Tuesday, October 30, 2018

'Presidential' Civility

And now, but hardly surprisingly, only one day after calling for "unity", and "civility", Trump, 'The Incompetent', goes on the attack once again to show one and all that Anything he said 'yesterday' was simply as disingenuous as anything said even the day before that.
A serial liar knows only lies, and no more.
THIS is our President, our Commander-In-Chief, being his personal version of 'Presidential', at its worst.

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Fishing For Votes

Here we have Pence fishing for votes, and converts, to his form of 'Christianity'. This is a man that poses a much more dangerous threat to our 'freedom From religion' than his boss could ever do. If American's fail to vote 'against' he and trump, and their evangelical minions then we deserve what we get because of them.

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Appearing with the vice president on Monday, Loren Jacobs invoked “Jesus the Messiah" and asked God to favor Republicans in next month's midterm elections.

Stirring The Pot

This is Trump, 'The Pot Stirrer', busily stirring his fetid broth of discontent and distraction. Trump, who rules by constant turmoil, confusion, bedlam and maelstrom, draws all unfavorable light, but for the tanning lamp, from himself, so that he can safely scheme in the darkness of his 'office' in order to subvert our Constitution for his own benefit. He cares little for anything except for the votes that his cult-like base will cast his way, no matter how he must attain them. He considers this, very 'Presidential'.

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"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump said in a recent interview.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Oppurtunity Lost

“There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news,” “must stop the open & obvious hostility & report the news accurately & fairly.” “That will do much to put out the flame of Anger and Outrage and we will then be able to bring all sides together in Peace and Harmony” “Fake News Must End!”, proclaimed the progenitor of all "fake news".
He 'talks the talk', but does not 'walk the walk'.
Had he said, 'And it starts with Me, Your President, your Commander-In-Chief, and I as such, vow to cease and desist from this day onward, any, and all vile name calling, hateful Rhetoric, race baiting, homophobic fear mongering, senseless and unfounded conspiracy generating, ignorant immigration slandering attacks, mean and spitefully spirited campaign utterances, and certainly, hateful and dangerous attacks against the Freedom of The Press. And I urge all American's of both political parties, private citizens, and elected officials alike, to follow my 'presidential' lead to stop the hostility so that we all can work together towards the betterment of America, and the world at large, beginning right Now'. Had he said these things, which of course he did Not, then perhaps, hopefully, American's could come together as One America, instead of a divisively, divided nation as we are now. Oppurtunity lost.

“The Fake News Media is the true Enemy of the People,”
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President Donald Trump put a target on the backs of the press, via Twitter. “The Fake News is doing everything in their power to blame Republicans, Conservatives and me for the division and h…

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Dear President Trump...

Dear President Trump, THIS, is "the enemy of the people", not the 'press' as you so loudly, and ignorantly, proclaim.
There are mentally deficient members, as in this instant example, of your 'cult' who see you as their messiah, and hear your dangerous words of hate as the 'gospel' that they hope will save them from their very selves, and set them free from their own demons, and they will do whatever it takes to please their 'leader'. You have opened Pandora's evil box with your serial non-stop lying, and hate filled rhetoric. So yes, you Are their cowardly ego, and part and parcel of their actions.
Leadership starts at the top. As the 'leader' does and says, his 'members' will follow suit. This disgusting, misguided American Terrorist, Cesar Sayoc, who see's you as his 'hero', will not be the last. Only YOU can stop this madness, simply by stopping your Own.

