all children of American diplomats accredited in Russia to the New Year and Christmas party in the Kremlin," he said.
Obama, a Democrat, had promised consequences after U.S. intelligence officials blamed Russia for hacks intended to influence the 2016 election. Officials pointed the finger directly at Putin for personally directing the efforts and primarily targeting Democrats.
Washington put sanctions on two Russian intelligence agencies, the GRU and the FSB, four GRU officers and three companies that he said "provided material support to the GRU’s cyber operations".

"EMBITTERED LOSERS"Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was more outspoken in his criticism. "It is regrettable that the Obama administration, which started out by restoring our ties, is ending its term in an anti-Russia death throes. RIP," he wrote on his official Facebook page.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called the Obama administration "a group of embittered and dimwitted foreign policy losers".
Obama said Americans should be alarmed by Russia's actions in the U.S. election.
"These actions follow repeated private and public warnings that we have issued to the Russian government, and are a necessary and appropriate response to efforts to harm U.S. interests in violation of established international norms of behavior," he said in a statement from Hawaii, where he is on vacation.
The sanctions were the strongest response yet by the his administration to Russian cyber activities. However, a senior administration official acknowledged that Trump could reverse them and allow Russian intelligence officials back into the United States once he takes office.
Trump has brushed aside allegations from the CIA and other intelligence agencies that Russia was behind the cyber attacks. He said on Thursday he would meet with intelligence officials soon. "It's time for our country to move on to bigger and better things," Trump said in a statement.
"Nevertheless, in the interest of our country and its great people, I will meet with leaders of the intelligence community next week in order to be updated on the facts of this situation," he said, without mentioning Russia.
U.S. intelligence agencies say Russia was behind hacks into Democratic Party organizations and operatives before the Nov. 8 presidential election. U.S. intelligence officials say the Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Trump defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told Fox News he did not condone foreign governments hacking U.S. institutions.
"It’s wrong and it’s something we don’t agree with," Priebus said. "However, it would be nice if we could get to a place where the intelligence community in unison can tell us what it is that has been going on and what the investigation was and what it has led to so that we can respond."

"PERSONA NON GRATA" Obama said the State Department declared as "persona non grata" 35 Russian intelligence operatives and was closing the two Russian compounds. The 45-acre complex in Maryland includes a Georgian-style brick mansion, swimming pool, tennis courts and cottages for embassy staff.
A senior U.S. official told Reuters the expulsions would come from the Russian embassy in Washington and consulate in San Francisco.
The Russians have 72 hours to leave the United States, the official said. Access to the two compounds will be denied to all Russian officials as of noon on Friday.
The State Department has long complained that Russian security agents and traffic police have harassed U.S. diplomats in Moscow, and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has raised the issue with Putin and Lavrov.
The U.S. official declined to name the Russian diplomats who would be affected, although it is understood that Russia's ambassador to the United States, Sergei Kislyak, will not be one of those expelled.
Obama said the actions announced on Thursday were just the beginning.
"These actions are not the sum total of our response to Russia’s aggressive activities. We will continue to take a variety of actions at a time and place of our choosing, some of which will not be publicized," Obama said.
A report detailing Russia's interference in the 2016 election as well as cyber attacks in previous election cycles would be delivered to Congress in the coming days, he added.

(Additional reporting by Dustin Volz, Yeganeh Torbati, Eric Beech and Nikolai Pavlov in Washington and Katya Golubkova and Svetlana Reiter in Moscow; Writing by Anna Willard; Editing by David Stamp)

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thank You Comrades!

'Thank You Comrades'

