Friday, September 29, 2017

Breaking 'News', 'Report' of a Mass Shooting!



This breaking 'news;' brought straight to you from the scene by the only 'News' source you can always trust, 'BBSN' (BuddyBlacksSatiricalNews)

Now, lets take you to the scene where our vaunted 'News' guy BuddyBlack (BB) has the very latest coverage of a horrific, mass shooting incident which occurred just moments ago in a 'Food Scrapes R Us' food store in the open carry, 'Gunslinger' state of Ohio, where if you have even a recordable heartbeat it is now very legal to openly carry your favorite firearm with you, practically anywhere one wishes. BuddyBlack, what can you tell us about this latest bloodletting incident?

Yes, a terrible morning Bob. Terrible indeed!
I'm here in the local 'Food Scrapes R Us' Food Mart where the haze of fresh gun smoke, and the acrid smell of cordite still hangs in the air from an incredible but all too inevitable shoot-out between 'good guys' v 'bad guys' that has left numerious shoppers dead or wounded. Bob, I was actually right here in the store when this grisly incident took place! I was standing in a self 'check-out' lane minding my own business when I witnessed this horrifically devestating, terrifying shoot-out that would rival the gunfight at the OK Corral many times over. Like I said, there I was Bob, standing in line minding my own business, thinking of nothing in particular, when all of a sudden a deafening shot rang out three check-out lanes to my right. That shot was quickly followed by a seemingly endless volley after volley of more gun shots that rang out throughout the store. Bullets were indiscriminately tearing through merchandise and shoppers alike, bullets that seemed destined to find more 'living' targets than not. Then after what seemed an eternity, all was quiet but for the incredible ringing in my ears, and then came the moaning, and crying, of the still living and wounded shoppers. A baby crying for its mother at one end of the store sounded like a lost kitten, and then the screeching of the P.A. system, and someone begging their god for help, the wailing of the fire alarm siren and the damaged fire sprinkler heads spraying ice cold water like a mini monsoon. Almost as quickly, the store was flooded with police Officers, yelling for people to "get down on the floor", "show me your hands", "drop your weapons", "put the gun down", "drop your guns!!" The Police had their own guns drawn, on high alert as they were intent on capturing whatever 'bad guys' that were responsible for this instant carnage. Then, more shots reverberated through-out the store, this time emanating from the police Officers weapons themselves as they apparently encountered armed 'bad guys', or armed 'shoppers' as the case may be, throughout the store.
Right now Bob, from what I am able to discern it appears that at least 23 people have been shot, some obviously dead and many wounded by the ensuing gunfire from start to finish. The number of 'victims' will surely rise as the search and count continues. What a horrible sight Bob! Nightmares are surely made of this! Sometimes when we hear on the news of someone 'wounded' by gunfire, we tend to think not much more than a little hole, or a grazing wound that a little band-aide will fix. But let me put that dreamy notion to sleep Bob! Bullets are super-sonic 'missiles' straight from the bowels of hell! I saw arms, and legs shredded, limbs severed, bodies blown apart, intestines hanging out onto the floor, heads exploded, and brains exposed like bloody mush! Rivers of crimson blood mixed with the cascading fire sprinklers flowed throughout the store! There's no such things as a John Wayne 'flesh wound' with real bullets! Guns don't kill people, murderous 'bullets' kill people Bob!
Here's an update Bob! I have just spoken with a police spokesperson who told me the following; Right now, It appears that initially, a legal gun carrying customer accidentally dropped his pistol from his sweatpants waistband, which discharged upon hitting the floor. The bullet from that discharge struck a customer standing in the 'Customer Service' section at the front of the store. As the owner of the dropped gun picked his gun up, another armed customer 'good guy', thought he was witnessing an armed robbery by a 'bad guy', so he drew his own trusty six-shooter, and fired five or six times at the first guy. His errant bullets missed its mark striking an innocent, but also legal gun carrying bystander who was still able to un sling his short barreled M-4 rifle releasing approximatly 20 rounds in the general direction of what he thought was a terrorist attack. Then, another legal carry customer pulled out his high capacity magazine, semi automatic pistol ,and began shooting at the rifleman thinking the store was being invaded by a street gang, but he, himself, was then shot by a customer who thought an anti-government militia was holding customers hostage. This initiated gunfire from even more armed 'good guy' customers with guns, who began firing at anyone they suspected of being a 'bad guy' with guns. Then, when the Police, responding to 911 reports of numerous 'bad guys' with guns shooting up the store, arrived, they encountered numerous people holding still smoking guns in hand, some even still shooting at perceived 'bad guys'. The Police could only assume that these armed people were the 'bad guys' with guns, whereupon in defense of themselves, and the public in general, in a still fluid 'active shooter' scene, they took immediate action to end the perceived threats posed to themselves, and the public, by armed 'bad guys', which simply inadvertantly added to the casuality toll, which included both civilians, and police officers.
This horrible, yet avoidable, senseless tragedy certainly won't be the last of its kind in our newly expanded 'gun totting' paronoid society, where even a 'good guy' with a gun, could turn out being the 'bad guy' with a gun, and where the best way to stop a 'good guy' with a gun, is a 'good guy' with a gun.
This is your still shaken 'reporter' BuddyBlack signing off for now Bob, and seriously considering the 'Home delivery' option from now on.

