Saturday, October 27, 2018

He's Been "Toned Down"

So much for, 'I've been toned down", quickly followed by, "Everyone will benefit if we can end the politics of personal destruction. We must unify as a nation in peace, love and in harmony", quickly followed by, “In recent days, we’ve had a broader conversation about the tone and civility of our national dialogue," this, followed by, "Everyone will benefit if we can end the politics of personal destruction. We must unify as a nation in peace, love and in harmony” , and quickly followed by, as usual, attacking the American free press.
President, 'Trump', the instigator, speaks from both sides of his mouth. He has no interest in the "unity" of Americans, has no clue as to what actual "love and peace" means, and has never practised "civility" in his whole scheming life. He panders to his 'cult' members because he knows they see him as their 'god' who can do no wrong, therefore neither can they. This can only change when He changes for the better, but that's about as likely as aTiger misplacing his stripes.
This is why an unsupervised man-child should never be allowed out in public without an adult minding him.

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President Trump called for "peace, love and unity" but then incited anti-CNN chants by criticizing media coverage.

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