Tuesday, October 2, 2018

"Hitler Was Right"??

'Hey, Missouri, how about that guy Hitler! Huh? Was he on the ball or what!? Way ahead of his time! I mean, like, out front! He was thinking way ahead while everyone else was busy thinking way behind! And you know what, that's just like me. I'm a way ahead thinker. I think about stuff that nobody else even dares think about. Of course, we all 'know' that "Hitler was right". Right? Well of course he was. I mean, just look at all the great things he accomplished for Germany while he was it's esteemed leader. I mean, just Look at it! "Looking back in history, unfortunately, Hitler was right about what was taking place in Germany. And who was behind it". And of course we all 'know' "who was behind it". I mean, is it any wonder that he came to the defense of his motherland? Only 6,000,000 and change? He was really knocking'em out of the ball park until elitist America stepped in. Hey, we need guys like him here in America, that's why the good lord designated me to come to the aid or our christian based America to save it from itself. Just like my other hero, President Trump, 'The Incompetent'. Same problem here in America. Same people behind it trying to controll all the money in America, making the rich richer, and people like you and me more poor. As my hero Trump would say, "disgusting"!
And now, a big shout-out to all my 'think alike Nazi friends' who agree with my racist ideas and voted for me in this Primary here in the learned state of Missouri, aka, 'The Show Me State'. And you know what Missouri? I know now, just as the whole world now does, that all of you home grown Missouri Nazi's agree with my statement, that "Hitler was right". And who said that "History repeats itself" is a bad thing?
Just wait until I'm voted in as a member of the Missouri House! Are we gonna have fun or what! Got my eye on the White House. Things are gonna change around here. First, we use my hero's 'relocation' program get rid of all these 'kikes' in Missouri that are stealing our hard earned money. Then, those 'brown beaner' people that's taking all our jobs will have to be 'relocated', if you get my 'meaning' here. And then we work on those 'AfroAmericans' that have been raping our wives while we're out looking for work. We 'know' how to deal with that. Right?
Remember folks, I'm the kind of racist, Nazi guy that will stop at nothing to make Missouri 'White' again. So, ok, now everyone rush home to your 'stash closets', and break out those spiffy armbands, your hoods and sheets, and hobnailed boots! With your help, as in your, Vote and money, we can scrub the 'Show Me State' lily white, just like jesus says. Praise Hitler, praise the folks who voted for me, praise the lord, and remember to send in your financial contributions, and remember, "Hitler was right". Really.'

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Conservative Christian who praises Hitler and argues a vast Jewish…

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