Sunday, August 12, 2018

HD Die-Hards

HD is simply 'seeing the light'. After the current set of 'boomers' are too old to safely manhandle their Harleys, and admit that they have been ego'd into spending their retirement money on a 'name', HD will have to find a new way to market either the current bikes, not likely, or make something different for the younger crowd who do not care for the 'beasts', and are smart enough to know when they are being milked of their hard earned money. HD is already busy in the European market by offering 'Electric' Scooters and are working towards larger bikes that will also be Electric powered. It's a new world boys! The old glory days of the massive gas guzzling, vibrating, HD will soon be over.
Trumps crowd of HD owners who appear to be mostly older Republican die-hards no matter that their Hero, Trump, 'The Incompetent', couldn't give a crap less about them personally, and simply wants their 'votes', have been tricked by Trump to try and save HD when he couldn't do it himself by using 'bully politics'. They simply can't see past the HD problems that Trump, himself, is causing, by his, "no one get hurt", Tariff Wars, and the financial problems facing HD at the moment.
If anyone should be "Boycotted", it's Trump himself.
Wake up HD owners! It's Trump, the snake oil salesman, that has sold you a phony bill of goods!!

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President Trump said a planned boycott of iconic American motorcycle…

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