Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Bill, Come back To Earth!

Dear Bill Nye, get a clue here 'space guy', the "outer space" program is not what will save our shrinking planet from our greedy, needy, selves. You can send thousands of spaceships to wherever you can send them, but they will add nothing constructive to the perils facing planet Earth, the very planet that Trump, 'The Incompetent, is hell bent on destroying. You are welcome to come back to Earth, and get your head out of 'Uranus', and face Trump for what he really is Not, and that's a 'scientist'. You are, and he's not, so stop it with the 'look at me, look at me, I'm a TV personality kinda guy', and confront him instead of wishing he'll do something good for America, which he will never, ever, do.

A female scientists’ organization is harshly criticizing Bill Nye, saying that the “Science Guy” does not “speak for science” by attending President Trump’s first…

Monday, January 29, 2018

More "Alternative Facts"

Our President, 'Trump The Incompetent', has nothing better to do than joust with American citizens over his inflated ego and his never ending "Alternative Facts" in all things. He will never 'grow up' and will continue being the little 'man-child' that he has always been. 'WaaaaWaaaaWaa! Mines bigger than yours, my numbers were more than yours, look at me, I'm So 'presidential''. "Sad,so sad".

The president tweeted about his economic record.

'Bully Boy'

This is Trump, 'The Incompetent', and life long Bully, attempting to dismantle the investigation that will ultimately dismantle Trump and his gaggle of "Swamp" monsters. He is slowly, and un-presidentially, destroying the lives of the very people that he appointed to his cabinet, people who trusted him with their professional careers, but who he has now turned on simply because they are doing the right thing by trying to look out for America, and what America stands for, or a...t least what it 'should' stand for. These people are a threat to him because they have bucked his system of 'governing', which in reality is no 'governing' at all, simply his schoolyard bully system of getting his way or 'it's the highway'. He's betting that if he chips away enough of Mueller's foundation of support, Mueller too will resign without Trump having to 'fire' him, which he would love to do but dares not face the resulting political, and public firestorm as a result.
Trump, 'The Incompetent', has always been so, and will always be so. Becoming 'President', or as his "smart brain" sees the position, 'quasi dictator', simply moved him from being an 'Incompetent' civilian, to that of an 'Incompetent' Un-Presidential 'President' position.
If America allows this man-child to wiggle out of this investigation by firing or subtly forcing Mueller out before this investigation has reached its conclusion, then America deserves what it has 'asked', and settled for. !!

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The escalating campaign by President Donald Trump and his allies against the Russia investigation hit a new peak of intensity Monday.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

"People Of Faith"?

 "People of faith"!?? WTF are they thinking in the 'learned' state of Missouri, the 'Show me State". What exactly shall they show the rest of America, and the world in general? That America has lost it's friggin' mind? Starting with Missouri? Are we now to model ourselves after some fanatically 'religious' middle eastern country where here, 'Christian Imam's' will make the laws of the land based on their warped interpretation of their 'holy books'? Is stoning the unbeliever next? Chopping off hands that offend the 'gods'? Beheadings? The people of Missouri need to stand up for common sense, logic, and our Constitution, and smack down this crazy idea of having a 'religious' state controlling the very lives of everyone who would be unfortunate enough to reside there. :/ :/

Christians want to redefine marriage in Missouri -
Non-religious need not apply: A new bill in Missouri would redefine any marriage that take place outside of a church as a “domestic union.”

Thursday, January 18, 2018

One Vote

One vote, by the people, and for the people. The antiquated Electoral College is not it!

Amend the constitution to abolish the Electoral College. Hold presidential elections based on the popular vote.

