Thursday, February 6, 2020

rEPUBLICAN Party = Cowardice

"Fear"??? This would better be described as 'Cowardice' in the face of the 'enemy'!
Even soldiers in the midst of battle feel "fear", yet, as fearful as they may assuredly feel, they stay in the fight, they do what America expects them to do, and they count themselves among the brave who in moments like this find the fortitude, the moral, and ethical conviction of what America stands for, no matter the enemy they are being faced with, and they do the right thing, even if they must suffer so that others don't have to.
The republican (from now on, I refuse to use 'Capitalization' of a name, 'trump' for example, a term, or description of an entity that I have lost all respect for) party did not 'fight' for 'America', they fought for their own self centered, egotistical selves out of the sheer terror of their 'puppet masters' wrath if they dared use their own brains, instead of marching to his dictatorial drums. While the rest of America was fighting the 'real' fight, the republican party was fighting for their own paychecks, and more so now, simply being a 'cancer' being fed by their guru, that was growing in America's heart.
And now, by the abject cowardice exhibited by the republican party, and the fact that they all apparently suffer from irreparable 'Stockholm Syndrome', they have effectively crowned their cult leader, at America's expense, as the official 'King' of our America, giving him license and free rein to continue his mayhem he so easily fosters. This, the very entity, the very evil thing, the very King, that our Founding Fathers tried to prevent from happening in America in the first place! All that work swept aside with the lame excuse of "fear" of their worse than evil cult leader.
They can't even have the moral courage to admit that it was through Cowardice that they turned and fled in the face of their very own enemy! America, we have met the enemy, and it is 'they'.

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