Monday, October 15, 2018

Trump Wants To Be "Honored"

'My fellow, as your leader I feel I'm actually one of you, Black Americans, well, at least those of you who have not been culled from the voter lists because you don't have a street mailing address, or have been excluded because of republican 'jerrymandering', I come to you on partially bended knee, begging you to "honor" me with your votes. As you all know, I'm all for civil rights, freedom of speech, freedom of the disgusting lying press, and that sort of thing, although I must say, and we all know it's nearly 'true', if it were not for me, some of you would still be out in the cotton fields back home instead of, for some of you anyway, being able to vote for the guy who has practically, singlehandedly, set you free in these modern times. You can 'trust' me, and me only, to look out for your better interests. I will 'never' lie to you, starting right now practically, and if I've Ever, ever, told the truth, I'm nearly doing it right now. So, with that, get off your butts and get out there and "honor" me by casting your valuable votes for the only guy you can trust.
On another more important note, how about that incredibly talented American traitor, The Honorable, General Robert E Lee! A big hand for the guy who was instrumental in trying to dissolve the Union of The United States of America just so that the breakaway states could preserve the horrible institution of SLAVERY! What a guy! I'm sure some of you, who can read, have heard of this very, very, talented guy, a favorite of mine for some time now. He really had a way of getting people to follow him! You might say that I, myself, have that very talent. But hey, this isn't about Me, me, me, is it?. He was, and obviously still is to many, many people, especially in the ignorant south where he did so much for mankind during his wonderful leadership of all those rebellious fellow traitors during the 'states rights' war, a man who knew exactly what he was doing in his efforts to continue the ENSLAVEMENT of the black race, and a hero to many. What a guy! My hero.
But look folks, that's old news, right? A lot of it no doubt, "fake news". Who knows. The 'victors' always write history, right? "We'll see".
Anyway, I'm sure that every black person that's 'allowed' to vote will vote for me and all my like minded Republican friends.
Remember, if you are a famous black celebrity and wish to "honor" me in person, my door is always open for a little free press, for both of us by the way, and what an "honor" it would be for you to meet me in person.'

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At a campaign rally in Ohio, Trump also hailed the release of a U.S. pastor by Turkey.

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