Sunday, November 6, 2016

The 1979 'Alien-Human' Battle

'And there I was, standing eye ball to eye ball with this "big grey", as we would come to call them. I can still see those dinner plate sized orbs burning into my nearly useless brain, the gnashing of its wolf fanged incisors, those slobbering blood thirsty lips, a green fume of death reeking from its contorted mouth! But Whoa! I preceed myself. Let me start at the Beginning of this saga that has tormented my remaining brain ever since that fateful day, when the "big greys" attacked. As I 'remember' it, I was working at a top secret job drilling holes for nuclear missles way out in the wilds of New Mexico. I 'knew it was a hush-hush government job because they was a bunch of Green Beret soldiers all around us there with orders to kill us all if we even talked to Each Other while working. I'd tell you exactly Where this happened but I was forced to sign a 'No Tell' contract that prevents me from giving it up. Even Now, by divulging as 'little as I know', and am about to tell will probably get me deader than last weeks news, but I Must tell my 'story' before no one will pay any attention to me at all, If at all.
I remember it clear as day even though it all occurred back in 1979, you know, during the era of wild abandoned drug experimentation use among my peers. But being of strong will and honest charactor I 'never' knowingly touched that stuff. Well, maybe a few 'brownies' and such, but 'nothing' that would really scramble my brain. Really! Yes, it all comes back to me now as clear as the bells that always ring like the Bells of St. Mary inside my cavernous head.
So, here we were, digging like crazy. Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig! Deeper, and deeper we went, straight into the bowels of the earth itself. There was a bunch of us there, about sixty three in number if I remember correctly. We'd already punched a few holes when all of a sudden out of the earth there came this cloud of dirty black smoke, and Then these Seven Foot Tall ground dwellers, 'The big greys', came rumbling out of the ground. Boy, did they ever stink! Whew! It was bad enough to knock a Buzzard off a Poop wagon! Everyone but myself started heading for the exits! But I stood my ground, and looked that monster right in his ugly eyeballs and yelled at him, 'I'm gonna count to Three Mister, and then I'm gonna drill you with my .22 cal. pistol, that for some unknown reason I carry on my hip! before I could even get to Three that monster Cheated, just like a deep earth alien will Do, and blasted me with his 'blue light' special which blew off some of my fingers and these here toe nails on my foot. I tell you I was "opened up like a fish"! WhoooEeee! Talk about being scorched nearly Alive, and skinned like a cat! But I was able to draw a bead on that sucker with my sjhort barrel .22, and shot'em right through his livin' quarters, amnd down he went! And Then with great presence of mind I was able, with expert marksmanship and cool head, to drop three or more of'em right in their nasty alien footsteps. Then like a miracle, a soon to be dead hero Green Berat tossed my bleeding, sizzling body onto a lift and I was pulled to the surface and saved along with only two other survivors of that alien battle in the desert. Over sixty good, brave men would never tell the tale. The rest of those foul breath'd creatures retreated back into their underground lairs where they live to this day. There's still no doubt thousands of them are still living underground out there just waiting for the next fool to fall prey to their ray guns. Horrible, I tell you, just horrible.
And that's my 'story' of the 1979 'The Alien-Human Battle', as I know and recall it, and I'm stickin' to it, unless you have a video showing otherwise.' ;);)

 Alien-Human Battle of 1979 in New Mexico: Alleged Eye-Witness Report  
Looking back on the story of Phil Schneider
In Beyond Science, Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below.
Phil Schneider said he was working as an explosives expert, helping build secret underground bases for the U.S. government in Dulce, N.M., in 1979. In 1995, he told the astonishing story of his encounter with alien beings living underground.
Schneider said he was one of three survivors in a battle with aliens in August 1979 and that he was the only person with a high-level security clearance speaking out in such detail about the government’s knowledge of alien beings.
He was very critical of the government for keeping citizens in the dark, and gave many talks on his experiences in the two years preceding his death in 1997. Schneider claimed multiple attempts were made on his life after he began revealing what he knew. His death by suicide has been viewed with suspicion by his supporters.
Added April 10, 2014: There are few people from the military who have talked about aliens as explicitly as Schneider. All have been met with ridicule. But there are also many who believe Schneider after watching his videos, such as Veterans Today senior editor Gordon Duff who calls him a “UFO whistleblower.”

The Story of the Alien Base and Battle

Schneider was suspicious about the underground base he was helping to build when he saw so many Special Forces Green Berets around camp.

The work team drilled four large holes, the standard way to start construction. But what emerged from the holes was not at all part of standard procedure. “All the black sooty air came up when we drilled holes there,” Schneider said in a lecture at the 1995 Preparedness Expo. He had gone underground to make an assessment when he found himself just feet away from a “big grey”—a 7-foot-tall alien.
“The stench was worse than the worst garbage can. The entity was absolutely horrible,” he said. Schneider fumbled for a pistol he was carrying. He killed two of the beings, but not before one of them could emit a strange and harmful energy.
The alien made a sort of circular motion with his hand, waving it in front of his chest. Schneider imitated the action. “The next thing I know, this blue beam hit me and just literally opened me up like a fish.”
He showed the audience his hand. The beam burned off some of the fingers on his left hand and hit his chest. It also burned his shoes off and even burned his toenails off. A Green Beret saved Schneider’s life and lost his own in the process. He got Schneider into a lift and pushed the button to raise him above ground to safety.
More than 60 people lost their lives that day, said Schneider. The other two survivors are living in nursing homes in Canada, he said. They are protected by the Canadian government and no American citizen, Schneider included, is allowed access to them. Schneider said this is because they were scared of being kidnapped.
“There’s a war under there and it’s been going on since that time,” he said. He spoke of 1,477 underground bases around the world, 129 of which were located in the United States. Each cost $17 billion or more. He said the Black Budget, hidden from other U.S. government agencies and from the public, garners 25 percent of the gross national product. Military forces from multiple countries have been engaged in such warfare with aliens, he said.

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