Friday, September 15, 2017

Dear 'Mary Poppins'..

Dear 'Mary Poppins', the "military" is not gonna respond to a Terrorist incident in your little burg where you are now being held hostage by your local anti-government social club or perhaps by an ISIS follower. By Constitution, the "military" cannot jump in and act as 'p 'policeman' to save your whiney self. Your local LE is charged with that task. A dedicated Terrorist, or simply a real nut job, will out-gun most small LE agencies unless they have trained, and made sure that they have weapons on par or better than the bad guys might come up with. And you better hope that's just the way it turns out because if it's You or your family in dire straights it's your local LE that's coming to hopefully save you. Unless of course you have voted against their having the best equipment, and training they could possibly attain, in which case just bend over and kiss your arse goodbye, and thank yourself for their lack of life saving equipment. 

 Law Enforcement already has everything you are crying your eyes out about. They aren't gonna get any higher "caliber guns" than they already have. The highest caliber any of them already have would be .338's, nothing that civilians don't already have. LE Sniper rifles are still .308's, and some with .338 for special needs, nothing that civilians don't already have. They are not gonna get 'bazookas' or missile launchers or fragmentation grenades, or land mines, or ground to air missiles, or Abrams Tanks, or field artillery, or .50 cal machine guns. The "grenade launchers" you whine about are not for launching anti-personnel fragmentation grenades. LE already has these "launchers" which are for launching gas canisters and stun type canisters, they've been around for decades already! As for "armored" vehicles, which are NOT 'Tanks', they are not mounted with turret cannons, machine guns and flame throwers, these vehicles are a necessity in this world of thugs, gangs and Terrorists who outgun LE. If you want LE to respond to your 'emergency' you better be sure that they have exactly what they need to save your whiney arse, or you can just kiss it goodbye. If you expect to send your local LE to a Terrorist incident, or a hostage situation, or a Shooter in Progress at your local school, while wearing their standard patrol uniforms and their issued sidearms, and expect them to survive a shootout where they are out-gunned, and out-equipped by the bad guys, then be ready to attend their funerals, and that of the victims they could not save because you, at your whiney best, decided that they should not be equipped to fight to survive. This is not the 1950's when life was a lot 'safer', depending on what 'race' you happen to be, and where Barney Fife could run around with one bullet in his six shooter, and his biggest case was a lost bike! You can be a Anti-Police as you wish, and as paranoid as you surely are, but when the shit hits the fan, and you need your arse saved from a hostage taker, or a mass shooter, or mostly from your stupid self, you are Not gonna call for the Boy Scouts, or the Red Cross, you are gonna call for LE help, and you better hope that you were not responsible for making sure that they are now out-gunned, out-equipped, and under-trained to do the job you now, in your 'emergency', wish they could do. Wake the hell up people, and stop it with the paranoid whining already! The 'sky' is not falling. If you are so worried that your local LE will acquire equipment that you think is overboard, then get involved with your local LE Agency and local government, let your voice be heard. Instead of whining like 3 year olds, have some constructive ideas instead of paranoid doomsday crap. Most of all stop it with the paranoid whining! It's so un-becoming of an adult human.  

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