Thursday, September 27, 2018

To 'Stand' Or Not To Stand

Well, so much for "land of the free, home of the brave", freedom of choice, you know, that sort of thing, at least in the learned state of Texass.
As far as I can determine, there is absolutely no provision in our Constitution that 'requires' a citizen to stand in the presence of, or salute in any manner our National Flag. The school is this instant case is on the losing end of this lawsuit. If they were to prevail in this case, then where, if ever, is the 'stop' sign that prevents a local, or federal government from enacting other abridgements to our rights to the 'freedoms' that we as Americans enjoy? What next? Will we be required to salute our President, to take a knee in his presence, to hail his name with raised arm or be charged with blasphemy otherwise? Will our 'freedom of speech' be throttled because some little, local Hitler decides that we have offended his/her feelings about something?
FYI, this is Still America, not some socialist banana republic, or some sand dune dictatorship where we are to be decapitated, or have our extremities chopped off at the whelm of some miserable despot. To 'stand' or not to stand is up to the individual of the moment, not at the choice of some local yokel or anyone in our government at whatever level it occurs.
Everyone in America has their own personal agenda in life, and no matter what it is as long as it does not interfere with, or actually harm another persons agenda, should be protected without fail.

The Rights and Freedoms of Americans

(From: Hartley, William H., Vincent, William S.. American Civics. N.Y., 1974, pp. 34ff)
In drafting the Constitution, most of the Founding Fathers believed that the safeguards written into it would protect the rights of Americans. But when the Constitution was sent to the states in 1787 for ratification, a great roar of disapproval went up. In Virginia, Patrick Henry protested vigorously against the lack of a specific statement of rights. Other Americans from different states demanded that a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution. A number of states ratified the Constitution only conditionally. That is, they would approve the Constitution only if it were changed to include these rights.
Two years after the new American government went into effect, the Bill of Rights was added as the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Congress discussed nearly 200 proposals for amendments before it presented these ten to the states for approval. The states ratified these amendments, and they became part of the Constitution in 1791.

The first ten amendments to the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, set forth the priceless rights or freedoms that all Americans may enjoy. A brief summary of these great freedoms is given here.

The first right, or freedom, guaranteed in the Bill of Rights is freedom of religion. This right is guaranteed in the First Amendment. Freedom of religion guarantees to all Americans the right to practice any religion they choose, or to practice no religion at all.
Congress is forbidden to establish any religion as our nation's official religion. Congress cannot favor any one religion over others or tax citizens in order to support any one religion.

The right to express your ideas and opinions when you speak is called freedom of speech. Freedom of speech also means the right to listen to the thoughts and opinions of others. This freedom guarantees that Americans are free to express their thoughts and ideas about anything. They may talk freely to their friends and neighbours or speak in public to a group of people. Of course, no one may use his freedom of speech to injure others. If a person knowingly says things that are false about another, he may be sued in court by the person or persons who believe they have been harmed by what he said.
Americans are free to express opinions about their government or anything else. They are free to criticize the actions of the government and of government officials. In a dictatorship, where the nation's government has all the powers, the people have no right to speak like this. They do not dare to criticize the actions of the government. If they do, they may be imprisoned. But all Americans enjoy the freedom of speech, which is guaranteed in the First Amendment.

The freedom to express your ideas and opinions in writing is known as freedom of the press. This freedom is closely related to freedom of speech and is also guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Freedom of the press gives all Americans the right to express their ideas and thoughts freely in writing. This writing may be in newspapers, books, magazines, or any other printed or written form. Americans are also free to read what others write. They may read any newspaper, book or magazine they want. Because they are free to read a variety of facts and opinions, Americans can become better-informed citizens.

Another priceless freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment is freedom of assembly, or freedom to hold meetings. Americans are free to meet together to discuss problems and to plan their actions. Of course, such meetings must be carried on in a peaceful way.

The freedom of petition is the right to ask your government to do something or to refrain from doing something. The First Amendment contains this guarantee, also. The freedom of petition gives you the right to write to your Congressman and request him to work for the passage of laws you favor. You are free to ask him to change laws that you do not like. The right of petition also helps government officials to know what Americans think and what actions they want the government to take.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees Americans the right to bear arms. In the early years of our nation, Americans needed weapons in order to serve in the militia, or volunteer armies, that were established to defend our states. The militia provided protection during emergencies, too. Many Americans also believed that without weapons they would be powerless if the government tried to overstep its powers and rule by force.

