Saturday, November 19, 2016

Just A Little 'Reflection'

Once upon a time not so very long, long ago, America valued, if not Always with resounding success, a President who spoke for the America that valued and Spoke for racial, ethnic, and religious freedom and tolerance. One who at least tried to see the world through the eyes of the oppressed, one who wisely refrained from fomenting hate, and divisiveness among the people. And Then, along came an orange coloured, floppy haired, spoiled school yard bully selling snake oil who bamboozled a lot of Americans to elect Him as their snake oil salesman of the year, and made hate, intolerance, and vile verbal, and physical attacks the norm. And in one fell swoop, out the political window went ethics, morality, tolerance, kindness, common sense, civility, a 'clock' that was moving forwards, all the great things that until then America had stood for, only to be replaced by idiocy beyond comprehension, and a nations 'clock' that has been reset, and Now moving backwards. :/

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