Friday, August 24, 2018

"Big Oil" Needs Our Tax Dollars

Oh dear! These poor, impoverished, profitless, failing, mega "Big Oil" companies need protection from 'climate change' which they are partly responsible for in the first place. And who do they turn to in this moment of such failing, financial dire straits? Who else but WE, the Tax Payers, the very folks "Big Oil" has been busily 'robbing' at the pumps since time immortal. Every time we pull in to a gas station for automobile fuel, or have home heating Oil tanks refilled, or h...ave our Propane tanks re-filled, we are 'robbed' by these ruthless, unfeeling oil Barons! And Now, they want to up the ante by making US pay for THEIR protection from a problem that they helped in the cause of.
This "Big Oil" industry is not, and should not, be considered a US Government entity by any stretch of the imagination, nor should they be subsudized in any fashion by our Federal Government with our tax dollars. However, they will play the 'Trump' card by saying that in the name, and interest of, 'National Security' they should be protected, by using our Tax dollars, from something they helped cause. This will surely happen though, because "Big Oil" not surprisingly, will open their checkbooks, or more likely cold oily 'cash', to grease the wheels of Congress to make it happen. Money 'talks', and greedy politicians will happily bend over and 'deposit' their take where it counts. So Now, we will be 'robbed' by these 'Big Oil' 'thieves', coming and going. Sadly, 'The more things change, the more things remain the same'.

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As the nation plans new defenses against the more powerful storms and…

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The 'New' Saudi Arabia

THIS, is the 'new' Saudi Arabia, still doing the same 'old' murdering of their citizens. The more things 'change', the more things remain the same.

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"We've really seen a change ... by the authorities in the way that they're treating women's rights activists and women activists in general," Human Rights Watch says

The 'New' EPA

'EPA', the Environmental POLLUTION Agency.

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The new rule could make it difficult for a Democrat to rebuild the Obama…

Another One Down

They simply did what UNC didn't have the gonads to do.

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The destruction of a Confederate statue in the heart of North Carolina’s flagship university by hundreds of protesters on Monday night was “unlawful and dangerous,” university leaders said.

The Boundless Ego

Ahhh..the trappings of a wanna-be 'dictator' emulating his disgusting real world FWB-BFF dictators. Does his over-inflated ego have no bounds?
Trump told Time magazine he also installed a flat screen TV in his White House dining room and called TiVo…

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The "Truth Isn't Truth", Is It?

'Oh, did I say that? Was that me?? Are you sure it wasn't my boss? Are you certain that what you think I said was what I actually said? "truth isn't truth"? Wow! How say's something like that? Hey remember the time I said that Trump doesn't even know Stormy Daniels? And how about that time I stupidly said that trump knew nothing about that silly little, no nothing meeting Don Jr. had with that Russian spy! Boy, that was a doozy, huh? Boy! The "fake news" media had a field day with those, huh? Disgusting trools! Do they have Any friends at all?? No wonder they have so many 'enemies'!
Ok, so maybe my mouth, un-beknownst to my brain, may have accidentally, and certainly without malice or forethought, muttered something close to what it is 'alleged' that I may or may not have blurted, about whatever the 'truth' may or may not actually be. Let me be dreamimgly clear here and excuse myself for possibly saying something that may or may not have caused confusion among those of you who still actually believe that there's 'truth' in politics, and that there's still any semblence of 'truth in truth', which of course brings me back to my alleged statement about, "truth isn't truth".
So, you can plainly 'see' how I could have confused the real world 'truth' with the "alternative facts" world of 'political truth', which of course if I was alluding to Anything at all it would be the 'un-truth' with-in the political arena. And that's the 'truth' as I know it in my own little bitty "swamp" world of 'what did he say now'.'
I hope my 'explanation' clears up any un-necessary confusion about what Is, and what Isn't considered the 'truth'. And that's the 'truth', because I'm not now lying, ah not that I ever have before now. Really. Honest. You can 'trust' me. Really.'

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Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani tries to clarify "truth isn't truth" statement.

Monday, August 20, 2018

"Big Loudmouths"

'What a great bunch of potential voters! What a crowd! Must be ten thousand of you taking a knee before your king. Way to go guys. Oh, there's some women also? Well, I bet the guys are always happy to see you on the night shift! Way to go guys! Remember, no matter what people say about you I'll always, as far as 'always' goes, have your backs, and ladies I'll be happy to have your 'fronts'. Way to go guys! Are there any "big loudmouths" here? Cowards, were afraid to show up! If they did, I wouldn't blame you if you showed them the door, if you know what I 'mean'. And by the way, you don't have to be gentle with them, if you get my 'meaning' here.
You guys are "great patriots"! Oh, can everyone here 'vote'? Everybody here got their 'Green Cards', they'll be checked at the door by the way.
But hey, how about that wall I'm gonna build with Mexico's money? Everybody here live on This side of the border? Hey, who speaks english here? My notes tell me that one of your hispanic agents discovered a truck load of illegal Mexican criminals recently. Lets have agent Adrian Anzaldua come up to the podeium and tell us how he did it, and surprisingly, which blows me away, "He speaks perfect English." That's the same language we speak here in America. I can see by his last name that I have no idea as to how to pronounce it, he must be from some foriegn country, probably 'south of the border'. But lets give him a big hand anyway and welcome him to America. Great guy! Potential voter unless I find out he's a 'border jumper'. Hey just kidding guys! Remember, I've got your backs guys, oh, and ladies, see you back stage.'

