Monday, September 10, 2018

I Didn't Do It! Really.

'Let me be perfectly, and opaquely 'clear' about this silly "Op-Ed" conspiracy, I, myself, didn't, not to be confused with the word 'did', notice the 'nt there, write it. That is to say, No, I did not do it, and I'm almost agreeable to take a lie detector test to prove it. However, seeing as how just about every other word that slithers from between my entitled lips just happens to Be a lie, the test may prove to be more of a problem for me than it will clear up. We'll see. And besides, why would I do something like writing something that would cause such wonderful distractions from my real problems around here? Crazy idea! 'Who' does that!? Am I really that smart? Am I like the fox in charge of the rumor machine? Oh please, don't give me that much credit! That's crazy talk. Anyway, I didn't do it. Really. I'm not telling a lie this time. Honest. Remember, I'm the only person that American's can trust. That's the 'truth'. Really.'  :/

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