'Hey, 'they' don't call me a 'suck up' politician for nothing! It pains me to no end that hardly Anyone, until Now, outside my immediate relatives, seldom even hear my Name, let Alone know that next to Trump, my Other favorite Hero just happens to be Vlad Putin. What a Guy! What a manly specimen of humanity! What a great, and compassionate 'leader' of men is he! What a great Dictator, not to mention the greatist 'peace maker' the world has ever laid sore eyes on. And how... about his 'Nation Building' prowess! And how about his 'Hacking' skills! I mean, could Anyone do it Better!? That guy is one slick 'spy guy'! Or as they say in Russia, 'Эй Америка, если у вас есть «секретов», у нас есть он 'Hack''. (Hey America, if you have the 'secrets', we have the Hack)
But hey, what a job they did, huh? “If Russia succeeded in giving the American people information that was accurate, then they merely did what the media should’ve done.” So, I ask you my fellow Americans, is That so 'wrong'? Is it!? I mean, really? Of course “There’s no suggestion that Russia hacked into our voting systems or anything like that,” but even if they Did, which Mr. Trump and I Both 'know' they 'didn't', doesn't it seem like our Own "media" should have done it Instead? It's not like they 'stole' some silly top secret blueprints to a new Bomber or something. Geeez! Vlad just would 'not' do that! I, for One, 'trust' him with my whole being. I mean, come On folks, the media lies to us all the time, they spread rumors like there's no tomorrow, and yet they can't do a little 'hacking' on their Own??? Slackers! This will Never do! They must Up their game! I aim to sponsor a 'bill' that will require all 'reporters' to enroll in a government sponsored 'Hacking' school so that this will never happen again. We Must be able to hack our Own if we are to continue being a free and transparant country. But until then I must shower accolades on our good 'friend' Russia for doing our 'media's' job for them. Good job guys, and keep up the 'good' work. In 'fact', I have invited Mr. Putin to come to America where he will be awarded the 'Journalistic Freedom In Hacking Award', along with a top level pass to tour our Pentagon, and our useless CIA, and likewise Secret Service operations centers. I'm sure he will be able to clue these services as to how to properly run secret operations, and Maybe even give a few classes on 'hacking' skills.' :/:/


GOP Congressman: Russian Hackers ‘Merely Did What The Media Should’ve Done’

What some might call cyberwarfare others apparently consider journalistic best practices.

12/29/2016 05:20 pm ET
If it were up to Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), the media would start taking its cues from Russian hackers.
The Republican congressman appeared on MSNBC with Hallie Jackson on Thursday to deny that Russia hacked into U.S. government servers in an attempt to tip the election for Donald Trump, despite the fact that both the FBI and CIA agree it happened.
“There’s no suggestion that Russia hacked into our voting systems or anything like that,” Franks said Thursday. “If Russia succeeded in giving the American people information that was accurate, then they merely did what the media should’ve done.”
Franks’ comments echo similar sentiments voiced by President-elect Trump, who has called the intelligence community’s reports “ridiculous.”
“I don’t believe they interfered. That became a laughing point, not a talking point, a laughing point. Any time I do something, they say ‘oh, Russia interfered,’” he told Time magazine earlier this month. “It could be Russia. And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey.”
Trump said Wednesday that it was “time to move on” from the Russian hacking investigation altogether.
But President Barack Obama is taking the mounting evidence brought against Russia seriously. He sanctioned Russian officials Thursday over the election meddling, which involved hacking into and leaking emails from Democratic operatives.
“All Americans should be alarmed by Russia’s actions,” the president said in a statement.
That is, unless you’re a member of the media ― in which case you should start taking notes, according to Franks.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


'Awwww dagnabit Joebillybob, we done gone an got all these brand spankin' new 'tats' fer nuttin! My Arm itches like somethin' crazy! An' I even went an' put ten bucks of go juice in my truck with that money they done give us! I wuz hopin' they'd interview me so's I could tell'em why I got 'lected ta be tha Kleagle Beagle of our 'social club'. Stevie said ta always call it that when them reporters ask us stuff. I sure could use a mayonnaise sandwich an' an RC Cola right n...ow but I ain't got another dime ta ma name. Man we wuz gonna have one hooten good time on that thar TV show, huh! Stevie said we wuz gonna git ta wear our best silk sheets, an' light some crosses, an' do some big parades, an' all kinda cool stuff. Talk about gittin tha 'word' out thar! Reckon we'll have ta pay back that money? Shoot! Now look at us! Ain't nuthin' worst than havin' a 'plan' an' no place ta do it at. Just sittin' 'round here watchin' tha grass grow ain't all that much fun ya know. Maybe we ought ta git some sort o' job or somethin'. Sure wish some o' them black folks would drive by so's we could razz'em real good. Remember tha 'good ol' days when 'everbody' know'ed there 'place', an' we made Sure of it? Boy, what I wouldn't give ta live in 1950 agin! Yeah, I 'Know', I wont even Borned then. Hey, by tha way, how come Stevie gits ta be tha Imperial 'Wizard' anyhow? I never seed him do no magic no how. 'Wizard' my Butt! Hey, up til a few weeks ago I thunk he wuz saying he wuz tha 'Imperial Lizard'! Hahahahahaaa! Git it Joebillybob? A doggone Lizard! Heck, I'm smart 'anuf ta do that job! Oh, by tha way Joebillybob, did ya know that 'Tat' on yer arm is upside down, I think, or sumthin's wrong thar. Hey, wait a cotton-pickin' minute! Your new 'tat' says, 'KayKayKay' dummy! Ain't that supposed to be 'KKK'!? See! Thet's what ya git when ya go an' 'tat' Yourself Bubba! You can't even spell right! Stevie's gonna knock your block off! Man, I'm bored ta tears! Let's see who kin Spit tha furtherist. Boy I tell ya, bein' a 'pure blooded' white American ain't like it used ta be! Wish we could go whip some butt or somethin', an' show them immigrants how proud we is o' bein' Americans.