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At a White House ceremony, the president also asked an agent, Adrian Anzaldua, who discovered a tractor-trailer containing about 80 immigrants, to speak. "He speaks perfect English," Trump noted.

She Speaks With Forked Tongue

Really?? First, she should have a little chat with her cyber-bully husband, the 'king' of "harmful and destructive" bullying! Methinks she speaks with forked tongue.

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In a cyberbullying summit, First Lady Melania Trump said that social media can be used in many positive ways, but also lamented that it can be "harmful and destructive" when used incorrectly.

I Know What Agent Orange Smells Like

'I tell you it was that 'Agent Orange" stuff! I know what I'm talking about here! I know what agent orange smells like, and it absolutly does not smell like that Napalm stuff. It was definitly Napalm, I know that for fact. Does anyone dare contradict me on this? Well? So there. It's settled. When I say something, everyone should 'know' that what I say is exactly what I'm thinking, and if I'm thinking it, then it has to be the 'truth', or I would never have thought it in the first place. Yeah..Napalm..that's what it was..napalm. Really smelly stuff. Just like in that army movie, you know, the one where that army hero says 'I love the smell of napalm after its dropped on a friendly village', you know, that one.
So, now, lets talk about me. How about those wonderful Golf Courses I'm always playing at, actually nearly every weekend. But you know, I never let it interfere with my responsibilities as President. My thoughts as its new owner are always on how to "make America great again". My almost lover Vlad gave me a helpful book on 'Nation Building', been reading that one. I'm really learning a lot from it as you can plainly tell. I love building nations! How am I doing?'

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Trump reportedly spent a meeting with veterans arguing about the film 'Apocalypse Now."

A Safety Net Gone

Oh dear! Looks lke Trump, 'The Incompetent', has lost another 'safety net'.
And all the kings horses, and all the Kings men, could never put Trump, 'The Liar', together again. "Sad, so sad".

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Don McGahn reportedly provided investigators with information on things they weren’t even aware of.

“We have really wiped out ISIS.”

'Oh yeah! Our military, with my professional, and experienced guidance, has "..essentially just absolutely obliterated ISIS in Iraq and in Syria,”. Yes, you have not misheard me, I speak the 'truth' when I say that I personally, was 'virtually' right there on the battleground with my Presidential 'Guard', as we mopped up the last of those miscreants that have been troublesome in "Irag and Syria". I am the only President since Lincoln, to have the republican guts to actually, totally, destroy an enemy. Yes, I'm the 'man'. Without me they would still be creating trouble there. Everyone there is just as safe, well, as if they were on the dark streets of Chicago on a busy weekend. Yep, crushed'em I did! Singlehandedly. By myself. All gone. Just as I've done in Afganistan with that pesky Taliban gang. No more problems there either.
So now, ask me no more silly questions about these petty street thugs. They saw me coming, and they just knew that their days were numbered. Gone. Vanished. “We have really wiped out ISIS.” "Obliterated"! Turned'em into desert dust. No one even remembers who they were. No other president since Roosevelt has been so hard on ISIS, and the Taliban, as I, my heroic self, has been.
But hey, enough about Me, this is not about how great, and effective I have been over seas as President, but just look how great I've been at home. Astounding! Incredible! Actually, unbelievable. No one can believe how wonderful I've been. No one. No one at all. Really. No one.'

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New reports estimate as many as 30,000 ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria ― about the same as a few years ago.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

You'll Be So Sorry

'Ooooo...I'll make you So sorry! Really! You'll be so sorry, you'll wish you lived on another planet instead of Mine! Don't make me pinch you! My daddy can whip your daddy! I'm bad to the bone! If you ain't afraid of me, it's because you don't know me yet. I'll give you nightmares like you never dreamed of! I'm whatcha might call, a 'DC bully'. Don't you dare run against me or you will "suffer" a fate worse than forty hells warmed over. I'll make you "suffer" like crazy! It's my job to set an example for all others, lesser than me, to follow. But hey, this isn't about Me. It's about how you will "suffer" my wrath if you dare to "run" against me, or simply cross me in general. Don't do it. Don't. Do. It.'