The Third Amendment states, "No soldier shall, in times of peace, be quartered in any house. . . ." Under British rule, the colonists sometimes had to feed and house British soldiers against their will. As a result, Americans wanted this practice forbidden under the Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights contains many rights that are guaranteed to persons accused of a crime. Amendments Five, Six, Seven, and Eight are all concerned with these rights. Our nation places great importance on these rights in order to guarantee equal justice for all Americans.
1.A person must be indicted, or formally accused of a crime, by a group of citizens called a "grand jury" before he can be brought into court for trial.
2.A person accused of a crime is guaranteed the right to know what law he is accused of breaking.
3.A person accused of a crime has a right to a prompt public trial by a jury of his fellow citizens.
4.An accused person cannot be put into prison and kept there for weeks or months while awaiting a trial. He has the right to leave jail, in most cases, if he can raise a certain sum of money, or bail, as a pledge that he will appear at his trial.
5.An accused person has a right to a lawyer to represent him in court.
6.All the testimony and evidence against an accused person must be presented publicly in court.
7.The accused person has the right to call any witnesses to appear if their testimony will help him.
8.The accused person cannot be forced to testify or give evidence against himself.
9.If the accused person is found guilty, he cannot be given cruel or unusual punishment. If the accused person is found not guilty of a serious crime, he cannot be tried a second time for this same crime.

The Fifth Amendment guarantees Americans the right to own private property. No person may take away anything that we own. Nor can the government seize our land, money, or other forms of property without cause, or without paying for it. The right to own private property is one of America's basic freedoms. Our free economic system is based upon this right.

To make doubly sure that Americans should enjoy every right and freedom possible, Amendment Nine was added to the Constitution. This amendment states that the list of rights contained in the Bill of Rights is not complete. There are many other rights that all Americans have and will continue to have even though they are not mentioned in the Bill of Rights. Among them are the following.
1.Freedom to live or travel anywhere in our nation
2.Freedom to work at any job for which we can qualify
3.Freedom to marry and raise a family
4.Freedom to receive a free education in good public schools
5.Freedom to join a political party, a union, and other legal groups
As a final guarantee of our rights, the Tenth Amendment set aside many powers of government for the states. This Amendment says that all powers not given to the federal government by the Constitution, nor forbidden to the states, are set aside for the states, or for the people. This provision leaves with the states the power to act in many ways to guarantee the rights of their citizens.


Government is the authority or power that people establish to help them run their affairs.
Governments serve many important purposes, but the most important one is that government makes it possible for people to live and work together. Government provides us with rules of conduct we can follow. Government makes it possible for people to live by known laws, and helps provide many services that citizens acting alone could not perform themselves.
Our nation's government is based on the American Constitution. This Constitution, together with its Bill of Rights and other amendments, provides us with a workable plan of government. The Constitution also guarantees to all Americans many priceless rights and freedoms.
Our nation's government is based upon the approval, or consent, of the people who are governed. It is a federal system in which certain powers are given to the national government and other powers are left to the states and to the people. Certain powers are shared by both federal and state governments. In both federal and state governments, powers are separated and balanced among three branches of government.

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Former student India Landry is suing the Houston school district that kicked her out, saying it violated her First Amendment rights.

I'm The Greatest, I Tell Ya!

THIS, is the President of The United States of America, the 'leader' of the free world, our Commander-In-Chief, once again allowed out of the WH without adult supervision, and showing why 'children' should not be allowed to 'play' at being Presidential. Sad little 'man child' living in his own dark little "alternative facts" world of make believe.


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After three days at the United Nations meetings in New York City, President Donald Trump held a news conference Wednesday night. It was only the fourth solo press conference of his presidency and was, reportedly, his idea. The goal, ostensibly, was to fight back hard against the allegations made by....

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Trump Is Mad About Gina

'Is Gina "great", or what!? And it certainly doesn't hurt that she is also one "hot" young 'professional'! I mean, just look at her! Man, what I wouldn't give to...well, you 'know', "grab" that. But look, this isn't about her, it's all about me, me, me.
Gina, who as we all 'know' is an 'on-line' graduate from a practically unknown PhD mill, has given me a personal in-depth clinical evaluation as to my superior mental heath status. Wow! She really hit the nail on the head with that one! She has officially given me a clean, and undisputed, bill of mental health as President of America. I'm not as crazy as most everyone thinks I am. Finally, someone with 'impeccable credentials' has proclaimed that I am the “most sound-minded” president ever to hold the office! Incredible! Un-believeable! And I didn't even tell her what to write! Really. I'm not telling a big fat lie about this. Honest. Ya gotta believe me this time! I'm actually telling the 'truth'. "Gina is great"! I knew there was more than one reason why I hired her! Thanks Gina! Boy, if I wasn't a married man! But hey, that's never mattered before. Really. And that's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.'