A&E scraps KKK series after learning of cash payments

var _ndnq = _ndnq || []; _ndnq.push([’embed’]);
NEW YORK (AP) — A&E is scrapping plans for an eight-part documentary series about the Ku Klux Klan after finding out that some participants of the hate group were paid for their work on it.
The network said Saturday it was dropping “Escaping the KKK: A Documentary Series Exposing Hate in America” a day after discovering that “nominal” cash payments were given by third-party producers.
In this undated photo provided by This Is Just A Test (TIJAT) Media and the A&E Network, peace activist Arno Michaelis, left, speaks with Chris Buckley, the Grand Knighthawk for the North Georgia White Knights, on A&E's documentary series “Generation KKK,” which premiers on January 10 at 10 p.m. ET/PT. (TIJAT/A&E via AP)
Peace activist Arno Michaelis, left, speaks with Chris Buckley, the Grand Knighthawk for the North Georgia White Knights, on A&E’s documentary series “Generation KKK.” (TIJAT/A&E via Associated Press)
“While we stand behind the intent of the series and the seriousness of the content, these payments are a direct violation of A&E’s policies and practices for a documentary,” the network said in statement.
“Escaping the KKK” was to follow people trying to extract themselves from the racist and anti-Semitic hate group. The network had promised that no payments would be made.
“We had previously provided assurances to the public and to our core partners — including the Anti-Defamation League and Color of Change — that no payment was made to hate group members, and we believed that to be the case at the time,” the network said. “We have now decided not to move forward with airing this project.”
The project triggered wide criticism as soon as it was announced earlier this month. The network, which originally titled the series “Generation KKK,” changed the name and enlisted civil rights groups to collaborate on in-show educational content after getting heat for allowing the KKK’s hate speech to be aired.
In the opening scene of a trailer for the now-scrapped series, the Imperial Wizard of the North Mississippi White Knights is shown giving his young children red Klansman hoods and said he hopes his daughter becomes the first woman Imperial Wizard.
“Our goal with this series has always been to expose and combat racism and hatred in all its forms,” A&E said. “A&E takes the authenticity of its documentary programming and the subject of racism, hatred and violence very seriously.”
While U.S. newspapers, magazines and television news divisions do not generally pay subjects for their interviews, some documentary filmmakers do, though the practice is frowned upon.

"I Will Give You A Whack" says, Duterte

"I Will Give You A Whack"

