Saturday, October 27, 2018

Dear President Trump...

Dear President Trump, THIS, is "the enemy of the people", not the 'press' as you so loudly, and ignorantly, proclaim.
There are mentally deficient members, as in this instant example, of your 'cult' who see you as their messiah, and hear your dangerous words of hate as the 'gospel' that they hope will save them from their very selves, and set them free from their own demons, and they will do whatever it takes to please their 'leader'. You have opened Pandora's evil box with your serial non-stop lying, and hate filled rhetoric. So yes, you Are their cowardly ego, and part and parcel of their actions.
Leadership starts at the top. As the 'leader' does and says, his 'members' will follow suit. This disgusting, misguided American Terrorist, Cesar Sayoc, who see's you as his 'hero', will not be the last. Only YOU can stop this madness, simply by stopping your Own.

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