Thursday, November 30, 2017

Re-Post of Poem, 'Yellow Eyes'

'Yellow Eyes'

There is a coal black cat
With moon yellow eyes
That lays about my door....
At first I thought
A country stray,
Surly nothing more…
This coal black cat
With moon yellow eyes
That lays about my door.

At first he stayed
At great arms length,
And never ventured near.
Pretending not
To give a care,
Pretending not to fear.

Then, not quite the stray
That I first thought
That lays about my door.
I gave him food,
And ice cold milk,
What cat
Could ask for more.

Our eyes would meet,
And stubborn both,
Neither scarcely dared
To blink,
And then one day
I swear it’s true
That coal black cat
With moon yellow eyes,
Gave me back a wink!

Now quite the pest
That cat has grown,
And he seldom
Stray’s from home sweet home.
And his favorite place
Is the carpet where,
This coal black cat
With moon yellow eyes,
Lay’s about my door.
By Buddy Black 2015

More Incredible Idiocy, From The Master Of Such

More incredible stupidity from the absolute master of Stupid, Trump, 'The Incompetent' in his narrow minded, personal quest as self appointed executioner of all things connected to his supposed arch enemy, Obama.
As if our highways are not dangerous enough, he now strives to make them even more so by loosening regulations that have kept the trucking industry in check by the very regulations he plans to cut. Perhaps the Airlines regulations will be next? How about the Rail Road regulations? He already is chopping away at our Environmental regulations. Nothing is sacred to this poor excuse for a President. His only true driving concern is that he destroy Anything that has Obama's name attached to it regardless of the dangerous, and irreparable consequences such action would have on America. Trump is not sound of mind, and not fit for the job as America's President, and certainly not as our Military's Commander-In-Chief. Our Senate, and Congress must act before he has damaged America beyond repair, and oust this blabbering fool before it's too late.

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Truckers complain they work in one of the nation's most over-regulated industries. Advocates worry rolling back safety regulations will make highways more dangerous.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Tilt For A Reason

No India, 'Prayers' Won't Fix It

Yeah. But guess what. Humans caused it, humans are responsible for fixing it.

Northern Indian farmers burning fields led to the crisis. Officials are squabbling over who should pay for alternatives methods.

'Man-Child' Tantrum

Trump, 'The Man-Child' showing the whole world how to pitch a 'manly' Pissy-Fit. This, our President, our Commander-In-Chief, the 'Leader' of The free World ( well, America's President Used to be that, pre Trump, 'The Incompetent' that is). Everything has to be about Him. He lives in his own tiny little 'me, me, me, fantasy world where if it's not about Him, it just doesn't matter. Pitiful little flaxen haired 'pretender'. It is Not the three players that he should have left there, it is He, himself, that he should have left there.

I told you this was going to happen. After LaVar Ball downplayed Donald Trump’s role in bringing home his son, LiAngelo, and the three other UCLA players that were…

