Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Ouch! Was That A Car!?

' know, like there I was...suddenly like I woke up... or something, and like, you know, there was all these angry yelling people, like all around me, and there were these cars, and like you know, big trucks with their loud horns blowing, and their lights shining right into my eyes. Like, what's all this about I wondered to no one in particular. And like, you know, I said to myself, self, what's going on here, my college said we were going on a picnic or something, you know. And now there I was standing in front of all these cars with members of our Glee Club, and like, I was really scared, and just wanted to go home. And then all of a sudden this big car just like came out of nowhere, were did it come from I just don't know. Why was it at our peaceful picnic rally, like I don't even know. But there I was standing there minding my own personal business you know, and then it just ran right over me. Like, why'd it do that I asked myself. I mean, who does that? I mean, hey, I was just a super intelligent, peaceful college kid minding my own business, not bothering a soul, not violating anyone's right to free travel or nothing like that. And wham! A car tries to kill me. So, like, I was like too young to make my own decisions, and there I was tricked into doing something that got me runned right over, and you know, that really hurt real bad. Cars are real hard, and when they run over you it hurts like heck. So yeah, like I'm suing my college for letting me jump in front of a moving car. They need to be taught a lesson they'll like never forget, and hopefully I can get lots of money from them and not have to, you know, get a friggin job or something like that. So yeah, that's like my story, and I'm like sticking to it unless there's video that shows something like, you know, different.'

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A California woman sued UC San Diego, among others, for failing to control anti-Trump protests.

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