Monday, November 28, 2016

I Tink I Taw A Tweeter

    ' Look folks, Everybody who knows anything about Anything, 'knows' that I won the election fair and square. Fair and square! I got the most Electorial 'votes', and I'm keeping every one of'em, all of'em, and in 'reality', which I know a lot about because I invented the term 'reality', I actually 'won' all the popular votes. Well, all but a few Million! But then who's 'counting', huh? A few million votes from really dead people, illigal immigrants, and newborns! That's what Hillary got! Have you Ever seen such 'voter fraud' as this?? Incredible! Absurd! Crazy! Hillory still 'thinks' that She won! Evil person! Crook! She should be in jail somewhere in the coldest part of Russia! Gonna have a chat with my new BFF-FWB Vlad about that one. I won, and That's it! She can recount all she wants to. Sure she might get a few more votes from the 'grave' but I'm not going Anywhere! Nowhere! No way! Except to the 'White House', which I'm not even gonna Live in, it'll just be my personal 'office' because there's no way I'm gonna lower myslf to the level necessary to live in squaler as That place is. Have you ever seen my house in the trump tower, you Know, the 'new' 'White House'? I'm the new boss in town, and this is my personal country to do with as I please, and I'll Live where I please, and Do as I please, and please as I please. And I Please, mostly Me! Laws do not pertain to Me or my family who will help me run my kingdom just as they do my Other 'personal' businesses. And make no mistake about it folks, America is Now my Own big 'business'. I will soon be the richest human on planet earth! What a gig! And all I had to do was tell lie, after lie, after lie, and verbally beat hell out of anyone who opposed me. And now that I'm the 'man', all I gotta do is keep on doing the same thing for the next four years. Talk about the Rich and Famous! I'm already planning for my 're-election' stump in four years! I think one of my spoiled rotton entitled children will be a shoo-in for V.P. about then. Talk about a dynasty in the works! And you know what? Here, I'll tell you what. I really don't need to 'know' anything about being a president. All I gotta do is surround myself with people who Do, well...sorta do! They'll tell me stuff to say, and do that will keep Americans, and the whole world on edge, I'll keep running my other businesses as usual, remember, I have No conflict of interest or ethics issues as president, what a hoot, and life will go rolling happily along as I get richer, and richer. And all of this simply because I was a better snake oil salesman than Hillary. Of course It Does look like I'm having to back down on a Lot of my campaign 'promises' though. You Know, those things that I 'said' I'd do which my silly followers actually believed I would 'do', but can't really, but they voted for me anyway. But they still love me anyway. That's what happens when you get brainwashed. I could smack everyone of them in the face, and pick their pockets, and they'd still love me. A good 'dictator' knows how to 'work' his people. And Now, actually like always, I have 'tweeter' going for me where I can just whip out a few lies which will reach millions of suckers who will just fall right over for me, and believe everything I write. Everything! No one will dare disagree with me, everyone will be too scared to butt heads with me because I have more power now than Jesus! I sure do hate poilitics, but I sure Do love the 'rewards'!
    And as far as that lying Hillary goes, you can be very Sure that I can come up with bigger, and better, and more believeable Lies than She could Ever hope to imagine, let aone blurt out. Thanks 'tweety'!'

Trump is turning Twitter into a state disinformation machine

He’s about to be president and he’s tweeting enormous lies

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