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The Florida man arrested Friday and expected to be charged in connection with the mailing of more than a…

He's Been "Toned Down"

So much for, 'I've been toned down", quickly followed by, "Everyone will benefit if we can end the politics of personal destruction. We must unify as a nation in peace, love and in harmony", quickly followed by, “In recent days, we’ve had a broader conversation about the tone and civility of our national dialogue," this, followed by, "Everyone will benefit if we can end the politics of personal destruction. We must unify as a nation in peace, love and in harmony” , and quickly followed by, as usual, attacking the American free press.
President, 'Trump', the instigator, speaks from both sides of his mouth. He has no interest in the "unity" of Americans, has no clue as to what actual "love and peace" means, and has never practised "civility" in his whole scheming life. He panders to his 'cult' members because he knows they see him as their 'god' who can do no wrong, therefore neither can they. This can only change when He changes for the better, but that's about as likely as aTiger misplacing his stripes.
This is why an unsupervised man-child should never be allowed out in public without an adult minding him.

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President Trump called for "peace, love and unity" but then incited anti-CNN chants by criticizing media coverage.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Oh, Just Another Common Shooting In America

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Both victims died at the store, authorities said.
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Buddy Black My previous posting of Oct 22, 2017, also a shooting in a Kroger store;

Fatal shooting inside Indianapolis Kroger store leaves unanswered questions

This breaking 'news;' brought straight to you from the scene by the only 'News' source you can always trust, 'BBSN' (BuddyBlacksSatiricalNews)
Now, lets take you to the scene where our vaunted 'News' guy BuddyBlack (BB) has the very latest coverage of a horrific, mass shooting incident which occurred just moments ago in a 'Food Scrapes R Us' food store in the open carry, 'Gunslinger' state of Ohio, where if you have even a recordable heartbeat it is now very legal to openly carry your favorite firearm with you, practically anywhere one wishes. BuddyBlack, what can you tell us about this latest bloodletting incident?

Yes, a terrible morning Bob. Terrible indeed!
I'm here in the local 'Food Scrapes R Us' Food Mart, aka 'Kroger Store' where the haze of fresh gun smoke, and the acrid smell of cordite still hangs in the air from an incredible but all too inevitable shoot-out between 'good guys' v 'bad guys' that has left numerious shoppers dead or wounded. Bob, I was actually right here in the store when this grisly incident took place! I was standing in a self 'check-out' lane minding my own business when I witnessed this horrifically devestating, terrifying shoot-out that would rival the gunfight at the OK Corral many times over. Like I said, there I was Bob, standing in line minding my own business, thinking of nothing in particular, when all of a sudden a deafening shot rang out three check-out lanes to my right. That shot was quickly followed by a seemingly endless volley after volley of more gun shots that rang out throughout the store. Bullets were indiscriminately tearing through merchandise and shoppers alike, bullets that seemed destined to find more 'living' targets than not. Then after what seemed an eternity, all was quiet but for the incredible ringing in my ears, and then came the moaning, and crying, of the still living and wounded shoppers. A baby crying for its mother at one end of the store sounded like a lost kitten, and then the screeching of the P.A. system, and someone begging their god for help, the wailing of the fire alarm siren and the damaged fire sprinkler heads spraying ice cold water like a mini monsoon. Almost as quickly, the store was flooded with police Officers, yelling for people to "get down on the floor", "show me your hands", "drop your weapons", "put the gun down", "drop your guns!!" The Police had their own guns drawn, on high alert as they were intent on capturing whatever 'bad guys' that were responsible for this instant carnage. Then, more shots reverberated through-out the store, this time emanating from the police Officers weapons themselves as they apparently encountered armed 'bad guys', or armed 'shoppers' as the case may be, throughout the store.
Right now Bob, from what I am able to discern it appears that at least 23 people have been shot, some obviously dead and many wounded by the ensuing gunfire from start to finish. The number of 'victims' will surely rise as the search and count continues. What a horrible sight Bob! Nightmares are surely made of this! Sometimes when we hear on the news of someone 'wounded' by gunfire, we tend to think not much more than a little hole, or a grazing wound that a little band-aide will fix. But let me put that dreamy notion to sleep Bob! Bullets are super-sonic 'missiles' straight from the bowels of hell! I saw arms, and legs shredded, limbs severed, bodies blown apart, intestines hanging out onto the floor, heads exploded, and brains exposed like bloody mush! Rivers of crimson blood mixed with the cascading fire sprinklers flowed throughout the store! There's no such things as a John Wayne 'flesh wound' with real bullets! Guns don't kill people, murderous 'bullets' kill people Bob!
Here's an update Bob! I have just spoken with a police spokesperson who told me the following; Right now, It appears that initially, a legal gun carrying customer accidentally dropped his pistol from his sweatpants waistband, which discharged upon hitting the floor. The bullet from that discharge struck a customer standing in the 'Customer Service' section at the front of the store. As the owner of the dropped gun picked his gun up, another armed customer 'good guy', thought he was witnessing an armed robbery by a 'bad guy', so he drew his own trusty six-shooter, and fired five or six times at the first guy. His errant bullets missed its mark striking an innocent, but also legal gun carrying bystander who was still able to un sling his short barreled M-4 rifle releasing approximatly 20 rounds in the general direction of what he thought was a terrorist attack. Then, another legal carry customer pulled out his high capacity magazine, semi automatic pistol ,and began shooting at the rifleman thinking the store was being invaded by a street gang, but he, himself, was then shot by a customer who thought an anti-government militia was holding customers hostage. This initiated gunfire from even more armed 'good guy' customers with guns, who began firing at anyone they suspected of being a 'bad guy' with guns. Then, when the Police, responding to 911 reports of numerous 'bad guys' with guns shooting up the store, arrived, they encountered numerous people holding still smoking guns in hand, some even still shooting at perceived 'bad guys'. The Police could only assume that these armed people were the 'bad guys' with guns, whereupon in defense of themselves, and the public in general, in a still fluid 'active shooter' scene, they took immediate action to end the perceived threats posed to themselves, and the public, by armed 'bad guys', which simply inadvertantly added to the casuality toll, which included both civilians, and police officers.
This horrible, yet avoidable, senseless tragedy certainly won't be the last of its kind in our newly expanded 'gun totting' paronoid society, where even a 'good guy' with a gun, could turn out being the 'bad guy' with a gun, and where the best way to stop a 'good guy' with a gun, is a 'good guy' with a gun.
This is your still shaken 'reporter' BuddyBlack signing off for now Bob, and seriously considering the 'Home delivery' option from now on.