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President Trump praised his adviser Gina Loudon and her new book after the book falsely claimed that she has a Ph.D. in psychology. “Gina is Great!” the president tweeted early Friday.

"Have A Good Time"

'Hey, what a great little rainstorm, huh? Everything is so fresh and clean now! Look, here's a little sandwich I brought you from my very own 'swamp' in Washington. I'm fresh out of paper towels. Are you registered to vote Republican? Run along now and "have a good time". Whoa, has anyone heard anything about my golf course? I brought my clubs, huge 'heads', with special presidential balls that float like crazy. Wow! Is it hot own here or what!? Am I over dressed? Just look at that pretty blue sky! What's all the excitement about? Well, nothing going on around here, but you should really do something about the drainage system. Terrible! Am I in Puerto Rico or what!? Did I tell you about my 'numbers'? Unbelieveable! Huge! Well, I wish I could stay longer, but not as long as the rest of you. Bye now, "have a good time", ya'll.'

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President Trump once again told survivors of a killer hurricane to “have a…

So "Wet"!

'Why does this woman keep following me everywhere I go?? Honeybuns, you're not getting my presidential umbrella!
Will someone please tell me where the hell I'm at right now?? North Carolina? Oh, is that anywhere near South Carolina or Puerto Rico? Didn't they just have a little hurricane here? Great! Here, let me read from my sincere, heartfelt, tear rendering, presidential notes, “This is a tough hurricane,” “one of the wettest we’ve ever seen from the standpoint of water.”  I mean just look at this stuff! I've never seen water as wet as this stuff is! What did they put in it to make it so wet!? Look how it just floats there! Do people actually live around here? Disgusting stuff! It sticks to every thing it touches! Must not let it touch my hair! Back off lady, I need this umbrella! Will someone please get this woman off my butt! Disgusting!
I'm glad to see that not a single life has been lost down here, but I'm sure the Democrats will murder a few and blame it on me. Well, I'm glad you were able to see me, and I know all my 'base' must be very proud of me by now. But this isn't about Me, me, me, now is it?'

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Whether Florence is also wet from other standpoints is a question the president did not address.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Puerto Rico Loves me!

'No one, not even George Washington, could do what I've been able to do when it comes to how I single handedly saved that backwoods Island of Puerto Rico from its miserable self. Incredible response time! Huge numbers of paper towels handed out. I was right there in the thick of it all, tossing rolls of paper towels until I had to quit due to a severe case of 'Paper Towel Elbow'. But did you see me saving those poor, desperate, disgusting people from that little rain storm they called a 'hurricane'! Get real! "Fake news"! That place was in worse condition Before the hurricane, which actually helped clean up some of the trash there. How did that place get so trashy, and poor? Is anyone even in charge there? Here, I did an “unappreciated great job” saving Puerto Rico despite that “totally incompetent Mayor of San Juan.” What kind of government does that place have!? This was an “incredible unsung success”. No other President could have carried this off like I did all by myself. My approval rating in Puerto Rico is off the charts! Huge fans there! Great voters! Big numbers! Don't believe anything you hear or read about that place. And No, happily, nearly 3 thousand people did not die as a result of that little thunderstorm. Impossible! There's not even that many people that live on that miserable, hard to find on a map, Island in the middle of a really huge ocean, in the first place. That would then mean that everyone on the Island died! How could that be? I personally know of only sixteen people who died of old age there. I was there, I saw first hand how those indignant, thankless, foreigners treated me. So sad. Unbelievable. Who does that to someone as great, and exalted, as myself? I gave up a golf game to go there! How do they expect to ever become US citizens if they keep acting like that? Disgusting thankless people! 
  This is why I have strict immigration laws! Does anyone there even speak American english?? Must remember to build a wall down there. But they love me anyway, and you know what, I love Puerto Rico. I'm just that kind of a forgiving, benevolent 'leader'. But lets not make this about Me, me, me, and how wonderful I really am. But I Am willing to take credit where credit is overdue. But that's just me, me, me.'

