Monday, September 3, 2018

'Dictator-In-Chief', In Waiting

What an unmitigated, ignorant buffoon, masquerading as our Commander-In-Chief! His ignorance of the 'Rule of Law' is boundless. How can he actually believe that all things, especially our legal system, should be designed to work in his personal favor? Oh, wait, of course that's it, it's called 'entitlement'. His unending, self serving, egotistical goal to become America's first 'Dictator-In-Chief' compels him to disregard our Constitution, to ursurp our 'Rule of Law', to threaten, and intiminate our Judiciary, and the very people he, himself, hired to do the jobs that he nows whines about when they actually perform their duties.
This immature, pathetic man-child, if allowed to continue with his goal of de-constructing our Nation, and the world as a whole, will prove to be America's downfall as we know it. America has already become the laughing stock of the world. Even two more destructive years of this bumbling fool will mean two more decades of rebuilding, and repairing the damage done, IF, it can ever be repaired at all.
We can only hope that the Mueller probe can snare this snake oil salesman for what he really is. How could American's have been so utterly dumbstruct by his pitiful magic act!?

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