'Person' Of The Year

'Yes, that's correct, at last those fake news outlets got it right for once. Disgusting trolls! It's true that I have graciously, humbly and not least of all, benevolenty, declined their personal offer, actually they were on their crusty, scabby hands and knees begging, no, imploring me, to accept the 'Person Of The Year' award, actually for 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 combined. They told me that there were absolutely no other suitable candidates worldwide who could better fill that position for the foreseeable future. Of course I agreed wholeheartedly with their assessment of the situation, and of course I was not in the least bit surprised at their choice in me to be that 'person'. As we all know, I'm always that 'person'. I allowed that I would be happy to produce a suitable TV Reality show based on my declining the honor. Wonderful material. I will be my own 'guest'. Great ratings!
When I look back at all the things I've done to America, er, that is, done For America and its ungracious poverty ridden pions, I can't help but grovel in my sheer happiness knowing that I, and I alone will be responsible for all things that happen to America, and that it will take countless decades to repair the damage done during my scorched earth deconstruction campaign. My job, and my only job from the very beginning is to eradicate, wipe out, un-do, obliterate, destroy everything Obama, and him along with it! Disgusting foreigner! Fake birth certificate! I refuse to be happy until all Americans are un-happy. Only then will they crawl to my door begging for my forgiveness. But hey, enough about the wonders of Me.
I have, in my wonderfully gratuitous way, suggested to the grovelers at Time, that my personal pick for this 'Person' award should go to someone who exemplifies all that it means to be an American, someone who is absolutely pios beyond question, honorable in all things, truthful beyond approach, always thinking of the other man, or woman as in my own case, and I think you 'know' what I mean, someone who looks out for America, and the World as a whole never thinking of himself alone, a person who gives credit where credit is due, knowing when to say, 'I'm sorry, I was wrong on that one', never belittling or disparaging of another soul, all these attributes that I, myself proudly, yet humbly, exemplify. Incredible. Unbelievable me. By the way, did you see how I 'jabbed' that insufferable female Democrate 'Pocohontas' the other day? Disgusting liar! By the way, who told those guys to dress up like that. Where'd they get those disgusting 'uniforms'? What language do they even speak? Did we actually have orientals in our army back then? I don't trust them. I'm gonna build a Wall!
And so I recommended my good friend in Christ, Jim Baker. Great family guy. Always truthful in all things. Of course there are other outstanding Christians who would be almost as deserving of this award, and including all my faithful Republican lemmings who will follow me without question or hesitation, over any cliff I choose. Incredible numbers! But hey, it's not about 'me', it's about who is the most benevolent, and deserving of them all, and it's not my fault that I just happent to be that 'Person'. But that's
just me, me, me.'

Trump has long been obsessed with being on the cover of magazines, especially Time.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Houston, We've Got Lift Off

' Hey look folks, this ain't 'Rocket Science' you know. Anybody can do this. You don't even have to be super smart like myself. You can be just a regular dumb assed hokiee from...well, just about anywhere actually. You could even be from where I'm from, or be from somewhere else, or you could be from no place at all. Actually, I don't know where the best place is for a dumb ass to be from. Even smart as I am, I don't know everything. But one thing I do 'know' is that the Earth is flat. Flat as a fritter it is! Or just a regular pancake flat if you don't have a fritter handy. I don't know which I like the best, probably pancakes though, with lots of butter and that make believe syrup. But flat it is alright. You could drive right off the edge of it and fall right off into 'atmosflat'. I don't know where you go after you fall off the edge. Actually I don't know of anyone who has actually fell off, let alone anyone who came back to tell about it. But I do know that you can fall off, that's a 'proven' fact. I read it in my 'Flat Earth' newsletter. I'm gonna blast off in my home made, scrap metal, 'Research' rocketship pretty soon, and go real high up into the sky where I'll be able to see the edge of Earth. I'll even take a picture of it just to prove that I know what I'm talking about. Hey, I'm only about half as dumb as I sound. Well, maybe a little more or less, but hey, who's counting here. I know for a scientific 'fact' that those so-called astronauts that was supposed to have flew off into 'outter space, whatever that's all about, were fake as the10 oclock news. Nobody can go there, even if it existed in the first place, which I know for a 'fact' that it don't. I study our Flat Earth newsletter pretty good, and not much gets past me. That's how I know so much about stuff, and things like that. I'm pretty doggone smart, I am. And besides, if the Earth is round like they say it is, how come a ball don't start rolling when I put it on the ground? It just lays there, still and all. See? That right there 'proves' my point. Shoot, I didn't even have to read up on that one.
"I don't believe in science", and all that goofy made up stuff. I didn't even use any 'science' to build my hot little Inner Space Ship, which will fly at 500 miles per hour, give or take a few hundred miles an hour. I hope I don't go too far up and can't get back because I don't have room for a lunch box. I built this baby in my living room with my very own two hands, ya gotta be pretty smart to do that! Had to knock out a wall to get it out, but hey, I can fix that after my flight. “If you’re not scared to death, you’re an idiot,” which some jealous people claim I am. “It’s scary as hell, but none of us are getting out of this world alive. I like to do extraordinary things that no one else can do, and no one in the history of mankind has designed, built and launched himself in his own rocket, I’m a walking reality show.” Man, I thought my cat was smart, but I'm way ahead of that critter!
I bet I'll make lots of money from this. I'll be famous I reckon. I might even be on the Jerry Springer show, which by the way is the most truthful of all the daytime TV shows, just gotta find me a pregnant ex-girlfriend first. Well, I gotta get busy with a few more things to do. Gotta figure our where to put my brake pedel, and my rear view mirror so's I can see where I've been. Just keep watching the news, I'll be there as much as I can, especially when I prove that the Earth is flat, and that I'm only half as dumb as I sound.'


