Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Population Control by Nick

' Oh yeah, that's right! Population control! They, and you 'Know' who I'm rappin' about here, are trying to stop "our" people, and you Know who I mean, from having babies! Yeah, yeah, I Know, there's lots, and lots of people who don't 'Want' to have babies, lots of'em, I get that. But what about the ones that Do want to have babies. I 'speak' for Them! The voiceless people who can't 'think' for themselves, I'm their mouthpiece, I'm their rapper to turn to guy. I am the king of Rap, and I'm rappin' for Them because they don't have a rappin' 'voice', like I do. Those folks are being Forced to Not have babies! Forced I tell you, Forced! How crazy is That!? It makes me just want to break out in some male chauvinist, women belittling Rap 'song'. I think Hillary is behind this "stuff".
“Hillary was [sneaking] ... Think about all the stuff they did with Planned Parenthood and all that type of stuff. That type of stuff is to take our community and forget gentrification, it’s real genocide, and it’s been like that for years,” said the master rapper. “This system is not built for us. This is not our land. I appreciate it. I love it, wouldn’t want to live nowhere else, but this wasn’t designed for our people.” Yeah, and those people, and you Still 'know' who I'm talking about, are killing "our people", and you 'Know' who I'm talking about, and Hillary's behind it all with "that type of stuff", and you Know what I'm rappin' about. Hey, Some people, and you Know Who, will say that I'm being a bit racist here, you know, playing the 'race card', and trying to do a little 'race baiting', "and stuff like that", but hey, that's not me at all. I even have a few 'white friends'. No, Really, I Do. Really.
Did I mention that "this is not our land"? "
"I appreciate it. I love it, wouldn’t want to live nowhere else, but this wasn’t designed for our people". "Same issue I have with Planned Parenthood I have with corps like McDonalds, Hennessy, Privatised Prisons, public education etc". Man, I got a Lot of whines in my pocket today! Life has been one living heck since my honey bun tossed me out on my ear. That McDonald corp is trying to super size 'us' Yeah, I hate this country but you know What, I love the Money it gives me, and I'll take advantage of this system I hate so much as long as I can. Yeah, I know that's a 'bit' hypocritical of me, but hey, that's just me, I complain about the very things I take advantage of. Ain't America 'great'! Gotta 'love' it.
Yeah! Fatten us up for the kill I tell ya! Don't make me start Rappin on you! And that "Henessey" Corp! Hmm... not realy sure what the heck that Is, but man how I hate them! And "Privatised Prisons"!? Why do they have to be "privatiesd"!? Who needs 'private' prisons?? They should be for the 'public' already! And that "public education etc"! What's with That!?? Hey, That should be "privatised"! Public, private, WhatEver! Stand back ten feet from my voice, I think I'm gonna do some serious Rap here. You Know of course that I live in a fantasy world of TV, movies, Disney, and "stuff like that" don't you. I'm not always sure where 'real' begins and fantasy ends, "and stuff like that". Just thought I'd pop into the 'political' world for a few minutes and see if there's something I can Rap on about. Move along folks, nothing to See here, just a man without a Rap, "and stuff like that".'



Nick Cannon Says Planned Parenthood Is ‘Population Control,’ ‘Eugenics’

He doubled down on the comments Friday.

11/28/2016 10:34 am ET|Updated23 hours ago

Planned Parenthood apparently does not have a supporter in Nick Cannon.
The rapper sat down for an interview with Power 105’s “Breakfast Club” last week for a wide-ranging conversation when the topic turned to talk of the election. Cannon said choosing between candidates in the 2016 presidential election was like choosing “the lesser of two evils ... like picking out which gun you wanted to get shot with.”
He made it clear that neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton represented a change to the systemic issues facing oppressed communities.
“Hillary was [sneaking] ... Think about all the stuff they did with Planned Parenthood and all that type of stuff. That type of stuff is to take our community and forget gentrification, it’s real genocide, and it’s been like that for years,” he said. “This system is not built for us. This is not our land. I appreciate it. I love it, wouldn’t want to live nowhere else, but this wasn’t designed for our people.”

On Friday, Cannon doubled down on his remarks about the nonprofit reproductive health organization when approached by a Splash News videographer at LAX.
“It’s modern-day eugenics,” he said. “It’s population control.”
He tweeted some additional thoughts Saturday.
On Instagram, he took a swipe at the New York Daily News, which covered his “Breakfast Club” quotes.

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