"Cognitively" Speaking

'Oh Yeah, great 'numbers', what a score! Never seen a man of his condition in such great 'shape'!
And how about that cognitive test! And he didn't even study for it! Of course I'm not anywhere near being a psychologist or one of them psychiatrists, I mean, I treat 'physical' wounds, not 'mental' ones. But when my 'boss' pleaded with me to include a cognitive test along with his physical exam, I thought, hey, I like my job, not ready for forced retirement yet, so I reached into my little black bag of Presidential tricks, and pulled out my little 'give the pres. a cognitive test' hat, and boy did I make him sweat! Yep, he was able to tell the difference between a train and a bicycle, he knew what color the color green is, he was able to count backwards from twenty to zero, and some other 3rd grade stuff! Never seen a more "stable" mind, never a more "sane" human, and did I mention "smart", and "Intelligent"? I was practically floored! Perfect score! Great numbers! Great family guy! "Cognitively" speaking, I'd say that he ranks right up there with the rest of the politicians of D.C., and just as "sane" as, well, ah, as sane as he can possibly be at this stage of his mental infirmity, or my name isn't Dr. Rumplestiltskin.'

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The White House released the two-page report on President Donald Trump's physical, all of the details of which were read at the press briefing on Tuesday. Presidential physician Dr. Ronny Jackson said Trump's "overall health is excellent" and noted that…

Monday, January 15, 2018

Sessions, Try This!

 "..how do we operate this government?". Dumbarse! How about by common sense, by logic, by science, by toleration, by kindness, by collective governance, by the people, and for the people. Try 'That' for once, and leave out the invisible 'spirits', the hate mongering, the "fake news", the "alternative facts", Trump, 'The Incompetent', Jeff Sessions, and the horde of "swamp" rats that have taken over the White House. How tough is That!?


'Trust Me', I've 'Changed'

Oh good. Here's someone that can 'really' be trusted with 'State Secrets'. Not.

The former Army private who was imprisoned for leaking classified information has filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission.

Check Your Gonads At The Door Boys!

That's because Trump, 'The Incompetent's', narrow minded base, and Republican minions had to turn their Gonads over to Trump for the duration of his 'Presidency'. He keeps them locked away in the privacy of his personal closet where he and Sessions play 'catch' with them. So, even if they 'wanted' to have a moment of lucidity, and a moral decision making moment, they simply cannot because they have cast their lots with the 'devil'. Trump 'says', 'These are My 'balls', and you'll play the game by My rules'.

The president had reportedly been complaining about immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and other countries.
huffingtonpost.com|By Carla Herreria

No More "Love"

Ha! So much for his little, fake "Love" fest of last week! Ruling by chaos, division, and subterfuge.
As he would say, "sad, so sad".

Debate raged over what President Trump said in a Thursday Oval Office meeting — and whether he had said it at all.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

OMG!! He's Back!

And here we have the re-incarnation of Trump, 'The Incompetent's', BFF, also of questionable "Stable mind", proving that he and Trump are in the same unstable brainfart camp of total idiocy. Obviously, there is simply no cure for stupidity.

Controversial former Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Wednesday called former President Barack Obama's birth certificate a "phony document" in an interview on CNN.

Trump, Return To Ur-Anus

'Attention Donald Trump, this is your leader calling, we are sending a retrieval pod to bring you back to your home planet 'Ur-anus'. You have failed miserably in your mission to the Earth Planet, by causing discord, misery, discontent, chaos, confusion, hatred, un-stability, and much un-happiness all across that pitiful planet. We had hoped for the better, but all you gave was the bad. There is no hope for your defective programming board. That is all for now, your pod will arrive soon. End of message.'

The only known repeating fast radio burst just got more extreme. Researchers are learning more about the extreme environment for the source of this mysterious burst.

