Monday, January 29, 2018

'Bully Boy'

This is Trump, 'The Incompetent', and life long Bully, attempting to dismantle the investigation that will ultimately dismantle Trump and his gaggle of "Swamp" monsters. He is slowly, and un-presidentially, destroying the lives of the very people that he appointed to his cabinet, people who trusted him with their professional careers, but who he has now turned on simply because they are doing the right thing by trying to look out for America, and what America stands for, or a...t least what it 'should' stand for. These people are a threat to him because they have bucked his system of 'governing', which in reality is no 'governing' at all, simply his schoolyard bully system of getting his way or 'it's the highway'. He's betting that if he chips away enough of Mueller's foundation of support, Mueller too will resign without Trump having to 'fire' him, which he would love to do but dares not face the resulting political, and public firestorm as a result.
Trump, 'The Incompetent', has always been so, and will always be so. Becoming 'President', or as his "smart brain" sees the position, 'quasi dictator', simply moved him from being an 'Incompetent' civilian, to that of an 'Incompetent' Un-Presidential 'President' position.
If America allows this man-child to wiggle out of this investigation by firing or subtly forcing Mueller out before this investigation has reached its conclusion, then America deserves what it has 'asked', and settled for. !!

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The escalating campaign by President Donald Trump and his allies against the Russia investigation hit a new peak of intensity Monday.

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