Thursday, October 11, 2018

Melania, "The Most Bullied"

'Oh my god, “I could say that I’m the most bullied person in the world.” Yes, the whole "world". Is it my fault that I'm the most beautiful, most glamorous, most fashion trending, not to mention, but I will anyway, the hottest 'eye candy' First Lady that has ever graced the halls of the White House? I mean, just look at me already! Snappy fedora, tan designer jacket draped upon my stately royal shoulders, slacks that are made for royalty, snow white button-up complete with suitable black tie, bare arms to accentuate my buffed, never seen an honest days work, muscles. Yes, I was born to be royalty, even if I did have to ride the coat tails of my soon to be king of America. Here I am, busily visiting these poor, poor, filthy, third world countries, strutting with a well measured, and seasoned, fashion runway strut, setting a fine example of what 'royalty' should look, and walk like, and what do I get 24/7 but bullies coming at me from all over the place. Don't you just hate 'bullies'? Well, I sure do. Just imagine common women that are unlucky enough to actually be married to one. Disgusting! Horrible! Really. And I didn't just make that up. It's true. Just the other day as he was busy telling America that the 'press' is the "enemy of America", I mentioned to my well heeled presidential hubby, 'oh dear, dear, presidential hubby, please do something to stop these bullies from picking on me, it's just not fair, and look how it makes me so sad!' How can I ever parade my stuff if all I get is bad press? How? Now I see why the 'press' really is the "enemy of America". Oh, I know what! I'll campaign all over the place about how bad, and mean bullies are. After all, having first hand experience in enabling one should earn me a star on Hollywoods Walk of Shame, er, 'Fame' that is. I just hate jealous, envious, petty, common people, they are so below my royal station.'

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Also says she doesn’t trust some of husband’s advisers.

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