Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The "Truth Isn't Truth", Is It?

'Oh, did I say that? Was that me?? Are you sure it wasn't my boss? Are you certain that what you think I said was what I actually said? "truth isn't truth"? Wow! How say's something like that? Hey remember the time I said that Trump doesn't even know Stormy Daniels? And how about that time I stupidly said that trump knew nothing about that silly little, no nothing meeting Don Jr. had with that Russian spy! Boy, that was a doozy, huh? Boy! The "fake news" media had a field day with those, huh? Disgusting trools! Do they have Any friends at all?? No wonder they have so many 'enemies'!
Ok, so maybe my mouth, un-beknownst to my brain, may have accidentally, and certainly without malice or forethought, muttered something close to what it is 'alleged' that I may or may not have blurted, about whatever the 'truth' may or may not actually be. Let me be dreamimgly clear here and excuse myself for possibly saying something that may or may not have caused confusion among those of you who still actually believe that there's 'truth' in politics, and that there's still any semblence of 'truth in truth', which of course brings me back to my alleged statement about, "truth isn't truth".
So, you can plainly 'see' how I could have confused the real world 'truth' with the "alternative facts" world of 'political truth', which of course if I was alluding to Anything at all it would be the 'un-truth' with-in the political arena. And that's the 'truth' as I know it in my own little bitty "swamp" world of 'what did he say now'.'
I hope my 'explanation' clears up any un-necessary confusion about what Is, and what Isn't considered the 'truth'. And that's the 'truth', because I'm not now lying, ah not that I ever have before now. Really. Honest. You can 'trust' me. Really.'

See More
Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani tries to clarify "truth isn't truth" statement.

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