Friday, October 19, 2018

"Natural Instinct For Science", Really.

'Yes, I have whatcha might call a "natural instinct for science". Ever since I was old enough to even spell the word "science" I've felt an undying affinity for what it means, whatever that might be. But I've got a pretty good idea, that's just the way I am. I know more about science than a room full of so-called scientists. Being President gives me the inside tract on everything! I don't even need to study about something. I know it already. For instance, “I just knew instin...ctively that our borders are a mess,” and now look how I have singlehandedly cleaned that mess up. No more problems at our borders. And look at how I have all by myself, with no help from anyone, saved our economy from total failure by that disgusting foriengner, Obama. And look at how by "instinct" alone, I have made the whole world love America without having to bomb them into dust the way Hillary would have done. But that's just me, me, me. Thank you!
When I was in my very own private kindergarten, my private tutor until I was seventeen, who was a really 'hot' babe, by the way, boy was I always "grabbing" her, was always totally baffled by my brilliance, not to count my already manly maturity, which she appreciated to no end. She was so proud to know me. Best 'wet nurse' I ever had.
But this isn't about me, me, me. It's about science. You know, about weather, clouds, storms, outter space stuff. I was once asked what I know about climate change, which as we all know is just a "hoax", you know, "fake news". “My uncle was a great professor at MIT for many years. Dr. John Trump. And I didn’t talk to him about this particular subject, but I have a natural instinct for science, and I will say that you have scientists on both sides of the picture.” Some so-called scientists who are obviously wrong, think, without any proof at all, that it's for real. Sad! I could just "punch" them so hard! And then there's the Real scientists, that I believe, who feel, as all faithful evangelicals do, great voters by the way, that it's just a bunch of made-up scare tactics by the Democrats. Disgusting rumor mongers!
So, I'm sure this clears up any questions about my natural "instincts", which I also use when playing footsie with foriegn diplomats. I don't need to know anything about diplomacy, negotiations, things like that, because I already 'know' more about it than they do. I always leave them totally baffled and confused. But, that's just me, that's the way I naturally am because I have that "natural instinct for science". "That's why I'm President", and they're not.'

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About this website|By Steve Benen
We're overdue for a conversation about the fact that Donald Trump doesn't…

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