Tuesday, September 5, 2017

OMG! She Has Arms!

OMG! Did you see 'that!?' She has 'Shoulders' with arms attached to them! OMG! What was she thinking!!? Or was she Even!? Someone throw a 'modesty blanket' over her right now! How dare her to be in the shape of a 'human being'! What next!? I bet she has 'legs' sticking out from under her skirt! Geeez! Stop it already lady! Legs?? And I bet that she has 'ankles' and feet' attached somewhere down there towards the bottom of those 'naked' legs! And probably no 'knee socks' to be found! Isn't there a 'modesty' cop somewhere in that crowd with an emergency 'Burka' for her!? Hey, wait a sec here! Look at that guy next to her! Are those 'arms' protruding from under those rolled up shirt sleeves!? My god folks! 'Arms'!!! Has he no modesty at all!? Has he no 'modesty' training!? There could be 'women', and actual 'children' watching this! How now can they be expected to 'un-see' such a sight? Their lives are forever ruined, forever darkened, forever blinded by this un-holy sight! Stop it! Stop it! Sto....What??? Oh,....we're in 'America'? Oh....right..well,...oh never mind.

"She should have some class and cover up...very embarrassing for Americans."

The former First Lady is on blast on social media for wearing a shoulders top Read more


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