"We'll See, We'll See"

' Ok, Ok, I know I said I won't do an interview with that nosey, slackered Mueller, but you know what, I've changed my "very stable" mind, and I have decided to do it after all. With one 'condition' that is. The 'condition' is that I get to chose the questions that can be asked of me. Of course we all 'know' for scientific fact that Mueller has nothing on me or he would have locked me up long ago. No collusion, no nothing! Nothing! Can't pin a thing on me! Everyone else takes the 'fall'. But that criminal Hillary! Now there's another story. He should be after that traitor! Lock her up! Lock her up! What a turn out! Huge numbers! People love me! I love me! I really love me! My closet is plastered with my pictures! Great guy. Wonderful family guy. Pretty hair. But hey, enough about me. This isn't about 'me', it's about "making America great again". And if it takes answering some really tough questions, then I'm up for it. But hey, that's just me. I'm the man! I'm a "very stable" man! I'm a 'grown up' man.
Ok, so here's the questions that loser will be allowed to ask, but just because he's allowed to ask does not mean that I have to answer. "We'll see".

1- Is your name Donald Trump, the most famous man alive.
2- Do you work in Washington DC, a former "swamp" that you singlehandedly drained, and all by yourself, destroyed all the evil swamp monsters.
3- Are you a great golf player, even better than Jack Nicklaus.
4- Did ten million illegals, vote for that liar Hillary.
5- How many days are in a golf vacation.
6- Besides yourself, who is your favorite hero.
7- What is your favorite, after midnight, bedtime activity.
8- In a duel with criminal Hillary, which of you would survive.
So there. The inquisition can ask those question, maybe I'll answer, maybe I won't, I might not even know the answer to some of them, they're pretty tough, and some pretty personal, so "we'll see". "We'll see".'

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

What an "Epiphany"!

This is so stupid, I'm at a loss for comment. Except, stupid, stupid, stupid! Did I mention, STUPID!? Way to go Spain!  

The Epiphany celebrations in the Portuguese village of Vale de Salgueiro feature a tradition that each year causes an outcry among outsiders: parents encourage their…

Demon Airplanes

'Oh dear lord in merciful heaven, I come to thee today on slightly bended knees to thank thee for sending me these ignorant, human sheep, and allowing me to 'shear' them even without their knowledge. I wish I could meet thee in person Lord, to show my sincere gratitude but that would mean that thou hast pulled my 'number' so I'd rather avoid that one, of course I 'want' to go to Heaven Lord, but I'm not willing to die, if thou knowest what I mean. While I'm at it oh gracious lord, I'd like to also thank thee for providing me with my wonderful, spacious, luxurious, private jet planes which allows me to fly in utmost comfort from fleecing to fleecing. Also, thank thee for the many fabulous estates around the world that I just love to pieces, and my private yacht is to die for, but not right now, thank you. As thou are well aware of, it is simply not safe for an evangelist of my superior stature to even think about flying in one of those sin filled, unanointed commercial tube-like, "demon" airplanes. I mean, who does that!? I dare not ruin my tailer made suits rubbing against unholy seat material! Ain't gonna happen on My watch! As thee well knows Lord there's just no way for me to communicate with thee while in one of those sinful airplanes that common, bothersome, sinners use. I just don't have time to save everyone Lord.
Hey, did you see me last Sunday Lord? Man! What a crowd of unwitting sheep! What a flock! I suckered those sheep into passing the collection $$bucket$$ five times! Talk about a major 'fleecing'! Cha-ching! I encourage them to put cash money in the $$bucket$$ instead of checks which as you know can be problematic at times, but either way it's Tax Free and I'm smiling all the way to the bank. Well, actually, the checks go to the bank, the cash to my personal vault. Praise the Lord, Heaven ain't free Lord! Praise the Lord, and pass the $$bucket$$!

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In Case You Missed It -
Watch popular televangelists explain that they need their luxury private jets because flying commercial in this “dope filled world” means flying with “demons.”…

'Superior' "Genetics"

