Oh dear! These poor, impoverished, profitless, failing, mega "Big Oil" companies need protection from 'climate change' which they are partly responsible for in the first place. And who do they turn to in this moment of such failing, financial dire straits? Who else but WE, the Tax Payers, the very folks "Big Oil" has been busily 'robbing' at the pumps since time immortal. Every time we pull in to a gas station for automobile fuel, or have home heating Oil tanks refilled, or h...ave our Propane tanks re-filled, we are 'robbed' by these ruthless, unfeeling oil Barons! And Now, they want to up the ante by making US pay for THEIR protection from a problem that they helped in the cause of.
This "Big Oil" industry is not, and should not, be considered a US Government entity by any stretch of the imagination, nor should they be subsudized in any fashion by our Federal Government with our tax dollars. However, they will play the 'Trump' card by saying that in the name, and interest of, 'National Security' they should be protected, by using our Tax dollars, from something they helped cause. This will surely happen though, because "Big Oil" not surprisingly, will open their checkbooks, or more likely cold oily 'cash', to grease the wheels of Congress to make it happen. Money 'talks', and greedy politicians will happily bend over and 'deposit' their take where it counts. So Now, we will be 'robbed' by these 'Big Oil' 'thieves', coming and going. Sadly, 'The more things change, the more things remain the same'.![](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/f4b/1.5/16/1f615.png?_nc_eui2=AeHOk0O_3hzPKpjvLCVv8tnzu9mSiBtVw9jRnyRdEOmi3aomPB2w4LLj1kO_mAUnO1LDVAWHUpeJks4Pn99OINMStQqWl7l-GFY5L-QLLWv6MA)
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This "Big Oil" industry is not, and should not, be considered a US Government entity by any stretch of the imagination, nor should they be subsudized in any fashion by our Federal Government with our tax dollars. However, they will play the 'Trump' card by saying that in the name, and interest of, 'National Security' they should be protected, by using our Tax dollars, from something they helped cause. This will surely happen though, because "Big Oil" not surprisingly, will open their checkbooks, or more likely cold oily 'cash', to grease the wheels of Congress to make it happen. Money 'talks', and greedy politicians will happily bend over and 'deposit' their take where it counts. So Now, we will be 'robbed' by these 'Big Oil' 'thieves', coming and going. Sadly, 'The more things change, the more things remain the same'.
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