Bye, Bye Tommy!

Doggone it! I didn't get a chance to 'blog' his sorry butt! Just another useless Trump, 'The Incompetent's',  incompetent little duckling, that went 'quack, quack, quack' all the way home.

The announcement came shortly after Trump told reporters he considered Price a “fine man” but that he “didn't like the optics."

Trumps 'Sonic Boom'

My 'guess' on this 'sonic' mess, is that sooner or later, 'sooner' more likely, it will be 'discovered' that all this was a Trump, 'The Incompetent', fake ploy to take the heat off himself from other 'fires' that are busy burning his butt. He 'rules' by chaos, subterfuge, intrigue, lies, innuendo's, "fake News', "Alternative Facts", and conspiracy theories, just to name a few, and it is quite likely that this is just another one of his 'look at me, look at me' schemes that will come back and bite his own arse. Stay tuned, there surely will be more to this than meets the instant eye.

Answers to frequently asked questions for tourists in light of the State Department’s decision to pull its diplomats out of Cuba, and its warning to travelers not to go.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Tranformation of Steven

OOooppps! This is what happens when you crawl in 'bed' with Putin, 'The Nation Builder' (just ask Trump, 'The Incompetent'). First, your attempt at becoming a card carrying 'actor' goes straight to hell and back when you finally discover that you have absolutely no talent in the first place, then, you start 'talking' funny' as if you have performed your own frontal lobotomy on yourself, then, you dye all your hair black, then, you start shaving your forehead into a pointy thing or whatever, then, you get eyeglasses that are way to small for your bloated head, then, you convince yourself that you were a 'great' actor and have something to say that 'everyone' is just dying to hear, then, you allow yourself to become BFF-FWB with, and become adopted by, Russia's 'dictator' in residence as his personal 'houseboy-bunkmate-hand puppet', and then, most of all you just continue being dumb as a rock, pretending you're not. Silly boy.

See More
The washed-up action star went on British morning TV (from Moscow) to lash out at protesting NFL players and defend Russia. Here’s how he fell into the clutches of Putin.

Friday, September 22, 2017

'Breaking 'News', Breaking 'News'!!!


This breaking 'news' is brought to you by your trusted 'news' breaker, 'BBSN' (BuddyBlacksSatirical News) where, if you didn't hear it here, then it probably hasn't happened yet.
Now this; Our 'ever ready battery' reporter extraordinaire, BuddyBlack (BB) is on the scene in Trump's "sewer" as he calls it, aka, "The Swamp", aka 'Washington DC, where he has the latest hot scoop of news that's gonna hit the proverbial fan. We now turn you over to BB, so hold down the mobile device chatter and listen in.