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President Donald Trump on Monday dared New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo…

Make The 'Office of The President" Great Again

This is our incompetent, egotistical, paranoid, Commander-In-Chief busily continuing the division of America, the destruction of our Constitution, and Justice system, and the deconstruction of our nation as we know it.
America will never heal from the irreparable damage that this un-supervised man-child has, is, and will continue to do to our Nation.
It is not 'America' that should be made "great again", it has always been so, but it is instead, the Office of The Presidency, that should be made great again. And that can only be accomplished when the Republican party wakes up and decides that the survival of America, and our democracy, and the world as a whole, is more important than the political survival of the person chosen to lead it.
The longer the Republican party waits while cowering in their foil lined closets, the more damage Trump will inflict.

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President Donald Trump said Friday that he would likely strip the security clearance of a Justice Department official "very quickly," opening a new front in his battle with figures related to the special counsel investigation into his campaign and Russian election interference.

Drama, Drama, Drama

I doubt very seriously that this whiney judge has been "threatened" at all. It appears that he is simply a 'look at me', 'talk about me', little man who will do whatever it takes to get more attention than he actually deserves. It appears that he is biased against the Mueller team from the beginning of the trial, and anyone who even 'thinks' that no one on the jury has heard about his claim of 'threats', and will not be sympathetic towards the defense, is simply out of touch with the real world. He has simply helped, during the trial, to make the defendant appear to be the 'victim' of a governmental "witch hunt" in this case. My guess is that he will 'walk' on most of the charges against him, not because he's innocent, but because of the prevailing 'anti-everything' that Trump has filled their heads with since he became President. Even if he is convicted of anything, Trump will negate all that by 'pardoning' him of his sins, just as he will do for anyone else in this case, and others to follow if it serves to insulate, and protect himself from 'harm'.
As long as the 'Office of The President' has the powers to 'pardon' as it does, justice can never be served, especially in this instant Russian Investigation that should surely envelope Trump, 'The Incompetent'.

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The judge in ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s fraud trial…

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Tariff Wars :/

This is Trump, 'The Incompetent', driving another potential friendly nation into the arms of our enemies.


HD Die-Hards

HD is simply 'seeing the light'. After the current set of 'boomers' are too old to safely manhandle their Harleys, and admit that they have been ego'd into spending their retirement money on a 'name', HD will have to find a new way to market either the current bikes, not likely, or make something different for the younger crowd who do not care for the 'beasts', and are smart enough to know when they are being milked of their hard earned money. HD is already busy in the European market by offering 'Electric' Scooters and are working towards larger bikes that will also be Electric powered. It's a new world boys! The old glory days of the massive gas guzzling, vibrating, HD will soon be over.
Trumps crowd of HD owners who appear to be mostly older Republican die-hards no matter that their Hero, Trump, 'The Incompetent', couldn't give a crap less about them personally, and simply wants their 'votes', have been tricked by Trump to try and save HD when he couldn't do it himself by using 'bully politics'. They simply can't see past the HD problems that Trump, himself, is causing, by his, "no one get hurt", Tariff Wars, and the financial problems facing HD at the moment.
If anyone should be "Boycotted", it's Trump himself.
Wake up HD owners! It's Trump, the snake oil salesman, that has sold you a phony bill of goods!!

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President Trump said a planned boycott of iconic American motorcycle…

"Impossible" 'Space Force'

'Not just "impossible", but downright impossible! As we all 'know', the earth that we reside upon is flat, relatively speaking, and not round like a bowling ball, as some people erroneously believe. There are many 'documented' cases where unwary folks have actually driven their cars right off the edge of the earth, never to be seen again. Gone. Just like that! That's why you should never tempt fate. Don't do it. Just don't.
I will explain 'Flat Earth' as well as I can, and I will simple it down so that even the most uneducated dolts among us can understand my words, Trump, are you listening?
Like I have already mentioned, the earth is flat. Is there Any part of this that you don't understand? Shall I write s l o w l y? Simple as that. Imagine a really big dinner plate. Well, that's what our Earth looks like, except there's lots of mountains, rivers, oceans, and billions of people, oh, and animals, all over the place. Can't get much more simple than that huh? So, our Earth is flat, not at all shaped like your favorite beach ball, is it, just flat, and just floating around in no place particular. Everything is peaceful. Now along comes this President trump, wanting to create some sort of 'Space Force'. What's with that!!? "Space"? We don't have no stinking 'space'! And not too much left here! Just what does he intend to "force" on "space" in the first place?? How do you do that? I mean, really!? I just don't see how you can "force" Anything on "space" that's not there in the first place. We all 'know' there's nothing out there, so how are you gonna make it do anything? Is it just me, or is that just crazy? Really, is it just me, I mean am I just crazy or what?
So, now, as You can plainly see from my explanation of empty space, we can all 'see' that this silly "Space Force" idea is bat crap "Impossible", if not a little nutty! Hello! Mr. Trump, can you hear me?? It's as empty as the space between your hairy ears. There's nothing out there folks! Nothing! Zilch! Nada! Nothing! You can't "Space Force" 'space' to do Anything!
There! I'm confidant that this clears up this crazy little idea of forcing "space" to do something, whatever it is they want it to do by using this "Space Force" thing on it.'

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The idea that the U.S. is going to expand its might beyond the globe is a…