' Ohhhh, Bangko Sentral Governor Amando Tetangco, I will give you Such "a whack"! And I think you 'know' what I Mean by a "whack", you, you, you potential 'drug user' meanie you! How dare you defy me, Me your exalted supreme 'leader', your savior of all things, me, the Only person on Earth that is able to save My country from the ravages of American induced drug apathy. You are a 'brave' man Amando! Very brave indeed. In any other drug torn country you would no doubt recieve some sort of 'bravery' metal. But alas, here in the Phillipines you will recieve only a wooden 'momento', you Know, a Box, about Six feet long, two feet wide and one foot deep. And if you Still don't know what I'm talking about, I'll be happy to hop on my moped tonight and 'drive by' your shanty.
No one in their right mind defies me Amando, keeper of our money. Well, that is Except Mine. I would Never keep my American greenbacks in a bank that also holds our own national currency. It would be a travesty to defile our Own money by having it on the same shelf with that nasty, filthy, drug laced American dollars! That's why I keep my 'personal' fortune someplace where it will not be able to contaminate our Philippino Peso. You see, I am a very astute 'dictator', wise in the way of proper dictatorship, and even wiser in the way of proper intimidation of Anyone who dares stand up to me.
Amando, I say This to your 'brave' face, "I am going to charge all of you there criminally ... and count 1-2-3 and if you don't resign I will treat you as drug addicts." "You guys there are all corrupt. You better watch out. I will bring you down. Tetangco is about to retire, better prepare there, I will give you a whack." I am the Only Phillipino that is 'not' corrupt. There are absolutly No 'skeletons' in My closet. Well, there may be a few pushing up daisys somewhere, but Not in my Closet!
And you thought I could not even count that far! Do you really want to be on my little 'Suspected Drug User' list? Is your family Really ready for your Funeral? Just how 'brave' Are you Amando? You 'know' that I cannot control these crazy 'vigilantes' that have been, without my 'approval' of course, going around slaughtering drug users and whores all across our wonderful country, don't you. Who Are those crazy guys? Everyone must be Totally scared to 'death' of them by now, or at Least totally Dead. So, I think that you do Not want them to 'visit' you in the middle of the night, And, while giving You your deserved "whack", 'accidentally' 'whacking' some of your innocent family members, now Do you. Do you really want to hear that Ka-Boom,Ka-Boom,Ka-Boom at your door Amando? Sweetdreams my 'friend'.
Everyone, at least everyone who wants to see Tomorrow, supports my 'efforts' at ridding our country of 'suspected' drug users. And while it's 'true' that in the process there will be Many Innocent 'suspects' who will be murdered right along with a few of those who might have actually been 'guilty', this is the 'price' the Philippines must pay for 'safe' streets and 'honest' bankers. Remember, Jesus will sort out the innocent dead from the guilty. That is Not My 'job' as your ruthless 'dictator'. 'Only' about 6,000 'suspects' have been humanely Killed, and yes, some would erroneously use the word 'Murdered', since I 'took over' my country. I am surprised at such a Low number! Surely we can do better than That! I see drug pushers, and users, and whores everywhere I look! I'm adding More to my 'suspect list' everyday! We are always looking for More well trained 'vigilantes' to help rid our country of 'suspects', and those who would be brave, and stupid enough to defy me. But, we are making headway.
I personally conducted a nationwide 'poll', and one hundred percent of those who answered that poll 'agreed' that I am doing the 'correct' thing with my 'eradication program', and that only a Fool would want to be on my 'suspect' list. So There! What better 'proof' does one need? Everyone 'backs' me! Only a Fool wouldn't!
Amando, while I sharpen my pencil, get a 'clue', don't be one of those 'fools', it's not too late for you to 'disappear' on your Own, or I will give you Such a "whack"!' :/:/:/

Business News|Thu Dec 22, 2016 | 5:47am EST REUTERS

Philippines' Duterte wants to give bank governor 'a whack', charge staff

By Karen Lema| MANILA
MANILA Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte lashed out at the country's central bank on Thursday, telling its governor "I will give you a whack" and threatening criminal charges against the country's anti-money laundering body for supporting graft.Duterte vented his fury during a speech announcing next year's 3.35 trillion pesos ($67 billion) state budget and accused the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) of failing to support his war on drugs by tracking the flow of drug money.
The maverick former mayor was in the middle of an unusually placid speech ahead of the holiday period, but became angry when he mentioned his crackdown on drugs and said those who should be chasing the money trail were all politicized and tainted.
He took aim at the AMLC, which is chaired by respected Bangko Sentral Governor Amando Tetangco, whom Duterte has been urging to extend his tenure beyond the 12 years he soon will have served.
"I am going to charge all of you there criminally ... and count 1-2-3 and if you don't resign I will treat you as drug addicts," he said of the AMLC.
"The reason why you were put there is because you have a job to do. If you cannot know your job get out from that office."
He added: "You guys there are all corrupt. You better watch out. I will bring you down. Tetangco is about to retire, better prepare there, I will give you a whack."
Tetangco did not immediately respond to a request for comment and the executive director of the AMLC was not available for comment when Reuters contacted the council.
Deputy central bank governor Diwa Guinigundo said the Bangko Sentral was independent and it would not comment on the president's remarks.
"One thing we know, we are not serving politics," he told reporters.
More than 6,000 people have been killed since Duterte took office in July and launched a fierce crackdown on the drugs trade. Suspected dealers and addicts have suffered the brunt of violence but few inroads have been made toward shutting down the narcotics kingpins.
Police say a third of the deaths were suspected peddlers who resisted arrest and the remainder were deaths still under investigation, some of which were likely victims of vigilantes.
Duterte gave no details on how the state agencies had been uncooperative with the drugs war, or specify the extent of corruption he was accusing them of. He was apparently upset about late submission of an assessment report on money laundering, but did not elaborate.
Duterte's singling out of Tetangco for criticism was a surprise given his efforts to keep him as governor, despite such a move being against the bank's regulations.
Tetangco has been credited by economists for his stewardship of an institution at the helm of one of the world's fastest growing economies.

(Additional reporting by Neil jerome Morales; Writing by Martin Petty)

Saturday, December 24, 2016

MY Dear BFF-FWB...