Good morning 'news' fans, this is your favorite, indefatigable 'real' news breaker BuddyBlack reporting from our Presidents glittering palace, the White House, or as Trump lovingly calls it, "a dump".   Now lets get right to the 'news'.   Trump, 'The Incompetent' (TTI) apparently suffered another fitful, and sleepless night, but certainly not a 'tweeterless' one.  Still void of qualified adult supervision, and dangerously left to his own devices, the President once again has managed to float to the surface of the "sewer", reaching his level if incompetency with a late night tweet-fest that rivals all others that have 'chirped' from his personal Tweet closet. TTI 'tweeted' that just in case the radical Christians are right about "Doomsday" actually occurring on September 23, he will proclaim that day to be a National day of really, really, intense, knee grinding prayer where all humans, and trained primates, are to take a knee, apparently both knees will work better, in prayer...and, well, just wait and see what happens. Just in case dutiful prayer happens to fail, you know, like it did with those hurricanes and earth quakes, TTI will hold a special conference where he will personally demonstrate the proper technic of kissing one's arse goodbye. He has also appointed Teli-Evangelist Jimmy Baker as his personal Spiritual Advisor, and as the official White House 'Medium'.  TTI also tweeted that henceforth, in effort to save money for his mythical 'wall', hurricanes will be banned from striking the Continental US Mainland until further notice.  He admitted that this might cause some minor conflict with Jesus if he gets 'wind' of this plan, but that Jesus will just have to get in the 'Whine Line' like everyone else. TTI tweeted that he is designating America's Oil, Gas, Fracking, and Coal industries as 'Federal Agencies', which he personally, will administer, and will turn over 14 historical National Monuments, as in Federal Parks, to them for 'safe keeping', and 'management' as they see fit. He 'said' that they have absolutely 'proven' themselves to be 'faithful' stewards of America's natural resources, and 'protectors' of the environment, and so, who better to be the official 'watchdogs' of America's 'treasures'.
And with that bit of 'wisdom', the 'tweet-fest' went silent, and the lights dimmed.

Be sure to stay close to your favorite 'News' station, 'BBSN', where your 'News' guy BuddyBlack will always be found diving into the festering, bubbling, political abyss, where you will almost always hear incredibly, unbelievable 'news' that happens even when you're not looking, and, when you least expect it. ;) ;)

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

And She Went, 'WaaaWaaaaWaa', All The Way To the White House

Whiney, pretentious, crybaby.

The billboards were used in a marketing campaign in Croatia to persuade people to learn English

The Yawn Heard 'Round The World

'The Yawn Heard 'Round The World'
Just when you think that Trump has the market on all the Idiots, along comes the Poster Girl for the 'Rayon' Industry, 'Miss Rayon' (get it? 'Rayon') herself, from the grand state of Texas, with Boweavils in her belfry. 'OMG! Get'em out, get'em out!', she pleaded as they drank the last of her 'cotton Gin' while singing their favorite ditty, "...when them cotton balls git rotton, you can't pick very much cotton..".
'Miss Rayon', who had been asleep with Rip Van Winkle for the last 200 years awoke with such a startle that that her 'gasp', and grasp on reality, was heard around the world. 'What!? We're still making stuff out of 'cotton'?? Cotton? Sinful cotton?? How can this be', she wondered in her self induced delerium. Lately, 'Miss Rayon' has been on a world wide, whirlwind tour champianing he blockade of all sourthern maritime ports, the seizure of sourthern flagged cargo skooners, the hanging of their captians, and the burning of all plantations, their cotton fields, and the release of millions of 'slaves'. Her next crusade will be against 'Ol' Man Peanut' himself, which she admits will be a very sticky fight indeed. In the meantime, she has been busy picking the lint balls out of her sheets, and trying to figure out how to dry off with her new Rayon towels. You go girl!

See More
KILLEEN, Texas—A Texas woman's Facebook complaint has gone viral after she complained that a decorative item featuring cotton sold at a local Hobby Lobby was…

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Man-Child, 'The Incompetent'

'This' is our President, our Commander-In-Chief', sans adult supervision, and pathetically so. It should not be a matter of whether we like or dislike Hillary Clinton, it should not matter 'who' he portrayed in this 'stalking' video because the act here is that he 'did' it. What's to 'dislike' here is the childish, immature, un-Presidential actions of this man-child, more 'child' than adult man, who cannot control his childish brain from constantly acting out in inappropriate ways that totally embarrass the office of the President.
Trump, 'The Incompetent', who obviously enjoyed this vide clip so much that he felt childishly compelled to share with the whole world, should be seen as it is, the President of The United States of America acting out his hatred for another human being to the extent that he is actually Stalking her by mentally battering her for all to see. This man-child is not fit to fill the position of The President of The United States. He is not qualified to make sound and rational judgment calls or decisions of State. Anyone who thinks that this 'Stalking' incident is 'funny', is simply an enabler of this man-child's present and future idiocy. He should be censored for this stupidity, and assigned an actual adult minder to supervise his every move. Most of all he should be removed from the office that he is unqualified to hold.