Thursday, November 16, 2017

From Our 'Friends'


A look at some of the ads designed by Russia to exploit divisions in American society and to tip the 2016 election in favor of Donald J. Trump.

Hunt Them Until They Cry

What an unmitigated, incompetent, sorry excuse for a 'World Leader'! He has signed the death warrant for the surviving Elephants and Lions that are already endangered. He has absolutely no mental, nor moral connection with nature, and especially our Environment. He wont be satisfied until he has single handedly destroyed everything that means something to the rest of the world. Stupid, Incompetent, small minded man-child.


The Trump administration is reversing a rule that banned the import of trophies from elephants legally hunted in Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

He's Pratically Whatcha Might Call a "Genius"

'Look, I know what I'm talking about here, I'm whatcha might call 'a genius' myself, but these deranged, sicko, madhatter, mass killers, "They're Geniuses In A Certain Way", if you know what I mean. "Geniuses"! That means they're smarter than most people, just like I, myself, am smarter than most people. Well, actually, smarter than anyone I personally know. And look at me, I'm the President, and I know lots of people, and that's why I'm a 'genius' and you're not. I've always been smart! Really smart. Did I ever tell you about my Ivy League kindergarten that I graduated from with 'top honors'? Dumb people can't do that! Top of my class! Won a 'letter' there! But hey, that's just me. But smart as these killers are, they lack the smarts to get away with their crimes. But ya gotta agree, I'm smart enough to get away with the stupid crap I do! That's what makes me smarter than a mass killer. That's why "I'm President, and you're not".'

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President Trump on Monday said a mass shooting at a Sutherland Springs, Texas church that left at least 26 dead and 20 others injured, was not “a guns situation,”…

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Mr. 'Prayerful' Ryan

 So, Mr. 'Prayerful' Ryan, let's see you 'pray' those murdered victims back to Life. Get busy now, you've got a lot of 'praying' to do here. And while you are in the business of bringing back the dead with your heartfelt 'prayers' to your ever so benevolent god, perhaps you could 'pray' back those murdered in Vegas recently, and don't stop there, how about the victims of all these killer hurricanes that have kicked butt recently, but wait, don't stop there, 'pray' now, and you can stop all the shootings in Chicago, and Baltimore, and...well, I think you get the idea here. Hop to it now, there's no time to waste, get those 'prayers' going!

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan insists that “prayer works.”

Mars Boy

'Yes, I am Martian man-boy twenty Earth years old. Biggest hurdle to overcome on planet Earth was peeing. On Earth planet must stand up to pee. On Mars lay on back. Also, miss breathing fresh carbon monoxide. Oxygen fog brain, bad stuff! Like Justin Beaber haircut a lot. When two weeks old told Earth Mother all about former life on Planet Mars where I was killed by carbon monoxide deprivation after big war. Am able to 'confound' experts with 'un-believable' knowledge of outer space, like, did you know planet Earth have big yellow moon? Make great cheese tarts on dark side. 'Man In Moon' is my outer space 'father'. Things like that. I confound experts. Un-believable. Really! Someday I go back to home planet when become big ass-tronuat. Earth parents promise to use Earth money make from 'un-believable' Mars Boy story to build big space mansion in USA to send me back to home planet soon. You help by send lots of earth money, US cash or money Orders only thank you, to Earth parents so I soon go back soon to home planet Mars. ;)

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Boriska Kipriyanovich has confounded experts with his knowledge of outer space for nearly 20 years.