'Proud' Floridians

Well now, how very 'proud' the Florida Republicans, especially their wolf in sheeps clothing Governor, must be of their cozy BFF-FWB relationship with the Right Wing, violent, criminal Street Gang, 'The Proud Boys'. No doubt their hero, Trump, 'The Incompetent', will surely welcome any votes that this little 'marriage' may send his way. Birds of a feather, really Do flock together after all.

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Another Republican is tied to the far-right hate group's recent demonstration.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Only In America....Sorta

 Only in America...oh, and Russia...and China, oh, and of course North Korea, and then there's Saudi Arabia, and let's not forget the Philippines, you know, those countries with despotic, moronical 'leaders', those folks that Trump, 'The Incompentent', serial liar, fancies himself after. :/ :/

"Worst Cover-Up Ever"

' "They had a very bad original concept, it was carried out poorly and the cover-up was the worst in the history of cover-ups." Oh yeah, disgustingly terrible liars! Amateurs! Obviously their first attempt at deceit. Terrible liars. They obviously have not been taking lessons from me! A "fist fight"? Really?? Is that the best they could come up with?? Really!? Sad! "Worst cover-up in history". Well...next to stuff I come up with around here, you know like this Russian connection thing, and...well, women, and..you know. But a "fist fight"? Such children! I bet they slap like girls. "Sad, so sad"'. ;/

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The US said it would revoke the visas of Saudi operatives suspected of…

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

'Autumn', A Poem by BuddyBlack

'AUTUMN',   a poem by BuddyBlack

Maple leaves
Golden brown,
Are fluttering,
Gently falling
Seeking solace
On autumns
Cooling ground.
'Ol Sol
Is slowly
Tracking south
Seeking warmer
He leaves
Warm autumn
A blanket
For their
Mother Earth.