See More
President Donald Trump retweeted an edited video Sunday morning that showed him swinging a golf club and appearing to hit his former presidential campaign rival Hillary Clinton with a golf ball.|By Jeremy Diamond

Friday, September 15, 2017

Yep, Just "line Them Up"

Well that's a bit extreme, and not a little 'Talibanish'. Actually, he, himself, should demonstrate for everyone just how it should be done, you know, set the tone, set the example of being the murdering evangelical 'posterboy' that he wants everyone else to aspire to in the name of god. Orrr... Perhaps he should ask himself, 'WWJD'? Another fine example as to why the 'Separation of State and Church', should never be abridged.

Dear 'Mary Poppins'..

Dear 'Mary Poppins', the "military" is not gonna respond to a Terrorist incident in your little burg where you are now being held hostage by your local anti-government social club or perhaps by an ISIS follower. By Constitution, the "military" cannot jump in and act as 'p 'policeman' to save your whiney self. Your local LE is charged with that task. A dedicated Terrorist, or simply a real nut job, will out-gun most small LE agencies unless they have trained, and made sure that they have weapons on par or better than the bad guys might come up with. And you better hope that's just the way it turns out because if it's You or your family in dire straights it's your local LE that's coming to hopefully save you. Unless of course you have voted against their having the best equipment, and training they could possibly attain, in which case just bend over and kiss your arse goodbye, and thank yourself for their lack of life saving equipment. 

 Law Enforcement already has everything you are crying your eyes out about. They aren't gonna get any higher "caliber guns" than they already have. The highest caliber any of them already have would be .338's, nothing that civilians don't already have. LE Sniper rifles are still .308's, and some with .338 for special needs, nothing that civilians don't already have. They are not gonna get 'bazookas' or missile launchers or fragmentation grenades, or land mines, or ground to air missiles, or Abrams Tanks, or field artillery, or .50 cal machine guns. The "grenade launchers" you whine about are not for launching anti-personnel fragmentation grenades. LE already has these "launchers" which are for launching gas canisters and stun type canisters, they've been around for decades already! As for "armored" vehicles, which are NOT 'Tanks', they are not mounted with turret cannons, machine guns and flame throwers, these vehicles are a necessity in this world of thugs, gangs and Terrorists who outgun LE. If you want LE to respond to your 'emergency' you better be sure that they have exactly what they need to save your whiney arse, or you can just kiss it goodbye. If you expect to send your local LE to a Terrorist incident, or a hostage situation, or a Shooter in Progress at your local school, while wearing their standard patrol uniforms and their issued sidearms, and expect them to survive a shootout where they are out-gunned, and out-equipped by the bad guys, then be ready to attend their funerals, and that of the victims they could not save because you, at your whiney best, decided that they should not be equipped to fight to survive. This is not the 1950's when life was a lot 'safer', depending on what 'race' you happen to be, and where Barney Fife could run around with one bullet in his six shooter, and his biggest case was a lost bike! You can be a Anti-Police as you wish, and as paranoid as you surely are, but when the shit hits the fan, and you need your arse saved from a hostage taker, or a mass shooter, or mostly from your stupid self, you are Not gonna call for the Boy Scouts, or the Red Cross, you are gonna call for LE help, and you better hope that you were not responsible for making sure that they are now out-gunned, out-equipped, and under-trained to do the job you now, in your 'emergency', wish they could do. Wake the hell up people, and stop it with the paranoid whining already! The 'sky' is not falling. If you are so worried that your local LE will acquire equipment that you think is overboard, then get involved with your local LE Agency and local government, let your voice be heard. Instead of whining like 3 year olds, have some constructive ideas instead of paranoid doomsday crap. Most of all stop it with the paranoid whining! It's so un-becoming of an adult human.  