Monday, November 6, 2017


How many more mass murders by deranged Americans will it take before America pulls its head out of its arse, and admits that GUNS 'kill' PEOPLE. Yeah, we all 'get it', a gun can't kill Anything unless a human holds it and pulls the trigger. However, once that trigger is pulled, people die. Guns Do kill. And Americans are dying in droves as a result of deadly gunfire. The old, 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people' refrain from the 'guns rights' addicts, is tired, and has worn out its welcome! And it appear that brain damaged Americans are trying to out-do one another in the casualty count contest. Anyone who actually thought that the slaughter in Vegas would be the last one surely lives in a dream world of childish fantasy.
Right now there's a fool somewhere sitting and thinking, 'what, only 26 dead!? Is that all he could do?' And, he's probably thinking that his 30 round mags for his cold steel 'lover' needs to be up-graded to a drum mag, and just can't wait until his snappy 'Bump Stocks' arrive for his slick M-4 along with a few cases of Russian ball ammo as he checks his ample supply of Tannerite, Ammonia Nitrate, nails and ball bearings. All 'people killing' items that any brain damaged American can legally purchase, or buy 'under the table', anywhere in America. It appears that 'The right to bear arms' equates to, 'if you're gonna bear them, you might as well use them'. It is simply too easy to create a mass murder of innocent peoples.
Now I realize that Congress will never ban 'assault' style weapons, the NRA pays too much happy slush money for that to ever happen, and as long as Americans allow a $$well heeled$$ gun group control the lives of Americans, nothing will change for the good. But if we are to stop this senseless slaughter of innocent Americans it has to be way more difficult for people to purchase these weapons in the first place. Also, there is absolutely nothing in our Constitution that gives Americans the 'right' to own Ammunition for these made for murder weapons. Instead of trying to ban these weapons, we should place tougher restrictions on the AMMO these weapons use.
Now I know I will take an 'E' beating on this from 'gun rights' folks but such is their right to whine. WaaaaaWaaaa! The NRA and their BFF FWB Trump, 'The Incompetent', has caused a social division in America that only sane Americans can heal by admitting that Guns actually Do Kill People afterall.

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A gunman opened fire inside the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs Sunday, killing and injuring multiple people, authorities said

Thursday, November 2, 2017

"Big Pharma" Conspiracy

What the article is intimating here, "Another one! Thoughts?", is that her 'mysterious' death is somehow related to her, "Famous For Fighting Big Pharma", as in, 'looks like "Big Pharma" has managed to 'silence' "another" detractor by some nefarious means. Her "untimely" demise, at age of "just 51", could actually be due to an untreated illness, an 'overdose', an accidental injury, or who knows what. Except that an autopsy will determine her singular cause of death, where conspiracy theories do nothing but cause her a thousand useless 'keystroke' deaths.

An Extraodinairy Hand Job

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Incompetence Confirmed

Trump, 'The Incompetent', confirms his status as 'The Incompetent' by stupidly jeopardizing the prosecution of this fanatical Terrorist by tweeting his desire that the Terrorist should get the Death Penalty. While yes, the Death Penalty should be imposed upon a conviction, it is not for Trump, 'The Incompetent' to poison the jury with his 'Presidential' suggestion of the Death Penalty. Now, the Defense will proclaim, and perhaps rightly so, that their client should not face a Death Penalty charge because Trump, as our President, our Commander-In-Chief, the most powerful voice in America, has solidly poisoned the 'jury pool' by his tweet, thus 'guaranteeing' a biased vote for a Death Penalty conviction. Trump, 'The Incompetent', again confirming as such.

