Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Tranformation of Steven

OOooppps! This is what happens when you crawl in 'bed' with Putin, 'The Nation Builder' (just ask Trump, 'The Incompetent'). First, your attempt at becoming a card carrying 'actor' goes straight to hell and back when you finally discover that you have absolutely no talent in the first place, then, you start 'talking' funny' as if you have performed your own frontal lobotomy on yourself, then, you dye all your hair black, then, you start shaving your forehead into a pointy thing or whatever, then, you get eyeglasses that are way to small for your bloated head, then, you convince yourself that you were a 'great' actor and have something to say that 'everyone' is just dying to hear, then, you allow yourself to become BFF-FWB with, and become adopted by, Russia's 'dictator' in residence as his personal 'houseboy-bunkmate-hand puppet', and then, most of all you just continue being dumb as a rock, pretending you're not. Silly boy.

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The washed-up action star went on British morning TV (from Moscow) to lash out at protesting NFL players and defend Russia. Here’s how he fell into the clutches of Putin.

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