"Our" "Desire"??

"Our" desire? "Ours"???? 'Mine'?? I don't recall giving this ill educated 'religious' zealot permission to speak for 'me'! How dare this 'Christian' militant presume that she 'speaks' in my stead! Since when is it even 'near' ethical or even legal, for a Federal Government Official to proselytize in an official capacity?? Trump, 'The Incompetent', has filled his cabinet with extremely militant ...evangelical sloths who are bent on turning America into a theocracy just so he can garner their sickening vote, and $$$ contributions. Trump, 'The Incompetent' rules by chaos, turmoil, unpredictable behavior, confusion, disorder, and anarchy. He knows that by appointing these 'religious' zealots that turmoil will follows by those who intelligently oppose 'religion' in our government. By causing this constant turmoil, this never ending upheaval he is able to shuttle attention away from his ineptitude to rule, and attention away from his Other minions who are also plying their nefarious 'religious' tricks of the trade while destroying our historic 'Separation of State and Church'. And then before we 'know' it, we are ruled by a 'religious leader'. And Trump, 'The Incompetent', does not care what happens to our America. All he cares about are 'numbers', voters, and lies. This Betsy Devos s just the tip of Trump, 'The Incompetent's', ice berg that he is spreading across America, while he counts on America 'sleeping' until it's too late for us to fight back. :/

Monday, September 11, 2017

"Only 6,000 Years Old"..Really.

'Yeah, you see, It's like this, I just happen to 'know' exactly how "old" the Earth actually is. Well actually, at first I thought it was a little 'younger' than that, but then I got to studying, and misinterpreting, and taking out of context while substituting my Own version of 'reality' for it's lack of same, along with a good measure of 'cherry picking' from my "Alternative" 'science' handbook, my ever ready, trusty dusty, reliable as a 'politician', Bible. And what better 'scientific' journal, what better 'scholarly' and well documented novel of worldly 'knowledge' to refer to when questions of this sort are posed by a heathen population of blasphemous un-believers, than my fable rousing Bible!
And so after a thorough 'scientific' investigation I have officially, well, you know, what with me being an official government official, and all that stuff, I have determined beyond a reasonable shadow of 'doubt', without exception, beyond question even, that this here Earth that we reside upon, is exactly Six Thousand years old, or 'young' as the case may be. So, let there be no more doubt by the un-saved doubters, those un-believers, those devil filled killers of Christ Almighty in Heaven, those heathen horned heretics who despoil 'His' name, those "fake news' so-called 'scientists', because I have spoken the 'truth' as only a good lemming of God can speak, and "..that's a fact". Did I mention that human people walked along beside dinosaurs back then? They did. And they did so in perfect peace. In fact, those folks tamed them animals just like dogs. And then one day they woke up and the dinosaurs were all gone. Just like that. Jesus decided he wanted them in heaven so he up and killed all of'em, and then he turned them all into 'stone', and buried them. Not only was he a great 'fisherman', he was also a snappy 'stonemason'. Jesus giveth, Jesus taketh away.
So, as I was 'saying' earlier, I think America, which by the way is a "Christian Nation", especially my learned state of Wisconsin, needs a law that 'protects' freedom of speech on the campus of University of Wisconsin that prevents protestors who disagree with things they don't agree with, from voicing their own opinions in public forums while on campus. I think I'll call it the, "Campus Free Speech Act", yeah, that's pretty snappy, I like that one, and as long as no one actually reads the whole thing, or even gives it a second thought, it'll look good from a glance, and everyone will actually think I'm trying to promote 'Freedom of Speech' in America. What a hoot! That's what separates us devoted, and fanatical followers of 'Republicanism' 'religion' from mainstream sane Americans.
Well, I gotta run along now, more pots to stir, more fires to start, more brains that must be turned into 'religious' mush, and you know what, I'm just the guy to do that, and I'm proud to be the self appointed, and Jesus anointed, 'poster boy' of insanity for the State of Wisconsin, and you know what, I might be coming to fill a spot in my hero's Cabinet soon, and I approve this attack on 'Freedom of Speech', or my name isn't Jesse Kremer.'

