Sunday, September 17, 2017

Man-Child, 'The Incompetent'

'This' is our President, our Commander-In-Chief', sans adult supervision, and pathetically so. It should not be a matter of whether we like or dislike Hillary Clinton, it should not matter 'who' he portrayed in this 'stalking' video because the act here is that he 'did' it. What's to 'dislike' here is the childish, immature, un-Presidential actions of this man-child, more 'child' than adult man, who cannot control his childish brain from constantly acting out in inappropriate ways that totally embarrass the office of the President.
Trump, 'The Incompetent', who obviously enjoyed this vide clip so much that he felt childishly compelled to share with the whole world, should be seen as it is, the President of The United States of America acting out his hatred for another human being to the extent that he is actually Stalking her by mentally battering her for all to see. This man-child is not fit to fill the position of The President of The United States. He is not qualified to make sound and rational judgment calls or decisions of State. Anyone who thinks that this 'Stalking' incident is 'funny', is simply an enabler of this man-child's present and future idiocy. He should be censored for this stupidity, and assigned an actual adult minder to supervise his every move. Most of all he should be removed from the office that he is unqualified to hold.

See More
President Donald Trump retweeted an edited video Sunday morning that showed him swinging a golf club and appearing to hit his former presidential campaign rival Hillary Clinton with a golf ball.|By Jeremy Diamond

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