Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Nope, Not His Fault

'Nope, not me! Not my fault. I didn't do it, wasn't even in town then, don't know a thing about it! Really! Oh Sure, blame the guy at the top. Horrible "horseface" trolls! Those disgusting Democrats are always looking for someone to blame when I do something dumb. So, no, don't blame 'me'. As we all 'know', my every thought, and every emotions are geared towards how I can "Make America Great Again". Remember that one? So yeah, if things go to hell, it won't be 'my' fault. I'll just fire someone, hire someone, and no one will even remember what happened. My 'base' loves me and like good cult followers, will forgive, and forget, and still adore my image. I mean, how can anyone even imagine that anything I do could possible go wrong. "No, I think I'm helping people," "I don't believe anybody's ever had this kind of an impact." Yes, such an "impact" I've had on America, and my faithful subjects as well. No president has ever been able to do what I've done to...errr..'for', that is, America, and the world as a whole. I'll go down in history, as I, myself, will write it, as the greatest President, negotiator, the best deal maker the world has ever had the pleasure of knowing. My handlers tell me that what I've done in these few years of my reign as America's 'owner', beats the records of any ruler the world has ever known. Even as great as General Lee was, and still is in my own mind, pales in comparison to my own unbelievable record. Oh, the things I have done! And you know what, I'm not done yet! I've just begun to dismantle the fabric of America's democracy. I have so much power, some disgusting "fake news" people would argue that I have Too much power, that there's nothing I cannot do to...oppps, 'for', America, and the world as well.
Have I mentioned my numbers? Incredible numbers! Every American, red and yellow, black and white, that my party has not disinfranchised, erased from the voter polls, or blocked by republican friendly judges, that are still somehow allowed to vote, will cast their vote for me. But that's just me. "That's why I'm President, and you're not", but don't blame me if things go down the tube, because I can do no wrong. Really. I'm being honest now. And that's the truth. Trust me. Really.'

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President Donald Trump says he won't accept the blame if his party loses…

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