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The president has made repeated claims about the success of his administration response to last year's deadly storm in Puerto Rico.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Trump Say's, 'Release The Methane'!

'My fellow Americans, I, in my Presidentially, infinite wisdom, have decided that you have been spoiled by breathing clean air way too long now. I mean, you've got me, your 'learned' President, why do you need clean air too?? Disgusting stuff!You can't have both, and so it's easier to get rid of clean air than it is to get rid of Me. And getting rid of clean air is exactly what I intend to do!
As we all know, my good 'friends', the Big Oil Industry, have been trying so hard to stay in business all these years ever since this disgusting EPA came into being and getting up in every ones private affairs. Now, not only will you pay more at the pumps, but you will also have the great pleasure of paying with your health. A little 'methane' can actually be beneficial for your health. The sky is so big, just look up there! Huge! Unbelievable room up there! Do not believe anything that these "fake news", so-called 'scientists', tell you about how bad 'methane' is. Remember, the only person on this planet that you can always truely believe, is Me. I know more than any of these fakers out there. So, repeat after me, 'My President is the only person who will 'never' lie to me'. America's health and well being is more important to me than..well, ah, just about anything else I can think of at the moment.
But look folks, this isn't about Me, me, me, totally anyway. It's about what I can do to, er, For America that is. So now, I will wave my destructive, magical presidential wand which will release more methane and other pollutants into the sky than you can shake a wand at. But hey, the deconstruction of America as you have known it, that's what you elected me for. Remember?'

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In a victory for energy companies, the administration plans to roll back rules covering methane leaks and the “flaring,” or burning, of the potent greenhouse gas.

Monday, September 10, 2018

I Didn't Do It! Really.

'Let me be perfectly, and opaquely 'clear' about this silly "Op-Ed" conspiracy, I, myself, didn't, not to be confused with the word 'did', notice the 'nt there, write it. That is to say, No, I did not do it, and I'm almost agreeable to take a lie detector test to prove it. However, seeing as how just about every other word that slithers from between my entitled lips just happens to Be a lie, the test may prove to be more of a problem for me than it will clear up. We'll see. And besides, why would I do something like writing something that would cause such wonderful distractions from my real problems around here? Crazy idea! 'Who' does that!? Am I really that smart? Am I like the fox in charge of the rumor machine? Oh please, don't give me that much credit! That's crazy talk. Anyway, I didn't do it. Really. I'm not telling a lie this time. Honest. Remember, I'm the only person that American's can trust. That's the 'truth'. Really.'  :/

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President Trump's top aides on Sunday ramped up talks of a possible…

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Off To The Dudgeon With You!

 Dear Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who Criminalizes Humor, I just love your tablecloth hat! What a clever idea! I bet it comes in handy at dinner time. Does it come with a table? You're lucky that your mother allows you to wear it. I remember we had one just like that when I was a youngster, but we'd never get away with Wearing it! Yikes! By the way, did you really lock someone up for being 'funny'?
 In your photo, it appears that you are smiling or actually 'laughing' about something. Odd. Did one of your minions tell a 'funny' joke? Did you lock him away in a dudgeon afterwards? Have you, yourself, ever told a funny something? How long was your self imposed sentence? I bet if I came to the 'enlightened' country of Saudi Arabia, you'd lock me up for a hundred years huh? You call yourself a 'Leader', ever wonder what your oppressed countrymen/women call you? Straight to jail huh? Here in America, we have what's called the 'Freedom of Speech', and 'Freedom of Expression'. Here, we can even call our President, such as Trump, 'The Incompetent', silly names, and not go to prison for it. How about that!? I can even call You something like, 'Ignorant Moron', or whatever. Nope, you can't extradite me for That! Oh, 'ignorance' can be fixed, 'stupidity' is a life sentence. I condemn you to that very thing. Now, off to the dudgeon with you. ;)

Deplorable -
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Despotic Saudi Arabia bans laughter - criminalizes humor: In Saudi Arabia, you can now be jailed for 5 years for posting online satire.

