Sunday, November 13, 2016

Where Are The Protesters?

  Thousands of mostly clueless people excersing their constitutional rights are out marching, and protesting the results of our Presidential elections as if this were some third world nation, against a man, one single person, one big mouthed, vile spoken, ill mannered person who so far has not killed or maimed a single soul on this planet.   Yet, here in the 'enlightened' Tarheel State of North Carolina is a certified, bonafied card carrying Racist, Hate mongering terroristic, anti government, clutch of fools who Have in the recent past murdered and terrorized untold numbers of innocent Americans, and but for the Laws of our land would gladly replicate the horrors of the Nazi's and ISIS itself upon Anyone who would dare detract from their hateful, racist way of 'thinking', and No One Even Blinks An Eye! There's No One in the streets protesting their presence.   No one breaking windows, or burning cars while protesting their hateful presence. Where are the civic minded, law abiding citizens of North Carolina who should be out in droves protesting Against the KKK, a hate group which takes advantage of our Constitution, proudly, and loudly, calls North Carolina their KKK based 'home' state?   Do the majority of North Carolinians Favor the Klan and their hate filled sentiments and still relish in the 'good ol' boy' era?   Or, do the majority who Don't share those hateful sentiments, simply choose to look the other way, and hope the Klan will as well?   Either way, North Carolina looses, and the Klan gains. And yet, no one protests this historically dangerous, militant anti government, racist clutch of misfits that proudly calls North Carolina its 'home'.  Wake Up North Carolina, you have left the 'door' open, there's a
'burgler' in your 'home' ;/  ;/

 One of the largest KKK groups in the country is planning a "Victory Parade" for the President-elect.

One of the largest KKK groups in the country is planning a "Victory Parade" for the President-elect.


A spokeswoman for Trump condemned the planned parade.
KING: How Trump is leading transformation to turn GOP into KKK
Hope Hicks said the President-elect “and his team continue to disavow these groups and individuals and strongly condemn their message of hate.”
Not Released (NR)

Trump has received support from several white nationalist and racist groups throughout his campaign.

(John Moore/Getty Images)

No time or location is listed for the Klan parade, and the Loyal White Knights did not return calls for comment.
A voicemail set up for the contact number listed on the hate group’s website calls on white Americans to take up arms.
“It’s about time that we put an end to this massive third world immigration into our white homelands,” a male voice says in a prerecorded message.

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