Monday, August 6, 2018

"Bad laws" Cause Fires

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) · Twitter
California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amount of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean. Must also tree clear to stop fire spreading!
15 hours ago · Twitter

'Look, I know what I'm talking about here. I'm the President, that means that, I know all there is to know about all there is to know. Therefore, I consider myself a 'Climatologist'. "Bad laws". That's why there's been no rain in California! "Bad laws"! That disgusting border jumper, Obama, did this with his useless conservation laws, and I'll get rid of this one too! They must have 'Good laws' if they expect those brush fires to go away. They are actually blocking water that normally floods the mountains, and deserts. Disgusting environmentalists! Can't trust the enemy news media. Remember, They are America's enemy. Nothing will ever grow on the deserts until we have 'good laws' in place of "Bad laws", or actually, 'No laws" that will then allow the rain to fall where it should instead of on the Pacific Ocean, which already has enough water of its own.
And another thing, I know how to stop those 'brush' fires! I do, I do, I really, really do! Has anyone seen all those trees out there!? Millions of them just sitting there waiting to be burned up. I have spoken with my 'timber' advisors about this national security issue. Terrible! 'The sky is falling, the sky is falling'! I have ordered my very personal friends in the private timber industry to begin 'clear cutting' an area 25 miles out to the front of the firelines no matter where that fire line is. In appreciation of my timber pal's efforts to save trees by killing those same trees, therefore stopping a 'brush' fire' in its tracks, I proclaim that they are gifted with the trees they 'saved', to do with as they please, right guys? Is this mic on? Can anyone hear me? Hellllooo...'.

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