Monday, September 3, 2018

'Dictator-In-Chief', In Waiting

What an unmitigated, ignorant buffoon, masquerading as our Commander-In-Chief! His ignorance of the 'Rule of Law' is boundless. How can he actually believe that all things, especially our legal system, should be designed to work in his personal favor? Oh, wait, of course that's it, it's called 'entitlement'. His unending, self serving, egotistical goal to become America's first 'Dictator-In-Chief' compels him to disregard our Constitution, to ursurp our 'Rule of Law', to threaten, and intiminate our Judiciary, and the very people he, himself, hired to do the jobs that he nows whines about when they actually perform their duties.
This immature, pathetic man-child, if allowed to continue with his goal of de-constructing our Nation, and the world as a whole, will prove to be America's downfall as we know it. America has already become the laughing stock of the world. Even two more destructive years of this bumbling fool will mean two more decades of rebuilding, and repairing the damage done, IF, it can ever be repaired at all.
We can only hope that the Mueller probe can snare this snake oil salesman for what he really is. How could American's have been so utterly dumbstruct by his pitiful magic act!?

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If you’re looking for some blatant corruption in your presidential tweets, this will do nicely.

Senator John McCain

John McCain is what being an American hero is all about.
If Trump, 'The Incompetent', were to be captured by a bunch of little Cub Scouts, he would pee his man-child skivies, and blurt out every National secret that he unfortunately knows. There is no cure for stupidity.

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Meghan McCain and former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush were among the speakers at Saturday's service at the Washington National Cathedral, the culmination of a week of public mourning.

Get Your Hands Off That Thing!

'My fellow American's, all I can tell you is, DON'T DO 'IT'!!! Don't do it! Just don't do it! Don't touch that thing when it's fully loaded! And hardly ever in public! Would you dare play with a ticking time bomb!?? A loaded gun?? A pissed off Texass rattlesnake? Good god in gold plated heaven, No! Don't even volunteer to help your neighbor in their own time of 'need'! Wrongful touching can cause that thing to explode all over the place! Ka-Pew! Is that what you want? This is a job for the professionals to 'handle'. Amateurs should never attempt to whack one of these things without proper adult supervision. If you try to beat it into submission without proper supervision you run the risk of blindness, date ending zits, hair loss, except in the palms of your hands, loss of social status, and of course, the total wrath of god almighty himself!
Remember what god probably said about this very thing in; 'Nuttcracker 3.16': 'Love thy neighbors genitals as thee love thy own, yet volunteer not in the stimulation of his, nor in the self pleasure of thy own, always seek the assistance of a professional genital stimulator, and time after wonderful time, yee shall be blessed beyond measure'. I can proudly say that I, myself, have never, ever, well hardly ever, stimulated my own, but if I did, it was by total accident.
So as you can plainly see, there's no god given right to even go near it, unless of course you are a fully 'ordained professional' such as myself. Oh, if I had a dime for every time I've assisted a brethern in 'need'! Praise the lord, and pass the plate!'

In Case You Missed It -
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Ted Cruz claims Americans do not have the right to stimulate their own…

Sunday, September 2, 2018

"Mission Accomplished" No, Really.

'Well folks, that just about does it! Whew! What a job that was!Just look at the numbers! Huge! Incredible! Never seen anything like it! No President has Ever done what I've done! Unbelievable! Astounding! "Mission accomplished"! There's nothing else I can do, but as you all know, I'll think of something, especially if it gets me some good press from Fox news. Remember how disgusting America was before I took over control of all aspects of human life here? Remember? Big Ag, Big oil, Big Coal, all my good friends weren't even allowed to be in charge of their own pollution standards! What's with that!?? That horrible Environmental Protection Agency was standing in the way of American progress! Can you imagine that!? Disgusting! No one was even allowed to pour their toxin's into lakes and rivers, or fill the skies with pollutants like they were able to do back prior to the EPA. My Big manufacturing friends were prevented from expanding and couldn't even make a decent living for their Owners, and their CEO's! But then, 'every' American saw what was happening, and knew that I, and I alone, could save them from such horrible over reach of the EPA. I came in and changed the old Environmental Protection Agency to the new 'Environmental Pollution Agency'. And now look at what I 'accomplished'! Everyone is now free to pollute as much as they wish. This will help Big Business make more money so that the owners can become millionaires just like myself, and the more money they have, the more they can give Me so that I can afford my kingly lifestyle. Of course there's much more than just this one little thing that I've done to "make America great again". I could just go on, and on, and on, but hey, it's not about 'me', it's about how great America is now just because of me. Every American owes me a great big 'thank you' for looking out for my personal friends and family. My numbers are huge, really big! "Mission accomplished"! Really. I'm not kidding around here. Honest. No lie. Trust me. Or at least just vote for me....please.'

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At a rally on Thursday, the president took his latest victory lap, reiterating that the time had already come to update his famous campaign slogan.