Thursday, November 10, 2016

Sorry ISIS, No "Disaster" Here

This just goes to show how very Little these brain damaged MURDERERS know about Americans.
Yes, some of us may whine, and grumble about our election results, and anything Else that might irritate us, and Some more than others, but in the end there will be No 'civil war' as ISIS or China or Russia or North Korea wishes, no overthrowing of our government, no 'beheadings' as ISIS is so want to do, and America will Not collapse upon itself as a result of this political event.
In America, we have this thing called 'Freedom of Speech and Expression', something that ISIS cannot comprehend nor tolerate for fear that their 'subjects' will actually be able to Think for themselves and see the idiocy of these radial militants who use their Own version, and interpretation of 'religion' to fuel their murderous thinking.  We don't Murder Our people just because they may disagree with how elections turn out or because of their religious beliefs.  They have the Right to disagree, and peacefully protest if they wish.  We Vote, we don't dictate.  We have a President-Commander-In-Chief elected by our citizens by majority vote.  That's the way we do it here.  It has, sometimes surprisingly, worked, and sometimes better than at Other times, from our beginning right up to the present.  It may not always be a Pretty sight during the process of Democracy but it comes down to This; 'You can please Some of the people Some of the time, but you can't please All of the people All of the time'.  It would probably be pretty boring if it were otherwise.  Our political, and judicial system of  'checks and balances' tends to keep things down to a low roar, and on an otherwise even keel.  And it may be that our democratic, and political system might not be the 'best' system on the planet as some surmise, but it's the best one that we have, and it's always being fine tuned, and for the most part it always seems to work in the end. 
Freedom entails work and co-operation in a democracy because Some humans Want to be governed, and Some humans simply want to be left alone to their own devices.  Convincing the two to somehow work together for the betterment of the 'cause' is a full time job.  Even in a Democratic Nation not Everyone is happy with the way things are.  Some go out of their way to foment dissent among those who would otherwise use good common sense to avoid such teachings.  It's true that you can legislate commons sense 'laws', but you cannot legislate Common Sense or morality.  Thankfully there are more With than Without.  Freedom is Not 'free', you get Out what you put In.
Like us or not, This is Us, This is America where we are always a 'work' in progress, and Always the land of freedom of Choice. ;)

Islamic extremists celebrate Trump victory: 'US struck with disaster at the hands of their own voters'

BY Laura Bultfollow
Updated: Thursday, November 10, 2016, 11:18 AM

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During his campaign Trump vowed to order a group of generals to come up with a plan to defeat ISIS within his first 30 days in office.
(Corey Sipkin/New York Daily News)

Islamic extremists are celebrating Donald Trump's shocking victory this week, claiming the election outcome proves half of Americans' anti-Muslim sentiment, according to a group monitoring jihadism.
Islamic terrorist organizations including Al Qaeda, the Islamic State and the Taliban are touting Trump's stunning win as a signal of the country’s downfall, according to reports in SITE Intelligence Group cited by USA Today.
“Pro #AQ (Al Qaeda) accounts: ‘On 9-11 US struck w disaster at the hands of AQ. On 11-9, US struck with disaster at the hands of their own voters,” wrote SITE founder Rita Katz on Twitter.
Katz published a series of memes posted by jihadist groups taunting the President-elect to make due on his promises of military intervention in the Middle East.
One meme shows an image of red boxing gloves and the words “Bring it on, Donald. The mujahideen are ready.” The “mujahideen” refers to a coaltion of jihadists.

Another image shows Trump clutching an American flag with a smirk on his face, with the words “Don’t try to hide, Donald. The mujahideen are ready.”
Trump focused a significant part of his campaign message on defeating ISIS, pledging to assign generals to come up with a plan to defeat the terrorist group in his first 30 days in office.
“I’m going to bomb the s--t out of them,” Trump said a year ago today.
Trump also vowed during his bid for the presidency to ban all Muslim immigration and to surveil Muslim Americans and their mosques.

Katz reports that jihadists preferred Trump to Clinton because he supposedly shed light on how half of the country feels toward Muslims.
“Pro #ISIS & #Jihadis say they ‘prefer #Trump to #Clinton because he is ‘telling Muslims what half of America thinks of them,” she tweeted.
Katz also reported that the Taliban is urging the President-elect to withdraw U.S. forces from the Taliban.
Domestic extremists are also rejoicing in a Trump win.

A jihadist monitoring group's founder posted memes created by extremists that taunt the President-elect.
Former Klu Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke tweeted early Wednesday that “this is one of the most exciting nights of my life.”
“Make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!," Duke posted to Twitter.
Trump was condemned during his campaign for not refuting his support among white supremacists, most notably when it came from Duke.

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