Monday, October 15, 2018

Trumps 'Hero's'

Yes Mr. Trump, he certainly was a "great" TRAITOR to his country. What a guy. What a 'hero'. Only Trump, 'The Incompetent', can come up with his own list of personal 'hero's' that e can look up to and brand himself in their likeness. People such as traitorous Robert E Lee, wacked out Kane West, "Little Rocket Man" Kim Jong-un, 'Nation Builder' BFF Vlad Putin, the Philippines murderous dictator Rodrigo Duterte, and the list just never ends. So yeah, it's little wonder that he now picks a traitor like Lee to be one of his 'hero's'. What a guy! "Sad". So "sad".

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President claimed President Abraham Lincoln had a “phobia” because he kept losing to Lee during the Civil War.

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