The president also said he'd consider sending suspect Sayfullo Saipov to the Guantanamo Bay detention center as an enemy combatant, though he seemed to…

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The 'Deconstruction' Continues

 Nothing good will Ever come of this. Trump, 'The Incompetent', will stop at nothing in order to garner the extremist 'religious' vote. One year ago I said that it will take decades to repair the damage that Trump, 'The Incompetent', is inflicting upon our America. However. I think I was totally wrong about that estimate. I now think that by the time he is out of the WH, hopefully sooner than later, he will have damaged our America to the point where the damage will never be repaired. He and his ego maniac BFF, Bannon, vowed to deconstruct America as we have known it. Even though Bannon is no longer there he is still on that same track doing all he can to further that goal, and Trump, 'The Incompetent', is ingrained, and steadily deconstructing our Nation, all the while claiming that he is making "America Great Again". Contraire!

New judge claims her religious faith comes before the law: Senate confirms Amy Coney Barrett to a lifetime appointment on the U.S. Court of Appeals.

'Patty' Say's "Shut Him Down"

'You know, last night while counting the tithes offerings, god and I were skyping like we usually do after a busy soul saving Sunday, praise the lord, and he said to me, 'Patty' boy, WTF is going on down there!?' Good lord, I said, it seems the whole friggin' world is coming apart at the seams! If it ain't one thing, it's two! Right now, as you've no doubt read in your heavenly missiles, my BFF, President Trump, the very guy you sent to save America from itself, is taking a horrible beating from the disgusting media, and now is being picked on by this Mueller guy who's trying to put all his friends in jail. Lord it's just terrible down here lately! Terrible! When are you 'really' coming back?? It seems as if the devil himself has crawled right out of Hades, and is just running amok down here! I've tried to rein him in Lord, but I tell you I'm getting tired trying to keep up with him. I'm not getting any younger you know! For Christs sake, I'm saving everyone I possible can, at least the ones that tithe! I love the sound of that offering plate being passed around. And then the lord looked me right in my tired, beady little eyes, and said, 'Patty' boy, just place your hands on your computer screen, take a deep breath and chill out already!' Right then I knew what to do. I couldn't allow that sinful Mueller to continue persecuting my BFF! I thought to myself, 'self, "this whole thing has to be shut down"! Right down! I don't mean mouse now, I mean rat now! This is against god's law! Blasphamy! Un-godly even! Trump, 'The Incompetent', has just got to act 'Presidential' here and stop this craziness!
I implore my BFF to stand up to these killers of souls! I say to him to tell Mueller, Mueller, ‘"You have gone as far as you need to and I have instructed my Justice Department to close you down." Shut him down lord, shut him down!
"He can grant a blanket pardon for everybody involved in everything and say, ‘I pardon them all, it’s all over, case closed." I think that is what he needs to do. He’s got to shut this thing down, he’s just got to. How can Trump, 'The Incompetent ever 'save' our devil ridden nation if he's sitting in a cold jail cell somewhere playing with himself!? What would we do without our 'leader' of men, our nation building President, our woman abuser, our professional conspiracy monger, our god's gift to humanity, not to mention my guaranteed free trips to the White House dinners? Now I command all of my faithful sheep to place their hands on their computer screens, or anything electronic such as a microwave, a bagal toaster, a private 'relaxation' instrument will work miracles, if you don't have a computer. Then just click your heels three times, clap your hands over your ears at least twice, spin around until you feel the fullness of the lord in your head, shout 'Praise the good lord' until it hurts, and mail in your weekly tithe offering to the tune of 20% of your weekly income. Together, with your tithe offering, and lots of prayers we will be able to stop this Mueller guy right in his evil, demon tracks, and save our benevalent 'leader' from the clutches of the devil himself. Praise be the lord!'

Read more at…/pat-robertson-tells-trump-fire-m…/…
Televangelist Pat Robertson tells Trump to fire special counsel Mueller and issue a blanket pardon to everyone under investigation.