The 'Fox', And The Hens

This is like having Trump, 'The Incompetent', conduct any investigation that might have his own name attached to it. I think it goes without saying, but of course I Will, that it's a foregone conclusion as to how this instant little Saudi investigation will end. He will 'arrest' as many scapegoats, especially any who would possible give him up, as is politically correct to do, lope off a few more heads, no matter if some may have been totally innocent, absolve himself of all guilt, no matter that he is probably the bandleader in all this, Trump will declare, 'see! I told you that my BFF despot, Crown Prince had absolutely nothing to do with this accidental murder, lies, lies, fake news, disgusting fake news!'. Then Trump will sell Saudi a crap load of more top secret war material for billions of $$$, material that will be used to murder even more innocent humans, and then Trump, 'The Incompetent', will 'sell' some more lies to pander Americans with. And in a few weeks everyone will say, 'Jamal', who??' "The more things change, the more things remain the same".

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Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Saudi's V The Truth

'Well, it's about time the Saudis have told the 'truth' about what up until now was a most mysterious, yet totally an 'un-news' incident, of the accidental passing of this disgusting "fake news" journalist at their embassy. I'm sure that were he still alive he would regret, and apologize to the unfortunate person who while legally defending himself from this bully journalist had to resort to lethal force, for starting a fistfight that he could not win. Sad. But Embassys are sacred ground, a place where a person should be able to take safe refuge, but not go inside and attack innocent embassy employees like this. Happens all the time. My princely friend tells me that it is their custom to chop up into little pieces, anyone who accidentally expires as a result of a fistfight occuring in one of their embassies. I obviously defend them in their right to their own customs. Great people! Very peaceful, and honest.
Hey, remember recently at one of my very peaceful rallies when that "fake news" journalist started a fight with one of my friends, and was body slammed like he'll never forget? He's lucky that's all he got out of it. I say "punch them". Sometimes these things happen. Remember, "the media is our enemy". I'm the only person you can trust. Really.
I emplore everyone to let this nearly unfortunate incident pass, send prayers to the person who was forced to defend himself from this jouranlist bully, and get on with life. My Saudi 'friends', who by the way have made me personally wealthy, and continue to do so beyond my wildest dreams, have completly assurred me that they are now telling the 'truth' as they know it, and there's nothing else to tell about this. Case closed. Let their be no more talk about this. The good Prince has even placed his hand over his innocent heart to show good faith and friendship to all who will believe his story. And of course, as the President of America, and esteemed 'leader' of the free world, and a man of extreme truth and religion, I have his back. That's why every American who was allowed to vote, voted for me to show the world what America stands for. "That's why I'm President, and you're not".'

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The president’s response sets up a clash with Congress, where Republicans and Democrats both tarred the Saudi explanation as lacking credibility.

Friday, October 19, 2018

"Natural Instinct For Science", Really.

'Yes, I have whatcha might call a "natural instinct for science". Ever since I was old enough to even spell the word "science" I've felt an undying affinity for what it means, whatever that might be. But I've got a pretty good idea, that's just the way I am. I know more about science than a room full of so-called scientists. Being President gives me the inside tract on everything! I don't even need to study about something. I know it already. For instance, “I just knew instin...ctively that our borders are a mess,” and now look how I have singlehandedly cleaned that mess up. No more problems at our borders. And look at how I have all by myself, with no help from anyone, saved our economy from total failure by that disgusting foriengner, Obama. And look at how by "instinct" alone, I have made the whole world love America without having to bomb them into dust the way Hillary would have done. But that's just me, me, me. Thank you!
When I was in my very own private kindergarten, my private tutor until I was seventeen, who was a really 'hot' babe, by the way, boy was I always "grabbing" her, was always totally baffled by my brilliance, not to count my already manly maturity, which she appreciated to no end. She was so proud to know me. Best 'wet nurse' I ever had.
But this isn't about me, me, me. It's about science. You know, about weather, clouds, storms, outter space stuff. I was once asked what I know about climate change, which as we all know is just a "hoax", you know, "fake news". “My uncle was a great professor at MIT for many years. Dr. John Trump. And I didn’t talk to him about this particular subject, but I have a natural instinct for science, and I will say that you have scientists on both sides of the picture.” Some so-called scientists who are obviously wrong, think, without any proof at all, that it's for real. Sad! I could just "punch" them so hard! And then there's the Real scientists, that I believe, who feel, as all faithful evangelicals do, great voters by the way, that it's just a bunch of made-up scare tactics by the Democrats. Disgusting rumor mongers!
So, I'm sure this clears up any questions about my natural "instincts", which I also use when playing footsie with foriegn diplomats. I don't need to know anything about diplomacy, negotiations, things like that, because I already 'know' more about it than they do. I always leave them totally baffled and confused. But, that's just me, that's the way I naturally am because I have that "natural instinct for science". "That's why I'm President", and they're not.'

