Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Serial Liar, Lies Again, and Again

Again, and again, and again, to ad nauseam, Trump, 'The Incompetent', the serial liar, the flame throwing wanna-be dictator of America, lies, and lies, and lies, and lies some more. And all the while, his minions, his sad, pathetic cult members, his ignorant tunnel versioned flock of sheeples, continue to absorb his bullcrap as if it's the food of the gods. In any other country or nation, a 'leader' who continued to lie to his citizens such as trump, 'The Incompetent', does, would be sacked in a heart beat. Of course in countries ruled by dictators, such a person would create for himself a 'hall pass' because his subjects would have no choice but to 'clap-clap-clap-clap' at his every obvious lie. Sadly for America's democracy, it appears that about half of America is already there, 'clapping, clapping, clapping', in approval of his every bolder, and bolder, lies.

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