Wednesday, November 1, 2017

'Patty' Say's "Shut Him Down"

'You know, last night while counting the tithes offerings, god and I were skyping like we usually do after a busy soul saving Sunday, praise the lord, and he said to me, 'Patty' boy, WTF is going on down there!?' Good lord, I said, it seems the whole friggin' world is coming apart at the seams! If it ain't one thing, it's two! Right now, as you've no doubt read in your heavenly missiles, my BFF, President Trump, the very guy you sent to save America from itself, is taking a horrible beating from the disgusting media, and now is being picked on by this Mueller guy who's trying to put all his friends in jail. Lord it's just terrible down here lately! Terrible! When are you 'really' coming back?? It seems as if the devil himself has crawled right out of Hades, and is just running amok down here! I've tried to rein him in Lord, but I tell you I'm getting tired trying to keep up with him. I'm not getting any younger you know! For Christs sake, I'm saving everyone I possible can, at least the ones that tithe! I love the sound of that offering plate being passed around. And then the lord looked me right in my tired, beady little eyes, and said, 'Patty' boy, just place your hands on your computer screen, take a deep breath and chill out already!' Right then I knew what to do. I couldn't allow that sinful Mueller to continue persecuting my BFF! I thought to myself, 'self, "this whole thing has to be shut down"! Right down! I don't mean mouse now, I mean rat now! This is against god's law! Blasphamy! Un-godly even! Trump, 'The Incompetent', has just got to act 'Presidential' here and stop this craziness!
I implore my BFF to stand up to these killers of souls! I say to him to tell Mueller, Mueller, ‘"You have gone as far as you need to and I have instructed my Justice Department to close you down." Shut him down lord, shut him down!
"He can grant a blanket pardon for everybody involved in everything and say, ‘I pardon them all, it’s all over, case closed." I think that is what he needs to do. He’s got to shut this thing down, he’s just got to. How can Trump, 'The Incompetent ever 'save' our devil ridden nation if he's sitting in a cold jail cell somewhere playing with himself!? What would we do without our 'leader' of men, our nation building President, our woman abuser, our professional conspiracy monger, our god's gift to humanity, not to mention my guaranteed free trips to the White House dinners? Now I command all of my faithful sheep to place their hands on their computer screens, or anything electronic such as a microwave, a bagal toaster, a private 'relaxation' instrument will work miracles, if you don't have a computer. Then just click your heels three times, clap your hands over your ears at least twice, spin around until you feel the fullness of the lord in your head, shout 'Praise the good lord' until it hurts, and mail in your weekly tithe offering to the tune of 20% of your weekly income. Together, with your tithe offering, and lots of prayers we will be able to stop this Mueller guy right in his evil, demon tracks, and save our benevalent 'leader' from the clutches of the devil himself. Praise be the lord!'

Read more at…/pat-robertson-tells-trump-fire-m…/…
Televangelist Pat Robertson tells Trump to fire special counsel Mueller and issue a blanket pardon to everyone under investigation.

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