Thursday, November 2, 2017

Incompetence Confirmed

Trump, 'The Incompetent', confirms his status as 'The Incompetent' by stupidly jeopardizing the prosecution of this fanatical Terrorist by tweeting his desire that the Terrorist should get the Death Penalty. While yes, the Death Penalty should be imposed upon a conviction, it is not for Trump, 'The Incompetent' to poison the jury with his 'Presidential' suggestion of the Death Penalty. Now, the Defense will proclaim, and perhaps rightly so, that their client should not face a Death Penalty charge because Trump, as our President, our Commander-In-Chief, the most powerful voice in America, has solidly poisoned the 'jury pool' by his tweet, thus 'guaranteeing' a biased vote for a Death Penalty conviction. Trump, 'The Incompetent', again confirming as such.

The president also said he'd consider sending suspect Sayfullo Saipov to the Guantanamo Bay detention center as an enemy combatant, though he seemed to…

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