Thursday, November 3, 2016

Just Forget About it, Say's The Pope

'Ok my faithful follow me Anywhere pions, watch my Lips here, listen to my Holier than thou, as prescribed by God himself, words; Female Priests Are Never, that's like never, ever, ever, ever, as long as there's Holy Scacrament Oil, and clouds in the sky, Happening! So just as you have always obeyed the Scriptures as only I, myself, can translate it, That's my 'Order of the day', and unless you would like to be ex-communicated, and spend the rest of your earthly, and thereafter, days boiling in fire and brimstone hell, you will Now, and henceforth get in line with me on this and not cause any embarrasment to the 'faith'. I am simply 'relaying' to You my blindly following human lemmons, what the 'Man' has told me to say. Look, we all 'know' that this is a Man's job. Hey, do you see and 'Women' sitting at the Last Supper table do you? No, you Don't! The Women simply cooked the food, made the wine, and 'served' the men. That's the way it Is, and that's the way it will always be. Now you might think, and erroneously so, that women have no place in the "Order' of things in our faith. But, Whoa! Not So fast there! There's lots, and lots of 'jobs' for women here. I've already mentioned a few of those, but they can also be really great Nuns, and Teachers, of children of course, and well, you Know, spreading the good word. They also can help keep donations flowing in so that I, er, I mean our faith, can continue to flourish as we are accustomed to. Afterall, it takes a copious amount of money to keep the wheels greased around here so that there's no 'sqeeky' wheels that can slow us down. So you 'see', there's lots of things Women can do around here. But of course there's no place in the Piesthood for women. That job is ordained and prescribed by the good Lord himself, as I translate it, to be filled by Men, and Men only. Make that 'Celebate' men. No fornicators will be allowed by the way, And, Man Priests are Still not allowed to marry. Like I said, this is a Mans world where Men make the 'rules', and the women are bound to follow same. No ifs and butts about it. I mean really, just imagine if we allowed Women in here where they would be able to 'mingle' with the Men. Pretty Soon it would be 'Co-Mingling'. Come On! How's That gonna work out!? Can you imagine a Pregnant Priest??? Well, it could happen. And Then What? Are we then to wind up with one claiming that she's having a 'Baby Jesus', and that it was some sort of 'Immaculate Conception'? I mean, Who in their right mind's gonna believe That one? Men should 'be with men' here, that's how it's always Been, and that's how it will always Be. You don't see any pregnant Man Priests running around do you? So, my faithful lemmings, just wash your scrambled minds of Any notion that Women will Ever get a foothold in our faith where they might be able to make Any kind of 'rules' that a Man would have to follow, God forbide. Women were made by our Heavenly Father to be subservant, and to Not be able to make decisons on their own, and to obey their masters. Look, It's written right here in the Holy Scriptures, see, right here in black and white, written by Men who 'knew' waaaaay back when that letting a woman into our little 'Man Club' would just screw up Everything. Just try to imagine what it would be like Now if our faith was Co-Ed. Brrrr...It just makes my celebate bones shiver to the core, and I bet it does Yours as well.
So, to all you faithful Women of our Faith out there, just keep the faith, we'll find a proper place for you as long as you follow the 'rules' that your 'Man Leaders' make for you, after all just ask yourself This; WWJD?' ;);)


Pope Francis: Female Catholic Priests Are Never Happening

So don’t get your hopes up.

11/01/2016 05:01 pm ET
POOL New / Reuters
Pope Francis speaks to journalists on his flight back to Rome, Italy Nov. 1.

Pope Francis said on Tuesday he believes the Roman Catholic Church’s ban on women becoming priests is forever and will never be changed, in some of his most definitive remarks on the issue.
He was speaking aboard a plane taking him back to Rome from Sweden, in the freewheeling news conference with reporters that has become a tradition of his return flights from trips abroad.
A Swedish female reporter noted that the head of the Lutheran Church who welcomed him in Sweden was a woman, and then asked if he thought the Catholic Church could allow women to be ordained as ministers in coming decades.
“St. Pope John Paul II had the last clear word on this and it stands, this stands,” Francis said.
Francis was referring to a 1994 document by Pope John Paul that closed the door on a female priesthood. The Vatican says this teaching is an infallible part of Catholic tradition.
The reporter then pressed the pope, asking: “But forever, forever? Never, never?
Francis responded: “If we read carefully the declaration by St. John Paul II, it is going in that direction.”
TT News Agency / Reuters
Pope Francis arrives to Malmo arena for a Catholic mass, Sweden Nov. 1.

Francis has previously said that the door to women’s ordination is closed, but proponents of a female priesthood are hoping that a future pope might overturn the decision, particularly because of the shortage of priests around the world.
The Catholic Church teaches that women cannot be ordained priests because Jesus willingly chose only men as his apostles. Those calling for women priests say he was only following the norms of his time.
In August, Francis set up a commission to study the role of women deacons in early Christianity, raising hopes among equality campaigners that women could one day have a greater say in the 1.2 billion-member Church.
Deacons, like priests, are ordained ministers and must be men. They cannot celebrate Mass, the Catholic Church’s central rite, but they are allowed to preach and teach in the name of the Church, and to baptize and conduct wake and funeral services.
The Church barred women from becoming deacons centuries ago.
Scholars debate the precise role of women deacons in the early Church. Some say they were ordained to minister only to other women, for instance in baptismal immersion rites. Others believe they were on a par with male deacons.

(Reporting By Philip Pullella; Editing by Kevin Liffey

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