Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Off To The Dudgeon With You!

 Dear Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who Criminalizes Humor, I just love your tablecloth hat! What a clever idea! I bet it comes in handy at dinner time. Does it come with a table? You're lucky that your mother allows you to wear it. I remember we had one just like that when I was a youngster, but we'd never get away with Wearing it! Yikes! By the way, did you really lock someone up for being 'funny'?
 In your photo, it appears that you are smiling or actually 'laughing' about something. Odd. Did one of your minions tell a 'funny' joke? Did you lock him away in a dudgeon afterwards? Have you, yourself, ever told a funny something? How long was your self imposed sentence? I bet if I came to the 'enlightened' country of Saudi Arabia, you'd lock me up for a hundred years huh? You call yourself a 'Leader', ever wonder what your oppressed countrymen/women call you? Straight to jail huh? Here in America, we have what's called the 'Freedom of Speech', and 'Freedom of Expression'. Here, we can even call our President, such as Trump, 'The Incompetent', silly names, and not go to prison for it. How about that!? I can even call You something like, 'Ignorant Moron', or whatever. Nope, you can't extradite me for That! Oh, 'ignorance' can be fixed, 'stupidity' is a life sentence. I condemn you to that very thing. Now, off to the dudgeon with you. ;)

Deplorable -
About this website
Despotic Saudi Arabia bans laughter - criminalizes humor: In Saudi Arabia, you can now be jailed for 5 years for posting online satire.

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