Thursday, January 11, 2018

"We'll See, We'll See"

' Ok, Ok, I know I said I won't do an interview with that nosey, slackered Mueller, but you know what, I've changed my "very stable" mind, and I have decided to do it after all. With one 'condition' that is. The 'condition' is that I get to chose the questions that can be asked of me. Of course we all 'know' for scientific fact that Mueller has nothing on me or he would have locked me up long ago. No collusion, no nothing! Nothing! Can't pin a thing on me! Everyone else takes the 'fall'. But that criminal Hillary! Now there's another story. He should be after that traitor! Lock her up! Lock her up! What a turn out! Huge numbers! People love me! I love me! I really love me! My closet is plastered with my pictures! Great guy. Wonderful family guy. Pretty hair. But hey, enough about me. This isn't about 'me', it's about "making America great again". And if it takes answering some really tough questions, then I'm up for it. But hey, that's just me. I'm the man! I'm a "very stable" man! I'm a 'grown up' man.
Ok, so here's the questions that loser will be allowed to ask, but just because he's allowed to ask does not mean that I have to answer. "We'll see".

1- Is your name Donald Trump, the most famous man alive.
2- Do you work in Washington DC, a former "swamp" that you singlehandedly drained, and all by yourself, destroyed all the evil swamp monsters.
3- Are you a great golf player, even better than Jack Nicklaus.
4- Did ten million illegals, vote for that liar Hillary.
5- How many days are in a golf vacation.
6- Besides yourself, who is your favorite hero.
7- What is your favorite, after midnight, bedtime activity.
8- In a duel with criminal Hillary, which of you would survive.
So there. The inquisition can ask those question, maybe I'll answer, maybe I won't, I might not even know the answer to some of them, they're pretty tough, and some pretty personal, so "we'll see". "We'll see".'

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