Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Mr. 'Prayerful' Ryan

 So, Mr. 'Prayerful' Ryan, let's see you 'pray' those murdered victims back to Life. Get busy now, you've got a lot of 'praying' to do here. And while you are in the business of bringing back the dead with your heartfelt 'prayers' to your ever so benevolent god, perhaps you could 'pray' back those murdered in Vegas recently, and don't stop there, how about the victims of all these killer hurricanes that have kicked butt recently, but wait, don't stop there, 'pray' now, and you can stop all the shootings in Chicago, and Baltimore, and...well, I think you get the idea here. Hop to it now, there's no time to waste, get those 'prayers' going!

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan insists that “prayer works.”

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