'Yeah, that's right. You see, it's like this, if you're gonna do drugs, you know, like that evil mind killing wackoweed, marijuana, ya gotta have really, really good "Genetics", you know, good genes like we white people have. Now of course we all 'know' who has the best genes don't we. Of course we do. And of course it goes without saying, but you know I will anyway, who was chosen by God, who as we all know is 'White', to have those superior "Genetics". And of course it is we, the superior White race that our 'White' God chose to have those snappy "Genetics" that allows us to smoke, inject, eat, and snort any drugs we can get our shaky hands on, but especially that killer weed, marijuana. Now, it goes without saying but you know I will anyway, that black folks are void of those special "Genetics" that we white folks are overflowing with. Yep, it's a scientific fact, "What you really need to do is go back in the ’30s, when they outlawed all types of drugs in Kansas (and) across the United States. What was the reason why they did that? One of the reasons why, I hate to say it, was that the African Americans, they were basically users and they basically responded the worst off to those drugs just because of their character makeup, their genetics, and that". Now I know it sounds like I made up all that stuff but 'believe me', it's as true as I'm standing here before you. Really. “Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men,” really, no kidding, really. They just can't handle drugs like we superior white folks can. See, it come down to superior "Genetics", and believe me, we have it. Why, I bet I could smoke a pound, which I don't usually do, of hybrid pot and not even giggle once, and still drive in a pretty straight line. Really. Hey, I'm whatcha might call a GOP 'Law Maker', so you 'know' I'm being truthful here. I'd never lie about something like that. Really. No, Really. Actually, when it comes right down to it, I myself have great "character makeup" and better decision making "Genetics", on or off drugs, than anyone, besides my hero Trump, 'The Incompetent', that is. He's got me beat by a cup full of superior "Genetics". Really, I'm not kidding here folks, really.'

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Wow: Openly racist GOP lawmaker in Kansas explains that black people can’t handle marijuana because of their “character” and their “genetics.”

Bye, Bye Bannon

Oh No! Say it ain't so!! This is the end of the world already! Kidding!
'Resigned' my butt! He was given an ultimatum, 'leave on your own or we'll toast your arse!'
He rode Trump, 'The Incompetent's', coat tails until he became an anchor around his neck. He totally overestimated his worth to humanity, which is practically nil in the first place, and now he will simply digest himself into a pile of human waste, and flush himself into the cesspool of oblivion from whence he came. Good riddance foolish man.

The move had been rumored in the wake of the publication of Michael Wolff's book which included quotes that were embarrassing to President Trump.

Ouch! Was That A Car!?

'Ahhh...like..ahhh..you know, like there I was...suddenly like I woke up... or something, and like, you know, there was all these angry yelling people, like all around me, and there were these cars, and like you know, big trucks with their loud horns blowing, and their lights shining right into my eyes. Like, what's all this about I wondered to no one in particular. And like, you know, I said to myself, self, what's going on here, my college said we were going on a picnic or something, you know. And now there I was standing in front of all these cars with members of our Glee Club, and like, I was really scared, and just wanted to go home. And then all of a sudden this big car just like came out of nowhere, were did it come from I just don't know. Why was it at our peaceful picnic rally, like I don't even know. But there I was standing there minding my own personal business you know, and then it just ran right over me. Like, why'd it do that I asked myself. I mean, who does that? I mean, hey, I was just a super intelligent, peaceful college kid minding my own business, not bothering a soul, not violating anyone's right to free travel or nothing like that. And wham! A car tries to kill me. So, like, I was like too young to make my own decisions, and there I was tricked into doing something that got me runned right over, and you know, that really hurt real bad. Cars are real hard, and when they run over you it hurts like heck. So yeah, like I'm suing my college for letting me jump in front of a moving car. They need to be taught a lesson they'll like never forget, and hopefully I can get lots of money from them and not have to, you know, get a friggin job or something like that. So yeah, that's like my story, and I'm like sticking to it unless there's video that shows something like, you know, different.'

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A California woman sued UC San Diego, among others, for failing to control anti-Trump protests.

'Gerry', What?

Oh! Imagine That! Those crazy GOP'ers, trying to pull a fast one thinking, 'no ones looking boys, lets Gerrymander the gibbies out of this here good ol' boy state'. Opppps!

The ruling was the first time that a federal court had blocked a congressional map because the judges believed it to be a partisan gerrymander.