Thursday, November 17, 2016

Little Kim Says, Do Not Call Me 'Fatty'!

'Whaaaat!? Do they really call me that?? Oh My, I thought they were calling me 'Fatty Kim the Tur* '. Hmmm... why would they call me 'fat' though? Sure, I 'may' appear to be a 'little' on the morbidly obese side of life, and it 'may' be true that I could very easily devour My rice and corn field there behind me in one sitting, and it 'may' appear that my fat 'little' head is trying to evict my stylish coiffure right off the top of my snappy, happy go lucky head, and my j...ust a bit too tight made in China clothing 'might' make me 'appear' a bit corpulent, and it 'may' look like I can barely see through the roles of what 'appears' to be roles of Fat globulars around my beady little eyes, and that I may 'appear' to have More than my fair share of 'chins', but let me assure all my sweet, loving, faithful, 'free' to think as they wish, starving serfs, and the rest of the world that may be excessivly 'worried' about my health status, that I am a very 'fit' example of viral manhood. I mean, just Look at me! Am I one good looking hunk of a guy or What!? Fourteen square meals a day, and counting, never hurt Anyone! All of my serfs will tell you, If I even Let you ask them in the first place, which of Course I won't, that they all, man, woman, and starving little child, are more than 'willing' to live on less than meager starvation 'diets' so that I, their fatless fashion guru of a leader, can recieve My daily portion of nutrients which enable me to be the best doggone dictator this starving nation has ever barely lived through.
Well, I must waddle along now, gotta hold an 'informal' inquisition in order to convince some of my serfs to cough up the mental case that 'mistakenly' called me 'Fat'. Did you know that because of my starving countries non existent crime rate we actually have no need for 'prisons' here? And if someone Does mistakenly commit a 'crime', for example, calling me 'fat', or even simply being an un-favorite Uncle, they would simply be enrolled in a 'change my mind' class at our local Landmine Emprovement Center where, I am told, they Really have a 'blast'.
However, to prevent my serfs from actually Making that 'fat' mistake in the first place, I hereby order, by the power invested upon me by myself, the greatest and most 'benevolent' dictator still alive, proclaim that for here and ever after it will be a ' landmine crime' for Anyone to stupidly utter the words, 'Fatty Kim The Tur*, er, I mean the Third'! I am not fat, I am not fat, I am...... .' ;);)

'Kim Fatty The Third' No More: China Reportedly Censors Mockery Of Kim Jong Un

This undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency on Aug. 4 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un delivering a speech at the April 25 House of Culture in Pyongyang. KCNA Via KNS/AFP/Getty Images hide caption
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KCNA Via KNS/AFP/Getty Images
This undated picture released from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency on Aug. 4 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un delivering a speech at the April 25 House of Culture in Pyongyang.
KCNA Via KNS/AFP/Getty Images
China appears to have censored an insulting nickname for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, blocking it from appearing on popular websites.
The name in question: "Kim Fatty the Third."
The Associated Press reports:
"Searches for the Chinese words 'Jin San Pang' on the search engine Baidu and microblogging platform Weibo returned no results this week.
"The nickname pokes fun at Kim's girth and his status as the third generation of the Kim family to rule the world's only hereditary communist dynasty. It's especially popular among young, irreverent Chinese who tend to look down on their country's would-be ally. ...
" 'Kim Fatty the Third' is such a widely used term in China that it is sometimes suggested by auto-complete algorithms on web portals such as Baidu, China's leading search engine. While searches for 'Jin San Pang' returned no results this week, Baidu left untouched results for other versions of the nickname, such as 'Kim Fat Fat Fat.' "
Reuters, which ran a similar search for the nickname, reports that a spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry denied that the government had banned the search term while also saying China "does not approve of insulting or ridiculing language to address any country's leader."
China's Internet regulator, as well as the companies that own Baidu and Weibo, did not respond to requests for comment, Reuters says.
China has long been North Korea's only major ally, and the source of most of North Korea's trade. The relationship between the two countries has been strained, but not broken, by North Korea's continued testing of a nuclear weapons program.
In September, China condemned North Korea's fifth nuclear test, which caused strong tremors along the North Korea-China border.

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