Tuesday, October 16, 2018

"Rogue Killers", wink, wink

'Yes, that's what I said, "Rogue Killers". Disgusting, horrible, unadulterated, "Rogue Killers", of the Saudi kind. My BFF, The 'Good Crown Prince' of the 'learned' country of Saudi Arabia, has assured me no less than three strong times that he knows absolutely 'nothing' about the mysterious, and baffling disappearance of that journalist. It appears that there may be some sort of 'deep space portal' some where there in the Saudi embassy that this guy may have accidentally passed through which may have catapulted him into a nether world of eternal flight. That, or perhaps he was actually lured into the embassy where he was chopped up into little chunks of cat food. But again, my princely BFF assures me that just because the guy went 'into' the embassy in one piece does not necessarily mean that he did not later come 'out', in one piece, or 'not'. I've never known a Prince to tell a lie, something of which as we all know I, myself, have the market on.
So, I caution everyone, especially the "fake news" media, to stop it with the rumors, conjectures, snide remarks, and obvious lies, about what may or may no have occurred in the privacy of the Saudi Embassy concerning this now vanished Saudi traitor. If he 'was' killed at all, it was surely by accident, suicide, or as I have said, some disgusting "Rogue Killers", that probably, without knowledge of Saudi's Crown Prince, sneaked into the embassy, sight unseen, lurking in the dark of night, where they may or may not have roguishly killed that guy, but no doubt with good cause, from their perspective. After all, that's what "Rogues" are known for. I should know, because all of my 'hero's' are comprised of "Rogue Killers" of one sort or another. Believe me folks, in another week no one will even remember this little non event. By then I, myself, will have no doubt created a 'Trumpism' that will take the heat off anything the Saudi's can come up with. "Fake news" folks, disgusting "fake news" created by that disgusting "Pocohontas" Warren woman or that Hillary Clinton person. Move along, nothing to see here, leave my BFF alone!'

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After speaking with King Salman of Saudi Arabia, President Trump speculated that “rogue killers” were behind the disappearance of the dissident Jamal Khashoggi.

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