Thursday, November 30, 2017

More Incredible Idiocy, From The Master Of Such

More incredible stupidity from the absolute master of Stupid, Trump, 'The Incompetent' in his narrow minded, personal quest as self appointed executioner of all things connected to his supposed arch enemy, Obama.
As if our highways are not dangerous enough, he now strives to make them even more so by loosening regulations that have kept the trucking industry in check by the very regulations he plans to cut. Perhaps the Airlines regulations will be next? How about the Rail Road regulations? He already is chopping away at our Environmental regulations. Nothing is sacred to this poor excuse for a President. His only true driving concern is that he destroy Anything that has Obama's name attached to it regardless of the dangerous, and irreparable consequences such action would have on America. Trump is not sound of mind, and not fit for the job as America's President, and certainly not as our Military's Commander-In-Chief. Our Senate, and Congress must act before he has damaged America beyond repair, and oust this blabbering fool before it's too late.

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Truckers complain they work in one of the nation's most over-regulated industries. Advocates worry rolling back safety regulations will make highways more dangerous.

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