While leading an attack on academic freedom at the University of Wisconsin, Rep. Jesse Kremer says he is certain the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Sinners 'Survival Kit'

'Oh they were sinning alright! That whole town was just flowing over with fornicators, thieves, robbers, home breakers, sodomites, heretics, DEMONcrats, un-believers, naked people, women in thongs and see thru t-shirts, godless children, un-licensed cats, women in thongs and see thru t-shirts, OMG, what a sinful place that was. That is until god got wind of it all and decided to toss a little punishment their way in the form of one giant 'waterfall'. And guess what, Florida, you're next on his hit list. Hey, it could have been worse. At first he was thinking about doing a 30 day thing. So you see, when you 'sin', god's gonna throw some well deserved "judgment" your way. "Just remember, God gets the last word,” “God gets the last word. Be not deceived, God is not mocked.” He likes to use Mother nature as his vehicle to deliver 'hell on earth', as he likes to call it. You don't mess around with the 'Man'! He see's everything we do down here on earth. Well, except for 'me', because my 'closet' is lined with foil. Just a little privacy thing you know.
But look folks, as bad as things 'seem', it ain't all bad. Look what I have for you, and I don't care if you're a sinner or not, as long as your money is USA cash! Now lets imagine for a minute that you are unlucky enough to be caught in some sinful place, well, like Houston for example, or perhaps a restroom in some park when god decides to totally destroy the place including innocent women, children, babies, that sort of thing. Well, bad luck for 'you', but you're gonna need a 'survival' kit, that is if your are even still alive afterwards. And wouldn't you 'know', I have just the thing to get you through it until the next one comes along. I call it the 'Tasty Pantry', and for only $175 bucks plus only $200 shipping fees, I'll send one of these hot off the shelf kits right to your door, that is if you even still have a door left. But send it I will! Here's what you get for your money, which by the way, 'every' single penny of it will go towards 'stuff'. Hey, it costs a lot of $money$ to stay on the right side of god, and just like you I want to be on the 'comfortable' side. So here's what you get; This nice PVC, made in China, bucket, which in an emergency will hold five whole gallons of water, or human poop, whichever comes first, one bag of skittles, I 'think' it's skittles, it's written in Chinese, one 18" bungee cord, one pair of size 18, fits all, flip-flops, one dog whistle, one pen-light flashlight, takes one triple A battery not included, one miniature Frisbee, one street map of Hong Kong, and one Gidions Bible written in Arabic, translated in India, printed in Viet Nam. If you order now, you'll receive a free Jesus bobblehead statute for the dash of your mud filled car, and a snappy 'Right Winger' manifesto. So, be the first on what's left of your block to proudly own and display this fantastic 'survival kit'! Oh, be sure to send in your 'tithes' to the Jim Baker Show, and I'll send it straight to Jesus. Praise the lord and pass the 'plate'.'

Liberal Mountain
2 hrs
He keeps finding new lows.
On Tuesday, on The Jim Bakker Show, Jim Bakker joined right-wing pastor Rick Joyner to claim that Hurricane Harvey was God’s judgment on the city of Houston. They also used destruction that was brought by the [...]

They 'Condemn' Thee!

 "Condemning" them!?? Is that 'it'? Is that all there 'is'?? Is that the 'best' our Government can do about these Anti-Government, Racist, Bigoted, TERRORIST organizations!? "Condemning", is just a friggin' 'Word'! "Condemning" is not an 'action', it's simply soft shoe dancing around the floor while smiling at the band! Our, in this particular issue at least, spineless Government, should not only 'Condemn', but also BAN the very existence of these TERRORIST organizations by Officially classifying them as 'exactly' what they are; 'TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS'! Until they are classified as such, they will continue with their un-American Anti-Government activities. But, as long as the current 'ruling party' continues to see these TERRORIST groups as a 'voting' block it is unlikely that they will issue anything stronger than a toothless, meaningless, spineless, 'condemnation'. Pitiful 'Trum-Pets'!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

'Pillow Fight'

(Re-Post from 2015)