'My Dear BFF-FWB...'
'My Dear BFF-FWB Donnie, ahhhh this has been really great year for us! Just look how we Both have achieved such wonderful goals in our almost co-joined lives. Me, taking over Middle Eastern part of world, hob-nobbing with Syrias nasty little Dictator, not mention that little Crimean Peninsula I stole from Ukraine in March 2014, what Hoot that was! And just now look at You good friend, suckering Americans into voting you in as their new 'King'. You have So much to learn my good comrade, and you can count Me to lead you to greatness. We must work together for world 'peace' and domination, I of course will go First so that later you will know the In's and Out's of proper 'dictatorshipness'. Just follow my lead Donnieboy. We must collaborate on all things big and small alike. No 'secret' too large to you share, with me. Remember, the only person you can 'trust' is Me. Look deeeep into my beady little eyes...deeeepeerrr...deeppperrr.... First you must invite me to Pentagon. I would like to build one just like, but to do properly I must visit Yours to get idea how it is laid out. You will of course be so kind as to send a blueprint which I will 'safeguard' with my very own life. A lot of people say that I am most 'trustworthy' man in Russia. Also I will bring my most experienced Fighter Jet Test Pilot with me. He has always wish to fly one of your most advanced Fighter planes, perhaps your new F-35? You will please have one available, and Full of Fuel please, for him to take a little 'spin around the block', as we say here in my great country Russia. He will bring it right back. Trust me my 'friend'. We must 'trust each other without reserve. In return, We will give to you top secret plans for very fast airplane we stole from Poland in 1944. Oh, and before I forget, my most trusted Naval Admiral is have some little small problem with his new Aircraft Carrier, and I thought maybe you provide him blueprint of your brand new Carrior, he would be most happy. Great guy! Loves to Golf! I, will in return give you blueprint of our most best fighting tank of WW2, complete with re-built in China engine. Great tank! Two miles to gallon! Your army should build hundreds of them! Now, I Know you 'tweet' something crazy about upgrading your Nuclear bombs. You are one crazy kinda guy you. I can 'almost promise' you as your new FWB that ther is no need to do that. What waste of time and American dollors for you my friend. Russia's atomic arsenal much great than yours in first place. You never catch up, beside, now have big satellite Missile to destroy all American military satellite in sky, so we no need big bombs no more now. We have so many, even I don't know the count. But worry not my good friend, we will 'never' use them, unless we have to. You be 'nice' to me, and I be sorta 'nice' to you too. What friends are for. And by You being my best ever 'friend', I'm sure our individual goals in life can be achieved without too much violence.
Just 'tweet' me anytime, and I come see you just like that. I would invite you come here for visit but Krimlin being painted next four years. Painfully your BFF-FWB, Vlad.' ;);)


Trump releases 'very nice letter' from Putin

President-elect says US and Russia should restore collaboration after releasing "very nice letter" from Vladimir Putin.

US President-elect Donald Trump has released what he says is a "very nice" letter from Russia's President Vladimir Putin calling for a thaw in ties between the rival powers.
Trump's transition team said late on Friday that the president-elect received the letter from Putin urging him to act "in a constructive and pragmatic manner" to "restore the framework of bilateral cooperation".
The letter, dated December 15, also noted that serious global and regional challenges "show that the relations between Russia and the US remain an important factor in ensuring stability and security in the modern world".

Trump Transition releases what it says is a letter from Putin. Trump says he agrees & hopes "we do not have to travel an alternate path."

In response, Trump agreed with Putin, adding that he hopes "we do not have to travel an alternate path".
Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed on Saturday that Putin sent the letter, "voicing hope for an improvement of bilateral ties," according to the Interfax news agency.
The exchange comes on the heels of comments by Trump and Putin about the need to strengthen their countries' nuclear arsenals.
Overall global military spending on the decline
Trump tweeted on Thursday that the US should "greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability". He said the nation must do so until the rest of the world - as he put it - "comes to its senses" regarding nuclear weapons.
Those comments echoed an earlier statement by Putin, who said that strengthening his country's nuclear capabilities should be a chief military objective in the coming year.
Putin said he saw "nothing unusual" in Trump's pledge to strengthen the US nuclear forces, and claimed that his country's military is stronger than that of any potential aggressor, but acknowledged that the US military is bigger.
He also cast the modernisation of Russia's nuclear arsenal as a necessary response to a US missile defence system.
The US currently has an estimated arsenal of about 7,000 nuclear warheads, second only to Russia, which has a few hundred more.
During the next decade, US ballistic missile submarines, bombers, and land-based missiles - the three legs of the nuclear triad - are expected to reach the end of their useful lives.
Maintaining and modernising the arsenal is expected to cost at about $1 trillion over 30 years.
Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies