Tuesday, November 15, 2016

"Forget Human Rights", Say Duterte

'That's right my fellow citizens! You can just "forget human rights"! If you think you got troubles Now, you ain't seen Nothing yet! Ha! I will spit my poisonous bile right square in their beady little cockroach eyes! Come to the Philippines!! Ha, Not on My 'watch' they won't! There's room for only One mass killer here, and I refuse to be replaced by a bunch of bumbling inepts. I mean, Really? Look, I still have 'work' to do here. Do you have Any idea of how many of m...y fellow countrymen, women and children included, that I 'suspect' of being involved with Drugs and prostitution?? I have a list a mile long already and more every day! ISIS can't just waltz in here and disrupt my well oiled, one man 'killing machine'! I'm the Man here, This is my personal 'killing fields', and I'd rather just pack up my American greenbacks and hightail it outta here before I let those misfits come in and un-selectfully run around committing murders without good cause like I do! I Own this country, these people belong to Me! They Want, no, Demand, that I save them from themselves, even if it means their Own untimely death in the secret dark of night. I have smartly convinced my serfs that evil America has caused our country to be infected by this drug and whore plague, and that the only way to cure it is simply to Kill it.
ISIS, I say this right to your bearded little faces, ' Don't bother coming here with ideas of indiscriminately murdering my people, I have that job well in hand. There's nothing you can do to assist me, and I'm getting better at it everyday!' Well, I must get busy with my 'work', I just thought of a bunch of judges, and lawyers, and teachers I must add to my 'suspect' list. Gotta pick up a boatload of shiny new chinese bullets from my new BFF there. So much to do, so many People to 'do'! A good Dictators job is Never done, Mr. Trump, watch and learn! ;);)'

World News|Mon Nov 14, 2016 | 3:35am EST

Duterte says if Islamic State comes to Philippines, forget human rights

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte warned on Monday that Islamic State militants driven out of Syria and Iraq could set up in his country, and if that happened he would forego human rights obligations to keep his people safe.
Duterte said the southern Philippine province of Mindanao was already a hotbed of rebellion and banditry and he was worried about "looming terrorism" and an influx of extremists who could exploit the insecurity.
"Once the terrorists of the Middle East are deprived of the land area, the real estate area where they can sleep ... they will wander to other places and they will come here and we have to prepare for that," he said during a speech at a law enforcement agency.
"Remember, these guys, they do not have an iota of what is human rights, believe me. I will not just simply allow my people to be slaughtered for the sake of human rights, that's bullshit."
Human rights have been a touchy subject for Duterte, who has vented daily fury at activists and Western governments that have shown concerns about his war on drugs and the high death toll.
A native of Mindanao and mayor of Davao City for 22 years, Duterte said there was a "very strong" Islamist rebellion there and Abu Sayyaf rebels were taking hostages almost every day.
Abu Sayyaf is holding 21 captives, most of them foreign, and despite an ongoing military offensive to wipe them out, its piracy and kidnappings continue unabated.
Duterte said the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia were working closely to keep foreign extremists at bay.
On Friday, he warned that he may use his executive power to tackle lawlessness in the Philippines by suspending habeas corpus, a legal safeguard against arbitrary arrest and detention.

The constitution allows 60-day suspensions "in case of invasion or rebellion, when the public safety requires it" and would permit arrests without warrant and detention without charge for three days.
Duterte mentioned habeas corpus on Friday in the context of both the southern unrest and his war on drugs and said building cases for arresting suspects took too much time and resources.
The president's office on Monday issued a statement saying Duterte was giving a stern warning to those behind violent acts that he could take "more drastic action" to stop them.
(Reporting by Martin Petty; Editing by Nick Macfie)

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