Good Grief guys! Are you a bunch of woosie Girls? A Pillow Fight??? A PILLOW fight!? 'Now here This..., now hear this... everyone With, or Without 'gonads' will fall out onto the parade grounds with your most favorite Pillows for our, as always, Fun, Fun, Fun, Pillow 'fight'. Now remember, leave your Bats, bricks, chains, and brass knuckles in your Dorms. No knives, and Please, No guns! You must remember the rules of 'PillowFighting'; no whacking above the shoulders ...or below the belt, before you 'swing' you must say 'Mother May I', your 'Safe' word is 'Ouch', do Not continue whacking if your 'whackee' yells 'ouch', no dirty fighting, and absolutely No 'stuffing' your pillows with things like...oh let's see..ahhh..oh yeah, bricks, rocks, shoes, soap bars, marbles, apples..well, in general, nothing harder than marsh mellows. Oh, and another thing...don't swing your silly pillows like a Girl! Remember, you are Men amongst Men, swing with some authority, swing it like you Mean it, swing it like Men. One day you will be World Leaders, Military Commanders, and you will owe it all to this grueling contest. Now, get at it, remember, no head whacking!

See More
West Point thrives on tradition, including a mass pillow fight to give first-year students a chance to blow off steam after a "tough summer" of basic training.

OMG! She Has Arms!

OMG! Did you see 'that!?' She has 'Shoulders' with arms attached to them! OMG! What was she thinking!!? Or was she Even!? Someone throw a 'modesty blanket' over her right now! How dare her to be in the shape of a 'human being'! What next!? I bet she has 'legs' sticking out from under her skirt! Geeez! Stop it already lady! Legs?? And I bet that she has 'ankles' and feet' attached somewhere down there towards the bottom of those 'naked' legs! And probably no 'knee socks' to be found! Isn't there a 'modesty' cop somewhere in that crowd with an emergency 'Burka' for her!? Hey, wait a sec here! Look at that guy next to her! Are those 'arms' protruding from under those rolled up shirt sleeves!? My god folks! 'Arms'!!! Has he no modesty at all!? Has he no 'modesty' training!? There could be 'women', and actual 'children' watching this! How now can they be expected to 'un-see' such a sight? Their lives are forever ruined, forever darkened, forever blinded by this un-holy sight! Stop it! Stop it! Sto....What??? Oh,....we're in 'America'? Oh....right..well,...oh never mind.

"She should have some class and cover up...very embarrassing for Americans."

The former First Lady is on blast on social media for wearing a shoulders top Read more


Sunday, September 3, 2017

'Night Feel', a poem by BuddyBlack

'Night Feel',  a poem by BuddyBlack

Pieces of glass
  There on the beach
Glitter like stars
   That I can’t reach.
Wind chimes
  That I made,
Ringing at night
  Are like a train
You hear that’s out of sight,
  Clanging by
On cold steel tracks,
  Making a wind
That’s cold on the backs
  Of hobos looking to win.
A siren wailing
  Out stories of woe,
Hoping it’s not
  For someone I know.
The thunder booming
  From pitch black skies
Shakes me
  Like the meeting of eyes,
Of someone
  I once knew.
Trees that talk
  To a girl I know
Sitting and letting
  The warm breeze blow,
And tickle in her ears.
  A street light shining
Across the street
  Illuminating those who
There might meet,
  With the light flooding out
Into the night
  Washing away their fears.

The 'Little Man-Boy'

What a horribly weak minded, over inflated egotistical little man-boy. Why is there nothing in our Constitution that protects America from people like this!? Our 'Founding Fathers' were pretty spot on with most everything else, but they missed the boat on this one.


President Donald Trump today retweeted a meme that showed a picture of his gradually blocking out an image of former President Obama with the caption "The Best Eclipse Ever." The meme was originally tweeted at Trump by a Twitter user who identifies himself as Jerry Travone, whose bio describes him.....


Well, he's in the very best place a TERRORIST should be in. I'm disappointed that he is the only one from his little clutch of idiots that has been arrested from this TERRORIST incident.

A Virginia judge denied bail for Christopher Cantwell, the neo-Nazi leader that faced national humiliation after appearing in a video crying in fear of being arrested.|By Patheos Nonreligious