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msnbc.com|By Steve Benen
We're overdue for a conversation about the fact that Donald Trump doesn't…

Thursday, October 18, 2018

'ASHES', a poem by Buddy Black

by Buddy Black, 2007
Ashes were falling
Like winter snow,
Yet people who saw it
Claimed not to know,
That what they were seeing
Was  Human Snow.
And the boxcars came
And the boxcars went
Having disgorged the souls
The devil sent
To  stoke his evil fires of hell.
Then thousands,
Then millions to come,
God only knows
The horrible sum.
And the bands played on
As the plan played out,
How could any one person
Now have a doubt,
What this killing machine was all about.
Women and children
And babies all,
Young men, old men
Big and small.
Their screams and pleas
Fell on the devils mute ears.
And no one cared
To see their tears,
As The SS came in the middle of the night
To complete their deed
Before the break of light.
Time was more valuable
Than these wretched souls
Because the Final Solution
Was their driving goal.
Individual, common men
With a common goal.
Each man conspired,
And each shared the role
Of tormentor, of killer,
Of  human souls.
And the boxcars came
And empty they went
Having disgorged the souls
The devil sent.
Separated by gender,
Young  and old.
In line they waited
In the freezing cold
While the SS stripped them
Of  clothing, and gold.
Dogs and whips
Forced the soon dead foreword,
And they all knew by now
It was death they marched toward.
An SS doctor at the head of the line
Paid particular attention
To the old, the sick
And the dyin’.
And with the flick of a wrist
He sealed their doom
And sent them off
To the killing rooms.
Auschwitz, Belzec, Dachau, Majdanek,
And Treblinka, death camps,
Work camps,
It mattered not which,
For their fate was sealed
As they faced their doom,
And were herded like sheep
Into the killing rooms.
But, by gas or by lead
It mattered not now,
For at the point of a gun
They had no choice
As To when or to how,
It was simply a matter of time
They all would be dead.
This conspiracy of death
Passed down from the top
Like a snowball to hell
Near impossible to stop.
It soaked up the Jews,
And the gypsies all,
The sick and the well,
The young and the old
The big and the small.
Through the heat of the summer,
And winters biting stark cold,
Mothers now knew
That their babes
Would never grow old.
And the boxcars came
And empty they went
And soon the population
Was nearly all spent.
One million, Two million, Three million,
Four, Five million, Six million,
How many more!
The devil himself and all of his men
Could never put the world
Together again.
His bookkeepers and ledger men,
His SS and police,
Engineers and oilers,
And all who stood by
Then tried to think of a suitable lie,
Like ‘following orders was all that I did,
How was I to know,
What the devil had bid’.
But the world, and they all
Share this terrible guilt
For they each are a stitch
In this patch-work quilt
Woven with millions of human Souls.
And while ashes were
Like winter snow,
The devil’s men
Were stoking the fires of  hell With ordinary people,
Hoping the world would never know,
That what they were seeing
Was human snow.