Thursday, January 25, 2018

"People Of Faith"?

 "People of faith"!?? WTF are they thinking in the 'learned' state of Missouri, the 'Show me State". What exactly shall they show the rest of America, and the world in general? That America has lost it's friggin' mind? Starting with Missouri? Are we now to model ourselves after some fanatically 'religious' middle eastern country where here, 'Christian Imam's' will make the laws of the land based on their warped interpretation of their 'holy books'? Is stoning the unbeliever next? Chopping off hands that offend the 'gods'? Beheadings? The people of Missouri need to stand up for common sense, logic, and our Constitution, and smack down this crazy idea of having a 'religious' state controlling the very lives of everyone who would be unfortunate enough to reside there. :/ :/

Christians want to redefine marriage in Missouri -
Non-religious need not apply: A new bill in Missouri would redefine any marriage that take place outside of a church as a “domestic union.”

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