Wednesday, September 6, 2017

They 'Condemn' Thee!

 "Condemning" them!?? Is that 'it'? Is that all there 'is'?? Is that the 'best' our Government can do about these Anti-Government, Racist, Bigoted, TERRORIST organizations!? "Condemning", is just a friggin' 'Word'! "Condemning" is not an 'action', it's simply soft shoe dancing around the floor while smiling at the band! Our, in this particular issue at least, spineless Government, should not only 'Condemn', but also BAN the very existence of these TERRORIST organizations by Officially classifying them as 'exactly' what they are; 'TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS'! Until they are classified as such, they will continue with their un-American Anti-Government activities. But, as long as the current 'ruling party' continues to see these TERRORIST groups as a 'voting' block it is unlikely that they will issue anything stronger than a toothless, meaningless, spineless, 'condemnation'. Pitiful 'Trum-Pets'!

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