Wednesday, November 9, 2016

America Has Spoken By The Freedom Of VOTE

Yes martha, it appears that the 'sky' Is falling afterall.  As incredible as it may seem, American voters, or at least the ones that actually bothered to Vote, have elected as their President, a man with a track record that shows him as a bigoted, racist, homophobic, chauvinistic, narcissistic, self centered, school yard bully of a man who shows absolutly no respect for women or Anyone who may disagree with him.  A man who played the 'snake oil salesman' card in order to play on the unfounded fears of Americans who heard him verbalize those fears and prejudices.  "He speaks for Us" they say.  A man who wants to 'wall off' our southern neighbor Mexicao, a man who wants to deport millions of immigrants, a man who's idols are loathsome Dictators who Now are gleefully praising the election results, a man who was endorsed and backed by home grown American anti-government militias, a man who has vowed to refuse to come to the aid of NATO members.  Where has 'America' gone, how did this incredible thing happen here in the year of 2016!?  How could so many Americans be bamboozled by such an angry rich man who pretends that he identifies with the 'common' man and woman of America?  Where were the Americans who surely have common sense while this person was pulling the wool over the eyes of our nation?  Unfortunatly, I do not have the answers to these questions.  We Know what kind of person he Is, we Know his thought process, we Know he will not change now that he has been elected.  He Is what he Is.  Hopefully our political, and judicial system of 'checks and balances' will keep his 'toes to the fire' and prevent him from the 'destruction' he seems to be so intent upon.  America cannot afford to slide backwards in this day and age, there's way to much at stake for us to shut out neighbors and friends.  Only time will tell if the age old addage, 'Be careful what you Ask for, you just might get it' will be the last word.  We shall see.
I do not rail against, nor disparage a 'sitting President' of our country unless he/she deserves such through an act of absolute, asinine stupidity by word or act.  And so, I will now hold my tongue and see how it goes. 
We should all, as Americans, put aside our political differances and attempt to work With instead of Against our new President no matter what we may think of him, to keep America on track, and Still the greatest Free and Democratic Nation on this shrinking planet.  :):)

'Donald Trump’s Victory Is Met With Shock Across a Wide Political Divide'

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